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Lil' Sunny

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Everything posted by Lil' Sunny

  1. Grinding up my team for the fairy gym, i cant find anywhere suitable. pokemon around the restored city are inconsistent with levels, anything outside the city is too low levelled, and the Grand Hall trainers are using pokemon around lv85 when my level cap is 80 like seriously they should NOT be this high levelled until AFTER i get the next badge i would think if it helps, i'm specifically trying to train Drapion. but yeah any good spots?
  2. the main problem with shelly is that she effectively neutralizes one of her main weaknesses (fire) as soon as the battle starts, but her other weaknesses (like rock and flying) are easily exploitable, if you can grab a pikipek that might help as would any good rock pokemon you can get. steel pokemon also resist most of what she has, and finally she WILL spam struggle bug, so try to focus more on physical attackers. anyway i need help myself with the fairy type leader, i cant damage her pokemon at all hardly and they decimate me back, i dont have much in the way of countering her either. Current Team: Galvantula lv75 Discharge Bug Buzz Agility Sticky Web Noivern LV 70 (will train up a bit more, though the grand hall trainers being in their 80s dosent help) Hurricane Dragon Pulse Fly Boomburst Infernape LV 76 Flare Blitz Close Combat Shadow Claw Grass Knot Meowstic (F) LV 75 Psychic Charge Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam Omastar LV 74 Shell Smash Protect Surf Ancientpower Mamoswine LV 75 Earthquake Ice Fang Blizzard Ancientpower In Box: Ampharos, Skuntank, Pinsir, Krookodile, Kangaskhan, Drapion, Porygon (with BOTH evo items), 13x Skorupi i know Hurricane can get rid of the field (and with noiverns speed that isnt a problem) but idk how much that would help. last time i played i had Magnezone but i'd rather not grind one of those up (and have to do the damn mulch quest for the key to get magnezone in the first place)
  3. so i just witnessed, a rather disturbing scene near route 2. (not spoiling because ouch) i assumed my next goal would be the mountain, but i cant find anything there but dead ends. where do i go now? tried going back to the circus but all they do is comment on the matter without saying anything about where to go now.
  4. i thought i did, somehow i had 17.0.2 or something. i have 17.1 now
  5. ok it says my version is outdated, even though its the latest release. wat?
  6. i may need a faster electric pokemon at some point, as much as i like ampharos its molasses slow. sure i'll take one thanks! though you'll have to walk me through it since i've never traded in reborn
  7. Anyone know where ghe Galv event was moved to? (or if its even still in the game)
  8. Galvantula was a godsend to me last time i played through, where is the event now? or is there even one? i considered Drapion but brushed it off since skuntank was doing well for me poisoning with toxic, forcing switches with acid spray and suprise flamethrower is my only special Fire move RN. though Drapion i admit has better overall stats. i feel Heracross might be a double edged sword, though megahorn by level is a good thing to consider, the problem is ofc the damn time consuming event. i have been sorely missing a good ground type, i've kinda been waiting to see if i can find Mamoswine somewhere, but Krookodile isnt a bad choice either i admid, i have Sandslash and Golem in the box for now if i really have to make do. another problem i find is Levelling. Girafarig and Stantler give good exp, but its sprinkled amongst ponyta, kecleon and deerling that give considerably less. People seriously underestimate Ampharos, it has surprising bulk and hits like a truck, plus power gem and signal beam by level are great for coverage (also discharge for doubles with ground mon or neutralizing ability) thanks for all the help so far.
  9. Right, idk what to do, he's really tough, i barely beat Cain after grinding a team to 55, i can take out reuniclus with a double team before it gets trick room up, but i usually cant do the same to slowking, and stuff like gallade and gardevoir can hit hard even when neutral. my team rn is Infernape, Skuntank, Ampharos, Sawsbuck, Omastar and Noivern with Vlieplume and (F)Meowstic at the same level sitting in the box. other options i have in box (at a much lower level, so yay for grinding /scarcasm) are Golem, Sandslash, Carvahna Heatmor, Glameow, Eevee, Ponyta, Spritzee and Espurr(M) the rest is irrelevant honestly. so can i do anything with what i have? or are there any nearby pokemon that could help? i remember an event last time i played through E16 where i got Joltik nearby here could that help? many thanks
  10. if you end up struggling with that 1st gym, remember Goldeen is a thing.
  11. ok, where's the earliest i can get a shiny stone? been awhile since i've played through the game (replaying currently) so idr the locations on the Item guide stickied topix, i don't want to be stuck with minccino forever, if i cant get it for awhile i'll just box minccino, currently at the 3rd gym
  12. so its been awhile since i played the start of the game, i think E15 was the last time, then i just updated to 16. but with all the new stuff in 17 i wanted to do a fresh playthrough so my question is, is there anything that could help me against the 1st gym in reborn city? so far most of what i've seen is neutral or even weak to her electric moves. my team is currently Monferno Minccino and Stunky. a strong ground or electric type would be great i think, if only i knew where to find one. i also have whismur and kricketot in the box.
  13. where do i go after Amber gets taken? i assume i have to talk to tesla somewhere but i cant find her
  14. i have a lv35 Pansear, it's learned all the good stuff it's gonna learn and its too weak and frail as it is, i'm at Goldenleaf town is there anywhere i can get a fire stone?
  15. Been planning a new playthrough when the new ep comes out to experience the enjoyment, and hell. that is this game once again. gj so far keep it up, patiently waiting
  16. tbh i found most gym leaders except the first one fairly challenging, first one was easy with turtwig and pachirisu, but most of the others made me specially train a certain pokemon just to beat them, Magnemtie for the poison gym, Walrein for the fire gym etc. the fairy gym was hard as hell too even WITH magnezone (mainly because if it died, so did my chances of victory) and the dark gym was tough too till i boxed pachirisu (Sorry zappy, maybe i'll need you again sometime) and caught Galvantula which swept pretty easily. tbh with the right pokes and moves none of them are ridiculously hard, but figuring out the strat and raising the right pokemon for the job, that's the tricky bit
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