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Lil' Sunny

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Everything posted by Lil' Sunny

  1. Amaria. the field was annoying, i only beat her by freezing it with mamoswine and outspeeding her repeatedly. balanced offence dosent work when you get slowed to a snails pace and beaten down. i had to rely on focus band mamoswine and RNG to win
  2. well at the very least it should know shadow sneak from levelup unless you got rid of it. with 2 other competent dark types though you shouldnt need it
  3. Emolga should be able to learn the charge beam TM from the 1st gym, that can jump start the field out of Darkness and weaken his ghost moves giving you a better chance of survivability for a start. otherwise i'm not seeing the problem, skuntank's night slash should be able to take out everything not named mimikyu in likely one shot (maybe 2 for doublade) Greninja would make the battle an absolute cakewalk if it knows Dark Pulse. and if you can teach skuntank a poison move like acid spray then its GG to mimikyu.
  4. transfer the files you downloaded into the other folder to update the game and keep your save file. if it asks you to replace any files do so. at least thats what i did
  5. with the possible exception of Doublade, skuntank should handle most of his team by itself. my only guess is your movesets arent too great or something. you have 2 solid ground types to deal with doublade and gengar (bonus: one is immune to ghost) if you really want then you can try training up a good electric pokemon to learn discharge, charge beam, ion deluge, parabolic charge or wild charge any of those moves can turn the Short-Circuit field into a Factory Field which removes the fairly sizeable buff a lot of hist ghost moves would recieve otherwise, be careful not to use them a 2nd time though as it can turn the Factory Field back to Short-Circuit knowledge of fields using the field guide (or the included txt file if you're really stuck) and how to abuse/neutralize/destroy them will be essential in later gym battles
  6. i mean in my first run Magnezone put in work for me and ive heard nothing but praise about how good Metagross is so ehh?
  7. so i stupidly traded it away and i need it for the Mega Z-Ring, anyone have it? thanks, OT is like, Felicia or smth i think User:MachoPony
  8. Generosity is appreciated though i do have a full EV'd Hariyama, a box full of reject skorupis and some other random stuff i caught through the game and got from a few events. would appreciate non trash IVs too, not asking for perfect but like, not 0atk/0speed
  9. fixed, though not much of a "spoiler" for anyone who's played to this point anyway. thanks for the tips
  10. ok i'm not sure if this is a bug (and as a result in the wrong section whoops) or something thats supposed to happen for some reason, but if this is supposed to happen, can someone explain why?
  11. Welcome to reborn, ignore the screaming and battle cries and have some fun!
  12. there were quite a few trainers throughout the game i struggled with, but most of them had an exploitable weakness. Amaria dosent. half her team has a weapon against Grass and she has several Weapons against Electric, the field is annoying as hell and she's a tad overlevelled for that point. i managed to just barely beat her by using Focus Band Mamoswine to freeze the water and slowly beating her down with Galvantula and Noivern. Infernape got the final blow on Lapras with a Crit close combat with black belt. but yeah, that was AFTER about 20-30 odd tries.
  13. man, it must be late. i actually fell for this.
  14. Speed is your best friend in this game, hitting hard before the opponent is usually how fights end up won. nothing against a bit of bulk. but the raw speed and power provided by Weavile would imo make it more beneficial. however in planning for the future... ofc personally i would reccomend neither and go pick up a piloswine (move relearner at the circus can make it a Mamoswine immediately) good bulk, respectable speed. fantastic typing, good moveset, strong attack AND a very good ability in thick fat.
  15. and thus my confusion is cleared up. man that bites. well guess i better go grind up vileplume and galvantula. thanks guys
  16. and now i feel like an idiot, well in Lapras' case. Wishiwashi still makes no fking sense, are you telling me that 147 somehow blasts up 110 points simply from +2 speed?
  17. so i'm battling Amaria, and here's the scenario. field is frozen, not water surface any longer, my pokemon should be at full speed. Wishiwashi/Lapras (happened with both of them) come in, seed activates and boosts speed. Outspeeds Noivern, ice beam OHKO. outspeeds infernape, dives, dodges attack. my question is simply HOW!? Noivern is sitting at a comfortable 257 speed, with infernape at 243, and i calculated (this being for level 100 pokemon mind you, not her level 80something wishiwashi and level 91 lapras) that there is no way wishiwashi would even come close to that with max speed EVs, a +speed nature, and a +1 speed boost (all of these are hypothetical, it might not be EV trained in speed, and we dont know its nature) with a neutral nature it hits 147 speed, yeah that's a bit far off 250+. lapras gets a bit closer with 217 speed, but that still shouldnt be enough to outspeed both of them. i was THIS close to beating her, a single close combat from infernape wouldve finished off lapras and won the battle, but it somehow, some way. outsped me. which dosen't anger me as much as it confuses me.
  18. ok i'm running out of money, repels and patience. where the heck do i go in the desert? so far i've found 2 seemingly optional/pointless caves and nothing else but broken train tracks and "there's a sandstorm up ahead its too dangerous to go any further"
  19. thanks for the help guys, i used the clown and eventually i was able to get drapion to a decent level and get enough money to boost everyone a bit with rare candies. beat the gym with a combination of a roseli berry, hurricane and baiting sucker punches (and OPSwine)
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