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Lil' Sunny

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Everything posted by Lil' Sunny

  1. "locked in agate" still gives you access to Route 2 and the first part of Ametrine mountain so you have options to fight each coming Gym Leader with. later i believe you also get access to route 3 and another cave. so dont think not being able to go back to other areas is a death sentence and you need everything perfect right now Team looks fine. but Samson is brutally strong. i'd advise at least getting everyone to the level Cap first. one last thing. if you really struggle with Samson. you can catch Hawlucha on route 2
  2. Jynx can basically solo kiki. Avalugg makes hardy a joke if he sticks with the doubles + rockslide strat and Tania might be trouble. i beat her before using A-sandslash and Shell armor Lapras. one long boss rush would be ridiculous and hard to prepare for. i just came up with that on the fly it could be adjusted again depending on battle style, fields etc
  3. difficult to know. depends on singles or doubles. fields, etc. i would imagine itd be something like this Walrein: "technical" fire resist, blizzard eliminates some fields, surf hits hard. good bulk Rotom-F: defog, coverage with shadow ball and discharge Alolan Ninetales: Snow Warning + Aurora Veil, nuff said Jynx: Sleep, hits hard immediately can also boost and attempt a sweep Mamoswine: Just, all round really strong Avalugg: at best a ridiculous tank that's a doubles godsend, at worst a bulky wall to help revive other team members. ofc other mons like weavile, cloyster, sandslash-a would be considered if there were more singles battles.
  4. The more i hear, the more hyped i get. and the more scared i get at wondering how in the name of all that is holy i'm going to beat this with a team of Ice Types.
  5. Man, rejuv has changed since i last played it, flashier graphics. Chapters, looks so much more polished now. trying to Icemono it sucks just as bad as reborn did though considering (afaik) i'm stuck with seel until route 2 where i can catch crabrawler. and even then NEITHER OF THEM ARE ICE TILL THEY EVOLVE! 


    i wish there was a Monotype guide like there was for reborn. would make life easier.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      Just from V9 to V11, so much changed (all/most for the better)

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      as someone who has seen (a small part) of v2 firsthand- rejuv has evolved amazingly. it went from a pretty horrid game to what i personally consider to currently be the best fangame out, by a longshot.

    4. Lil' Sunny

      Lil' Sunny

      at least normal gives you options...

  6. And thus, we reach the finale for now. idk what i'll do next. might try rejuv. might do the Dex quest. might just sit on this till the final Ep. So remember how i said Weavile>rotom? yeah factory field says otherwise. Discharge was my lord and savior through the glass factory. i went to calcenon, got rock climb. retrieved the icium Z and trained up Titanic to replace Thicc. So my final team was Titanic, Mrs Claus, Big Papi, Frieza, Foxy and Robert. So after that i realized i needed to actually finish the mega z ring quest, gave owners back their pokes and Arclight gave me the mega Z ring, allowing Mrs Claus to turn blizzard into a nuclear Subzero Slammer. Following this i went through the mountains to the glass factory, inside the factory was easy enough the puzzles werent as hard as i remember lol. managed to make it to the dreaded gauntlet of battles. Oh ye gods, this brings back painful memories. So cain and shelly was a tough one. thanks to Frieza and Big Papi being a winning combo, defog got rid of sticky web and they were taking mons out quite efficiently, big papi's new rock tomb doing most of the work on shelly. a subzero slammer from Mrs Claus took out cain's muk. eventually Shelly's last pokemon was down leaving cain with mimikyu (busted), primarina and nidoking vs Robert (paralyzed, very low) and Titanic. full restore + crit avalanche took out mimikyu. protect followed by revivng Frieza allowed titanic to live, sadly he went for dazzling gleam on primarina so robert got KOd, frieza came in and discharge took out Titanic and Primarina. one last shot, one last hit. please....Blizzard. Hit. Nidoking down. Frieza stands alone and proud. First ? wasnt too difficult. mostly just take each mon as it comes. eventually it was 5-2 but mismagius was the unexpected problem taking out most of my team. Titanic took a hit just barely and avalanched it for the KO leaving umbreon. my last hope was Foxy, she hit one final dazzling gleam, barely survived the toxic damage. and hail finished umbreon off. i then proceeded to remember your mons get healed, but not revived. after fight 2. and with only Foxy left, i lost. Attempt 2: Battle 1 was roughly the same. Battle 2 i fought more carefully to make absolutely sure nothing died. Foxy took out absol leaving Titanic at full strength to one shot Mismagius and i Frieza chucked a few discharges at Umbreon finally ending the fight 6-0 Alas even with all the RNG screwage in the world, i BARELY couldnt manage it. +2 subzero slammer finished mega garde, only for alakazam to show its face and end me. Attempt 3: Then it hit me. Choice Specs. Lapras wasnt doing much besides chucking hydro pumps and potions everywhere so why not give him the wave incense for a slight boost to hydro pump and trade the choice specs he had to Frieza since discharge was my biggest weapon. well its worth a shot. And it worked! Rotom fired discharges left and right knocking out pair after pair. eventually he fell, but by then i had carved through enough of their team that i could handle it. after an aurora veil they couldnt hurt me much so a subzero slammer on mega garde and a couple of blizzards took it out. alakazam fell to Hydro pump/blizzard. bronzong was their last pokemon hydro pump/blizzard did a good chunk then a double ice beam ended the fight. So after that hellacious gauntlet, i made my way to Calcenon again and was told "yo, we taking back Agate" so after momentarily forgetting where the south gate was since people blocked the west one. i flew to Radomus' castle, exchanged delibird for robert and went into agate. none of the fights were overly challenging compared to the glass factory. Solaris was easy af. almost his entire team is weak to Ice, the moron. Mrs claus took out staraptor, big papi took a chunk out of tyranitar, ate a stone edge and finished it off. foxy took out gyarados easily while also eliminating sandstorm back to hail. excadrill flinched Titanic sadly but i used the off-turn to heal big papi, foxy came in and blizzarded excadrill. Lapras took down Scizor and finally big papi hit an ice fang on mega garchomp who used swords dance, and ice shard ended the fight. after chasing Lin and her escaping again, hardy wanted a battle. so i headed to his gym, the trainers were tougher than he was but big papi did the heavy lifting and got me through to Hardy. Hardy was probably the single easiest gym in the entire game. Wide guard makes him a literal joke. here's what happened. Mrs Claus + Titanic come in, mrs claus switches for foxy to set hail, wide guard protects from double rock slide. mrs claus comes back, wide guard protects, nasty plot, wide guard protects, i win. several Blizzards later and his whole team was down without a single scratch on me. nothing but rock slides, all blocked. So yeah. idk what to do now. i'll take a break for now maybe play something else. but i'm strongly considering doing Rejuv, just need to do a little research first. Thoughts on the run (Technically "So far") Ice was a difficult one to use. sure it had an excellent balance of offence and defence, but it just wasnt fast enough or bulky enough when it counted. some fights i was too slow, some i wasnt powerful enough. and the earlygame was a pain having only 2 pokemon for the first 2 gyms (in fact my run wouldve been ended at shelly if i hadnt got traded a couple of pokes i couldve got from eggs mitigating RNG bs) Sneasel: if i wanted, i couldve evolved and used Kitty some more. i used weavile before though and wanted to experiment, by the time weavile is obtainable the game shifts to a more team-oriented double battle style anyway so a predominantly single pokemon like Weavile wouldnt have been as much help anyway. earlygame it was invaluable with ice shard and hone claws to sweep away most problems. Beartic: was a big, hard hitter. just too slow to be of much use sadly Sandslash: same as weavile, great mon for singles. not as great in Reborn. still did its fair share of work especially later against the likes of Adrienn and Titania stupid fast and hit stupid hard. Jynx: What a mon, sing early was annoying to land, but beneficial nonetheless. as soon as i could re-teach lovely kiss she became invaluable to the team. learning Psychic and Blizzard naturally was a godsend too, and when she could get nasty plot up she was a wrecking ball. Walrein: Bulky thicc blubberbutt was insane for most of the game, was decent early, amazing mid and held his own into late. fell off slightly due to lack of power but was still beneficial, and is still ready to go should i need him come e19. Ninetales: i mean, snow warning + aurora veil makes it by default one of the best ice types in the game. wicked fast too and hits pretty hard with blizzard. Cryogonal: This thing was a special tank of the highest order, with monstrous speed and respectable SpA to boot. early screens and later utilising Aurora veil it was a godsend in the early and midgame. Freeze dry by level was wicked too. same as walrein its power fell off late, but its still there if i need it. Vanilluxe: if you told me one of my best pokemon for the early and midgame of reborn would be fking Vanilluxe, i wouldve laughed at you. nobody's laughing now. Acid armor early, icy wind for speed control, Snow Warning, freeze dry by level up, mirror coat with respectable special bulk. This thing was tailor made to take advantage of basically everything. need i remind you that THIS was what took out Dittoceus earlier in my run. i wouldnt have got this far without it setting hail, being the bane of every special hitter in the game and crushing water types. Again though it's niche ran dry later on, and the immediate access to aurora veil made Ninetales the better hail setter. but who knows. depending on what E19 brings. we may yet see a grand finale for DoubleScoop Mamoswine: yeah this thing is dope, you dont need me to tell you that. Earthquake early. ice shard by level. great attack, decent bulk, thick fat. decent speed. what more do you want...well i wouldntve minded a better ice move than ice fang but ehh thats just me (icicle spear and crash are egg moves ) Lapras: unexpected monster in the lategame, single handedly won the Titania gym battle and helped immensely with Amaria. it has great bulk, a great ability and its spA isnt terrible. especially holding those choice specs. Freeze Dry never hurt either Avalugg: Stupid bulky on the physical side, even super effective moves struggled to put a sizeable dent in it. Sturdy + Avalanche helped cinch a few KOs, protect and Wide Guard helped in the later double battles. it was a (no pun intended )Solid pokemon. Rotom: What can i say, i underestimated this thing. i knew Wash rotom was great competitively but frost rotom has a worse typing and worse accuracy move in blizzard. but discharge working well with so many fields, defog clearing away Adrienn's mist field and any entry hazards the enemy threw in front of me. levitate pairing it perfectly with Mamoswine. this thing was a beast. Delibird: my run wouldnt have been possible without this absolute monster. i mean come on, what else has the power to fly a fully grown adult all the way around a gigantic region? And finally i present: 2 boxes of eggs, breedjects, and other miscellaneous unused pokemon. And finally finally i give you, the team
  7. decent IVs, great nature. damn thats good. itl help with the first gym being an electric resist. but the problem is after that itl mostly be a hinderance in battles till well...it becomes serperior and gets leaf storm. bug, poison, fighitng, poison again, then ice. Serperior really wont be much of a benefit till the later game sadly. at least from my perspective.
  8. dont have access to that floor yet. cant find it in the woods or the desert and frankly cba looking anymore. who thought a 12 item shopping list was a good idea anyway? Can trade: Breedjects, Shiny LV1 Lapras, IGN: MachoPony thanks in advance
  9. Am i the only one who hasnt played Rejuv in so long they dont know wtf is happening?

    1. seki108


      No, I see many people with this problem, myself included.   That's part the reason I'm finally doing a second run through, since I barely remember the names of anyone outside the main cast.  I remember the general events up to V10, but the specifics are beyond me.

  10. We're nearing the end now folks. i'm still questioning my lineup. Weavile was a godsend for me last time i did the Glass Factory shenanigans and idk how useful Rotom-F will be for the forseeable future. plus if i want any chance against hardy i'm probably going to want wide guard which means bringing Titanic out of storage. So i spent a good few hours yesterday and today breeding and training. first i bred Thicc Gurl with ditto to get a male Amaura, raised it to evolve into Aurorus and learn freeze dry, all so it could breed with Nessie the lapras to make a Freeze Dry lapras. it was Male so i couldnt name it Nessie now could i. after racking my brains i gave up and said "Robert" because Nessie = Scotland. so meet Robert Following this i also EV trained big papi and got him a couple of levels up to the rest of the team. went to the desert and headed straight for the train graveyard. wasnt too difficult and got through to train town. and to Amaria's tower. Big Papi did most of the slaying in here. Zekrom was a tough cookie but eventually i cracked it. The strategy for zekrom was simple to figure out, and simple to execute provided no crit bs. he always starts with tectonic rage, down goes Mrs Claus. then, since frieza resists bolt strike he goes for outrage. which Slush resists, and he's locked in. meaning slush can take an outrage, and slow him with a bulldoze, then outspeed and hit a 2nd bulldoze to slow him further. Robert hits a nice specs ice beam and died to bolt strike before Big Papi ended with earthquake. Further on i got to the mistress of steel herself. Titania was stupid tough, i prepared the damn near perfect team for her, and still lost repeatedly. my strategy wouldve eventually, maybe worked with perfect RNG. but then an easier solution slapped me in the face. Shell Armor, raises defence, on the field. So i had a spare ability capsule and shuffled lapras from water absorb to Shell Armor, and that did it. The fight started with sandslash on sandslash action. mine setting swords dance, tanking an iron head and One shotting her with iron head. excadrill came and i healed hoping to live a smart strike (stupid magic seed) but alas no. Frieza was my only mon that could outspeed it, so he hit a huge blizzard down to low health, and smart strike ended him. Big Papi had ice shard to finish it though. Klefki came in and this was where variance could happen. i needed it to use draining kiss, flash cannon was an OHKO. so earthquake, draining kiss did a lot, earthquake finished it. then the big Kahuna. you thought Aegislash was her ace? tell that to Mega Fking Scizor. even specs HP Fire from lapras wasnt doing even half, hydro pump did slightly more. so i hit hydro pump, critted. he got swords dance, i lived a +2 bullet punch thanks to shell armor's field boost, then hydro pump finished it. empoleon ate an earthquake and died. leaving her final pokemon Aegislash. foddered Robert healing big papi. sacred sword killed it. Big Papi took a shadow sneak, and finished with one final Earthquake. Went back to train town, withdrew Byrd, flew straight to...agate circus to get some more ability capsules and shuffle Robert back to Water Absorb. THEN went to the Mansion to face Amaria. finding her was tough the first time, but after that she was basically in 2 adjecent rooms by good luck. also found X-scissor TM without trying to lol. Amaria was simple, Frieza one shot starmie with discharge, then froze the field with blizzard, dying to swampert's dive. Robert one shot with freeze dry. Snowflake one shot ludicolo with freeze dry and in came Lapras. curse, lovely kiss, nasty plot, psychic, 2nd psychic crit. dead. Kingdra got outsped and blizzarded to death. wishiwashi was a huge problem initially though. 1. elemental seed gave it a speed boost and 2. earthquake broke the frozen field finally. it swept most of my team, but when i sent in Robert again something weird happened, it kept using ice beam which i 4x resist. i wouldve thought Dive wouldve been stronger. and idk what the 4th move is (eq dosent work on water surface) so a quick pair of freeze dry took out Wishiwashi and ended the battle. 2-0 Strongly considering Weavile>Rotom for the forseeable future, though i could always replace Walrein since there's a lot of double battles coming and his main attack is Surf. pairs nice with robert and mrs claus, not so much with the rest. I could also get the Icium Z and Abomasite at this point and use Mega Abomasnow. i WISH there was another ice type mega besides glalie i really do. Mega Abom was good last time, but itd be a pain raising it and i think i have all the resources i need already. i'll probably pick up the icium Z tho.
  11. problem is if i did have a backup of before that, it would also be before beating Adrienn and i am NOT doing that again. well i can just keep my ill-gotten choice specs and trade for a litten later when i'm doing the pokedex quest.
  12. i might have done that to one of them. whoops. is it fixable?
  13. There is literally nobody else in 7th street from Aqua besides Archer himself. there's a guy at the library, the academy, sweet co and working construction.
  14. i've given everybody their job applications. theyve all gone to them. i've even been to all the places to talk to them just in case. but Archer still just says "Find jobs for everyone, come back to me once they're happy" essentially. I need dem Specs yo.
  15. pachi with focus sash, endeavour and quick attack should be enough. the problem is the unpredictable AI. if he heals and you go for quick attack you're dead. if he dosent and you go for endeavour again predicting a heal, you're dead.
  16. idk if you can paralyze ground types, but Focus sash body slam?
  17. in a similar situation to Samson, i'm making a small update now because Adrienn was just, tough as ballz. eventually i had the idea to hammer her with choice specs blizzards from Jynx, one problem. afaik YOU CANT FINISH THE JOB SIDEQUEST UNTIL LITERALLY JUST AFTER THIS F&*$%(£ GYM BECAUSE THE F£$$£&% STATION IS STILL BEING REPAIRED AND THATS WHERE THE CONSTRUCTION JOB APPLICATION IS! So because the game decided "lol you arent doing this legitimately". i resorted sadly to Cheese. i trained up a simisage and used the thief, fling, recycle glitch on clown indra to steal choice specs. i am now immediately putting them away until i can get them legitimately later. They gave me the power boost i needed though. Snowflake and Frieza started off, Defog clearing away the mist turning the field into fairy tale. this worked doubly for me since it meant A. sandslash's iron head was empowered and B. no more "fairy types gets a stupid SpD boost" snowflake damaged granbull and a dazzling gleam/rock slide combo took out my side. in came the star players, Foxy the new Alolan Ninetales and Mrs Claus once again saving the day. aurora veil went up and blizzard obliterated them. florges and mawile came in, a double blizzard hit hard but ultimately Foxy was defeated. Slush came in, finished florges with iron head and Mrs Claus fired another blizzard, Slush took an iron head from mega mawile. in comes Whimsicott who eats an iron head KO, another blizzard chunks mawile down more, and Slush is defeated. Thicc comes in for my side and her last pokemon Togekiss came too, blizzard hit them both hard, waterfall hit mawile for the KO, and mrs claus finally goes down. thicc takes a dazzling gleam, barely. and fires a blizzard back, hail almost ends it. i Heal expecting her to do the same. nope. aura sphere. again thicc barely lives, and this time the hail does finish her off. And here's foxy, the newest member.
  18. oh my god will you shut up about the E3 stuff, you'll end up buying the game anyway wether they "fix" it or not just admit it. Still hype af for the final episode. been a long journey, these last few fights should be some of the most challenging yet, dont dissapoint us ame, we're expecting Sadism of the highest degree.
  19. rain and swift swim should honestly be enough, Pellipper with drizzle and a damp rock should be all you need. swap it out immediately in case it needs to come back later. also i think it (or if not it, something like swanna maybe) can learn Defog. as of gen 7 defog removes hazards like sticky web, failing that a choice band on sharpedo might give you the damage boost you need. at this point you could also have the Mega Z ring and waterium-Z. and sharpedonite. which could also help. finally Walrein is a strong bulky boi that can chuck blizzards about in double battles to great effect (i speak from icemono experience) so theres something to consider. consider Cloyster too for either shell smash shenanigans or spikes support. or hell rapid spin., Rotom-W is a godsend too, one weakness and a great learnset for your team. in fact there's a lot of powerful water types you dont seem to have obtained that could help you immensely. check out if theres anything more you can get anywhere else for more options.
  20. they're strugglign with Noel, nowhere near 7th street yet lol. anyway you'd think pangoro or hariyama could take a shot from Porygon-Z and KO back. if the problem is Download then simply send in something with higher special def than def initially, even if it dies itl force download to give a meaningless Atk boost meaning no more sweeping. Coverage can also be very helpful as can light screen and reflect. i second catching a few luvdisc and seeing wht you can teach your pokes using heart scales.
  21. So i did a lot of work today even if i didnt make much story progress. hit the usual Adrienn roadblock that plagues every playthrough i've done so far, but i have a strategy ready (defog + alolan ninetales) so the main gist of what i did today was hours of nothing but EV training a full team of 6 ready for the upcoming challenges. and here they are Frieza the Rotom-F Thicc The Walrein Snowflake the Cryogonal Mrs Claus the Jynx DoubleScoop the Vanilluxe (who sadly after all her amazing work, may finally have to make room for Ninetales) and finally our newest member (Well i had her awhile but this one is freshly bred and raised. and she wasnt used for a long time) Slush the Sandslash-A so after all that i gathered the Fellowship of the Rings to assault team meteor's alleged devon corp base. none of the grunts were overly challenging with all my training. then i got to fighting my allies. Victoria wasnt too difficult, her pokes were just a matter of take it as it comes like most "Variety" trainers tend to be. alolachu was a tad annoying since i decided stupidly to sub bulldoze out for brick break and didnt have Big Papi with me. but eventually incineroar fell to Walrein and all was done. DJ Arclight was hella easy, Vanilluxe hit ice beam took a wild charge and hit a 2nd ice beam to finish luxray. then came raichu. Slush took a thunderbolt and got a swords dance. and thats the game, ggwp. team was all down one icicle crash at a time....or it wouldve been if exploud hadnt lived a +2 brick break and finished me with earthquake somehow. leave it to Frieza to pick up the kill with discharge and blizzard one shot the mega ampharos. Zel was stupidly tough mostly because of the pulse magnezone. even if i had brought Mamoswine it wouldntve helped since lol levitate. ironically what did it for me, was an electric battle with rotom. so it started simple, hail goes up, switch for thicc, take a hit, surf back, thunderbolt, dead. in comes Slush, swords dance, take a hit, iron head. iron head proceeds to KO alakazam, espeon and glaceon. most of the time at this point they sent in umbreon, but this time they decided to go right for the big boi. so i hit a +2 brick break on it for good damage and died. doublescoop got hail up again and switched to snowflake on the ultra potion, hit a nice ice beam pair and died, doublescoop came in hoping with aurora veil it could live a discharge and mirror coat, alas no. Frieza got into a discharge battle and was the one getting the "drew energy from the field" buff rather than the RNG zappy buff. so eventually it was low but KOd Frieza. mrs claus was my last hope. lovely kiss, nasty plot, blizzard miss, blizzard hit. discharge. psychic, dead. Umbreon was the last. but i had to hit 3 70acc moves in a fking row. 1. lovely kiss, hit 2. blizzard, hit 3. blizzard, hit. KO. thank you RNGesus i'll probably end up tomorrow training up Alolatales to replace Doublescoop (rip) since i need the immediate aurora veil right now. though there's potential for Vanilluxe to come back later with freeze dry and decent special attack potentially helping with Amaria.
  22. Small update: after returning to the restored city i did a couple of sidequests and got a super rod and toxic TM along with rotom. went back to Ametrine and turned rotom into Frost form then took my new super rod and caught a shellder...with awful IVs, thankfully i had a ditto in storage with decent IVs and thanks to a destiny knot i was able to hatch this a fking, SHINY, shellder. with decent IVs in attack and perfect speed IVs. i was in 2 minds about this thing since i didnt see it being overly helpful in upcoming battles mainly due to the abundance of double battles but also the fact that setting up isnt really a good strategy in reborn. but now i'm not so sure, its like the game WANTS me to use it.
  23. Pulse Swalot was actually stupidly easy compared to other playthroughs. i tried paralyzing it with Titanic but it didnt work, instead doublescoop comfortably lived a sludge wave and took most of its health with mirror coat. sadly it outsped and dishcarged me. snowflake outsped it and freeze dry ended the fight. The meteor grunts werent difficult, just had to lead with snowflake to stop the sticky web, Florina pulled her weight well. as usual Walrein was the star of the show chucking blizzards and surfs all over the place Blake and Fern was much of the same, snowflake single handedly took out half of Fern's team while florina disabled walrein with yawn. when snowflake finally went down to scizor it was up to Thicc to finish the job, doublescoop came in earlier so hail was chipping away at them while Thicc threw surfs everywhere taking them all down 2 at a time. eventually Blake KOd thicc leaving Titanic to come in and do some damage, finishing Fern. blake KOd titanic too but Mrs Claus put his final pokemon, gyarados. to sleep and between psychic and rock slide from flobot, gyarados went down and we won the day. Solaris and the Orderly were actually a bit tougher, since Solaris leads with scizor and the orderly has a couple of steel types. i focused Solaris first and he was down while the orderly still had 4 pokemon. unfortunately Thicc leveled up int he last fight so being 1 level above the cap here meant after 2 turns of obedience, he took a nap and got KOd, i chipped away with whatever i could, Garchomp going down to titanic. eventually i was left with just Mrs claus, but through lovely kiss and julia chipping away each turn we finished magnezone and slowbro. ending the match. at this point i swapped doublescoop and Mrs claus for thicc gurl and kitty. Ciel was strange. its been awhile since i was this far in so again, i forgot her exact team. and about halfway through i realized i didnt have the items to just "play by ear" this time, so i reset and tried a new strategy. First Titanic dodged an air slash, hit avalanche, ate an air slash and finished togekiss with avalanche. thicc gurl took a revelation dance and ended oricorio with a single ancientpower, getting the +1 everything. even with that however gliscor outsped me, took an acrobatics and finished it with a single ice beam. minior took it down with acrobatics. snowflake got the aurora veil up, took a rock slide and ended with ice beam. thicc managed to comfortably take boomburst and blizzard noivern away. finally altaria came in, mega evolved, earthquake got an OK! which wasnt great, so thicc survived. blizzard, critical hit. KO. Walrein just fking KOd a Mega pokemon in a single shot. dayum.
  24. Short answer: no Long Answer: its a great pokemon early, has phenomenal special defence for the earlygame and volt absorb for an electric immunity, single handedly trivializes julia. the problem is later it wont do much outside of nuzzle and super fang. paralysis utility is nice but you can get that from a plethora of other pokemon too. as soon as you get out of the railnet you can catch Togedemaru who has respectable stats, good typing. and a great level up set including nuzzle. other than that there's a Joltik event in the city i believe (not sure if theres a cutoff for that) and something like Ampharos can hit stupid hard but may end up a tad too slow later.
  25. i have a suggestion. dont steal my blaziken nickname XD
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