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Lil' Sunny

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Everything posted by Lil' Sunny

  1. another option is the sweet shop in obsidia, catch something with pickup and battle till it picks up an ice-cream, that can be given to the brat in front of the vending machine in the sweet shop and you can buy ice-cream which is also very effective. bonus if you buy vanilla, the first one will be a vanillite instead.
  2. go get yourself a persian, meowth is found outside the grand hall. The reason anorith is annoying is swift swim, if you use fake out on the illumise, it cant rain dance and unfezant can finish it with air slash. Anorith without Swift Swim is slow enough that focused attacks should take it out before it can move. if you're still having trouble, go under opal bridge towards the railnet on a rainy day to encounter a pansear, flame burst can ignite the forest field, and without rain dance to put it out. It will hurt everything on the field and stop her bug moves being boosted. also ampharos is one level away from learning Power Gem. don't be afraid to over-level to evolve or learn certain moves, then common candy back to the level limit. Incineroar might help too.
  3. Exactly, i remember my very first complete run of reborn and having to resort to, basically a new specific pokemon for each leader. Growlithe for shelly, mamoswine for charlotte etc. Now i've finished an Ice mono where i beat arceus with a vanilluxe and a mamoswine. and i've almost finished a steel mono where trash wormadam was my MVP right up to (and including) Serra basically
  4. your best bet is breeding. Grab a pidgey outside the grand hall in the morning or daytime, make sure its male. and breed a female pidgey with brave bird, then breed that with a male zubat.
  5. chromebook uses the play store for its applications, and even though chrome OS is a unique thing, it seems to be based off android, so that might work.
  6. i beat it in my ice mono by having cryogonal tank a judgement and set up aurora veil for vanilluxe to mirror coat it to death. idr how i won with steel mono
  7. Sigmund uses electro torture on freaking children. He deserves to burn.
  8. The reason people dont mind nintendo as much is because most people don't realise it, sure some fans can see it, but they arent as egregiously in your face as some companies with stuff like Lootboxes and P2W DLC
  9. if you can, go back and teach mamoswine blizzard, if not then grab something outside the city, abomasnow works. Use jolteon to paralyze typhlosion so its slower than your blizzard mon and then use blizzard. congrats you just disabled her field and made the battle 10x easier. After that mamoswine should have a field day, or go grab a water type from somewhere.
  10. if your ampharos knows discharge, send it in after rotom is defeated and light up the field, that gives you a fair advantage for a bit.
  11. Step 1: banette fakes out reuniclus, yanmega takes down gallade Step 2: banette finishes reuniclus, yanmega takes out incoming pokemon Step 3: repeat till win you have a ghost type with a base 130 atk, and one of the best bug type special attackers in the game, against a psychic gym. It's not rocket science. and if you're really struggling, grab a togedemaru or something that can learn a terrain move and eliminate the chess field, that prevents his moves turning rock and squashing your bugs.
  12. 1. get rid of aggron. its a decent mon for when you first get it just before leaving reborn but by this point, there's just so much better unless you're using mega which you arent. plus it reduces your steels from 3 to 2 2. get a strong electric type with discharge and pair it with krookodile. Alolan Raichu, Magnezone, Jolteon, Galvantula, Any of the rotom forms (i recommend Wash or Heat). if its partner is immune to electric (krookodile) or has volt absorb then discharge is going to shred the entire enemy team. Bonus points if you use a rotom appliance since levitate means krook can throw out earthquakes and wreck face too. honestly rotom-w + krookodile should be all you need.
  13. Vanilluxe like, you can have it before Florina, as soon as it hits luxe it can have snow warning, acid armor on vanillish makes corey a joke. Mirror coat off a respectable spD is great, learns freeze dry by level up. Only thing its lacking is aurora veil on its own but if you must use aurora veil you can just pray for cryogonal from the egg or wait till after Serra. people back when B/W came out said "lol ice-cream pokemon, its terrible" and people still overlook it.
  14. thats a tough one, i'm torn between Mamoswine, Lucario and Infernape all 3 have good-great speed, phenomenal attack power and good offensive typing, there would be some hurdles like Amaria for infernape and mamoswine, Kiki and Charlotte for lucario. But otherwise with their incredible power, speed and movesets i think they could do fine. if solo runs were even possible. how do you beat Charlotte without letting her set the superheated field ffs?
  15. 1. lead with hariyama and growlithe (i hope they have fake out and flame burst) 2. fake out illumise 3. Flame burst illumise this should flinch, then knock it out so it cant use rain dance, which means flame burst will ignite the forest field, removing her bug advantage and damaging her mons. her araquanid knows rain dance and can put out the fire, but its not the fastest mon and you should be able to take it out easily before it does, if all else fails switch out hariyama for something faster like noibat or swampert. I'd also recommend replacing kricketune by this point. Its alright early especially against florina, but it falls off fast with its lackluster stats. if you dont have fake out on hariyama, you can catch purrloin in one of the alleyways and evolve into liepard, which can learn fake out. or do the espurr event which again, can evolve into meowstic and learn fake out. The key to the battle is to stop illumise Turn 1 because rain dance boosting her masquerain's bubblebeam, araquanid's bubblebeam and triggering anorith's swift swim will be very annoying
  16. Discharge. straight up. Gliscor is immune to it so it can pair with alolan raichu, give it a life orb, choice specs, even a magnet would do fine. Discharge takes full advantage of the factory field and decimates pretty much everything all 3 battles have to throw at you. Also, be aware that you get healed between all 3 fights, but only fight 1>2 revives your mons, any mons fainted after fight 2 will stay that way, so try to keep them all at least alive before the end of the 2nd fight.
  17. you dont even need to hack, just getting a basic pokemon traded to you to start your journey with one of those types can work too. i know i got sneasel traded to me to begin my ice monotype run which i highly recommend it was challenging but fair. Steel seems to be the easiest IMO. Piplup as a starter could be worse and you get early access to things like pineco, klang and wormadam trash as well as adding to your party with stronger mons the further you go in. Sure you wont get stuff like Metagross till like, gym 15 but there's still plenty to use up till then.
  18. a lot of important battles are double battles, and youll find setting up a sweep tends not to work and that you're better with immediate power from the start. Arcanine with flare blitz will serve you better in the long run. That being said magcargo has a solid defensive typing as long as it stays away from ground and water types, and lava plume pairs well with flash fire or telepathy. So dont write it out entirely just dont try to sweep with it.
  19. As someone who successfully did a monotype run. I can tell you some fights that are normally hard became much easier with the right strategy. the main thing about reborn is you have to adjust your team and strategy to each leader, not just factoring in type but also field, which mons they use specifically and how you can counter them. I was only able to beat Titania with a Shell Armor Lapras otherwise Scizor just destroyed me.
  20. no i'm referring to the entire team. the battle was literally wide guard, block rock slides, nasty plot, wide guard, block rock slides, blizzard Double KO, wide guard, block rock slides, blizzard doubleKO, wide guard, block rock slides, blizzard Double KO. gg
  21. honestly idk if this is by design or a bug, but he literally did nothing against my icemono but spam rock slide, to which i retaliated with wide guard and blizzard to sweep him without losing a single HP
  22. i mean at least its not shiny, or we'd have a yu-gi-oh lawsuit on our hands
  23. literally just get another mon with fake out and lead with it + growlithe to burn the field its that easy. Liepard works wonders
  24. yeah its not difficult to set your PC clock to a saturday and double battle the rich couple, they give a ton of exp. alternatively it might take a tad longer but finding a good wild area with a healing station nearby can help with the grind too. do note depending on your team you may want to look at the daily trainers and set your clock to fight one of those instead if you cant handle the rich couple, especially since there are parts where they outlevel you.
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