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Lil' Sunny

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Everything posted by Lil' Sunny

  1. "Over a month later" yeah i took a break to do. basically anything else. every time i thought "i'll play some reborn" it turned into "actually nah, i dont feel like it". today. i felt like it. and i feel like seeing if i can get this to the end before the final chapter so i can truly call it a complete runthrough. Pulse avalugg was fairly simple. it was just a matter of weaking its defences with rock smash and hammering away till it died. mildly irritating. Decided to bring Thicc Gurl (aurorus) for the next few fights over Doublescoop. also caught Foxy the A-vulpix outside Ametrine city. the meteor grunts were irritating but nothing i couldnt handle. thicc gurl did most of the heavy lifting with Thicc and Big Papi cleaning up some. Aster was tougher, but i still handled it easily. Jynx put solrock to sleep, got nasty plot and blizzard for the KO. hoped i could live a hit from Lycanroc and hit back with blizzard, not the case. it was locked into throat chop seemingly however so Thicc easily finished it off. the rest of the team was just switch in the right poke at the right time and i ended up with Kitty taking the final kill on Golurk for the ultimate victory. Been awhile since i was this far in, blake's 3 water pokemon caught me off guard. but i managed to beat him nonetheless. Walrein was the star of the show as usual taking everything thrown at him, aurora veil helped immensely. picked up a couple of freeze dry kills with snowflake. it ended up as paralyzed walrein on his side vs full health Mrs claus on mine. nasty plot, paralyzed, psychic, hit for massive damage, 2nd psychic, gg. So going to terra i swapped Thicc Gurl for Doublescoop again, and kitty out for Titanic. Mewtwo was the big problem. but Titanic had sturdy and could live anything it threw anyway since psystrike targetted its colossal defence and thunderbolt wasnt STAB. body slam, paralyze. and thats the game ladies and gents. chip away with ice beams, got aurora beam up. tried to ice shard finish with mamoswine. he lived and recovered. earthquake took it to a sliver of health, lived a psystrike thanks aurora veil, and a final ice shard ended it. As expected the ground type gym leader wasnt a massive challenge tough but easily manageable. Doublescoop took a flamethrower from nidoking and mirror coated it to death. snowflake got up aurora veil as excadrill missed a rock slide. critical hit ice beam and a swords dance followed by hail damage and its down. quagsire annoyed tf out of me, but after freezing it with doublescoop and a nasty plot battle with mrs claus and lovely kiss. the fking thing has unaware. or i assume as much since despite both being +6 (me spa her spD) blizzard did sweet FA. a blizzard crit took it to low and a psychic ended it, thicc narrowly missed the kill on garchomp with blizzard taking a draco meteor. went for it again expecting her to heal, she didnt she used flamethrower and thicc went down. mamoswine comes in, i go for icy wind again expecting a heal. nope. take a draco meteor and finish with icy wind. palossand gets frozen and crushed by doublescoop spamming ice beams, and lastly comes hippowdon, Mrs claus sent it packing with a nice critical hit blizzard.
  2. One thing i noticed (realized from my most recent playthrough), you list all the ametrine mountain pokemon as "Pre-charlotte" when in fact you can get a few of them in the cave area pre-samson. there's a small section you can access without surf that yields things like Snorunt, Delibird, Sealeo, and Bergmite.
  3. would help if you said which gym leader you're struggling with
  4. Welcome to reborn. i'm just going to leave these here these are your best friends. consult them if you want to know where specific stuff is. but by all means play through as much of the game without them as you want. they're good refrence points that's all.
  5. fake out + blizzard. you're welcome stun typhlosion for a turn so it dosent make the field super-super-heated and blizzard eliminates the field. problem solved
  6. you can, or you can take a poke that learns Ancientpower (hi dunsparce) and breed it onto a swinub, that's what i did to get mamo super early, though you can do either at this point.
  7. i'll say it simply. dont get attatched to Torterra. its bulk isnt as good as you think and its slow as molasses. it wont be overly good much longer, i'm surprised it still does anything for you now. there are far better Ground types available like Mamoswine and i THINK (might be wrong) you can get Krookodile at this point. i'd reccomend Mamoswine anyway since it covers your Ice Weakness a bit, can pair with your flying/levitating peeps in double battles with earthquake and Priority in the form of ice Shard is always helpful to have. plus you're coming soon up to a field that can be destroyed by earthquake and make the battle considerably easier. as well as Mamo just generally being good.
  8. Trekked onward towards Calcenon. caught Snow Gurl the snover. though i may swap Vanilluxe for Abomasnow eventually, thats not right now. Aster and Eclipse was fairly simple since it was 12 v 12. just took awhile, i didnt have a focused strategy beyond hail + aurora veil and play by ear to see what happens. i had 2 pokemon left to aya's 1 though. Thicc stayed standing and Titanic didnt fight. The strategy for Charlotte was fairly simple. Step 1. fodder kitty using fake out to prevent eruption. enabling Step 2. Blizzard the field away. it worked a treat and the rest of the fight consisted of utilizing aurora veil and walrein's "Technical" fire resist (Thick fat) to Surf her into submission, Literally everyone else on the team existed to sit there and throw hyper potions at Walrein. eventually after ninetales came out i revived Doublescoop to reset Hail. an annoying critical hit Volt Switch put down Thicc finally but with some Thicc of his own Big Papi was able to finish off Rotom-H with ice shard, then ninetales with another ice shard + hail damage.
  9. Normally i like to do a couple of important battles before an update, but samson was Difficult af. so i decided to update now. after going sleepy byes almost i got dragged to the circus by weird ass mc innuendo and proceeded to do the annoying crustle puzzle to find hardy. also swung by the mountain to get Bergmite, Snorunt (after realizing i didnt get one of the several Dawn stones i couldve got earlier. rip) and for some reason, Delibird. meh covering all bases. So i said so long to Thicc Gurl and Mama Bear for now and welcomed back Mrs Claus and welcomed Titanic the Bergmite to the team. After a hefty amount of grinding getting the 2 newbies up to speed. i got my ass kicked. hard. repeatedly. no matter how many times i tried if the RNG was against me i was dead. so i got everyone to the level cap. and had a much easier time. the fight was summed up as Mrs Claus beats anything slow. Titanic tanks anything super fast. and Big Papi took lucario down a peg. Psychic made short work of Hariyama. Big Papi took a brick break, earthquaked lucario down to the focus sash, then ice shard kill. Thicc got critted by Blaziken sadly. but Mrs Claus was able to easily take a bounce and finish it with a psychic. in came Hawlucha. Titanic took a flying press and KOd back with avalanche. though even if she had got over 9000! or crit. she has sturdy lol. hoped snowflake could ouspeed Mienshao. it couldnt (yeah i need to EV at some point) instead DoubleScoop took an acrobatics allowing me to heal up Titanic with 2 berry ice creams while Hail + Life Orb recoil chunked mienshao down. Titanic took a brick break and avalanche finished the job. lastly was conkeldurr and just in case i put it to sleep with lovely kiss and finished it off with one final Psychic. i legit think that was the hardest gym in the game for this type. though Amaria, Charlotte and Titania are still to come.
  10. i'm currently about to take on Samson (icemono woo) and i have my team planned. the problem is one is fresh caught and the other was inactive for awhile so they're both around level 50 while everything else is in the mid 60s. wild pokemon outside the circus give garbage exp. Indra is a crapshoot and usually ends up not giving a lot either. what can i do?
  11. the best part about seeing Shazam in the cinema is so many people are distracted by endgame, there's a good chance there'll be hardly anybody else in the room with you. in my case it was just me and my housemate. nobody else. we could laugh, chat. whatever we wanted and nobody else was there to complain. 

  12. if the Agate clown has a life orb on a poke (probably does) you can do the thief/fling/recycle trick to Steal it from him if you really want. Simisage/Sear/Pour can learn all of the needed moves rather easily.
  13. We join our heroes preparing to smash Radomus' chess pieces to kingdom come. all things considered the fight was nowhere near as hard as i thought he would be. i suppose having a sneasel with feint attack helps immensely. one shot reuniclus before he got Trick room up. ice beamed gallade with snowflake, it killed snowflake, feint attack finished gallade. malamar superpowered kitty to death and took a blizzard from mama bear, mama bear died to revive kitty while doublescoop hit a nice ice beam on malamar. kitty took a huge chunk off metagross, doublescoop finished malamar. metagross hit doublesoop and took it out, kitty finished slowking in one shot. got kod by metagross and Thicc finished it. leaving thicc and Big Papi to take on Gardevoir. after a few brines and ice shards while she set up calm minds. one final Earthquake finished the fight. from there the light went out, Luna got kidnapped, we invaded subseven sanctum, saved her. then took a detour to the cult of helix. got them their mighty Dux and Bird Jesus for the sail and jaw fossils. even though i only need the Sail fossil. revived it into Thicc Gurl. she got levelled immediately all the way to 62 and thus i proceeded to Iolia valley. stalker boy was back and after chasing me through the valley i finally whuped his ass back to Fairyland. It was simple enough. 2 kills for Thicc Gurl, 2 for Snowflake and 2 for Big Papi nothing really posed a huge threat. Luna was a little tougher, but nothing i couldnt handle. the field enabling aurora veil made it easy to lead with snowflake and set up. the problems arose when she critted me for a one shot on Snowflake. Thicc Gurl took 2 shots and hit back with ice beam for a 2hko. from there it was mostly just hitting her hard before she could hit me harder. Umbreon annoyed me so i eliminated the field, and caused a cave in with Big Papi taking them both out. Thicc was alone and at half health against her final pokemon bisharp. so i used a max revive i mined up earlier to revive Big Papi and finish with earthquake. i didnt use cotton candy because i was afraid she would outspeed, or crit sucker punch or smth. i never trust RNG in this game.
  14. You can also take advantage of a powerful Ice Shard like from Mamoswine to potentially one shot hawlucha.
  15. i'd box it for now. after shelly theres a couple of battles before you get to Azurine island where you can get your first shiny stone. also heart scales are useless till even further on since you need the house key in the underground to unlock the move relearner in Onyx. Itl be quite useful later though once you get those + kings rock
  16. +1 on the Espurr. male Meowstic with prankster + Light Screen/Reflect will be a huge asset to you for most of the game. Noibat takes awhile to get going but once it does, its pretty damn good. bench it for now and either grind it later or catch a higher levelled one. Magnemite is good, but you'll be stuck with Magneton for a long time so be warned. you can catch a couple of decent grass or poison pokes like Oddish, Bellsprout, Fromatis and Beedrill (that's more for much MUCH later though. might still be useful for a couple of gyms) in malchous forest.
  17. And thus sayeth the lord, thy mortal weakness shall be'est thine undoing, frozen dairy treat most delicious. Never thought id see the day where i beat arceus with a fking Vanilluxe but here we are. made it through to aventurine woods, Fern was a cakewalk. got to the castle. and Cain was a royal pain in the behind. Muk was a quick earthquake kill. mimikyu was the problem. somehow it was outspeeding my entire team. including fking Cryogonal. so i had to fodder mamoswine slowing it with icy wind and smashing it with earthquake while it swords dance>drain punch killed me. got hail up with doublescoop who hit an ice beam. got aurora veil up with Snowflake who hit a further ice beam and got a freeze! just what i needed! a 2nd and 3rd finished it (stupid moomoo milk) a quick brine destroyed alolawak, Meowstic was a little annoying but nasty plot and a pair of psychics finished it after finally hitting Sing. And after some back and forth. Snowflake stood tall over Primarina. hit ice beam, nidoking survived. and finished me. foddered mrs claus since i was almost certain she wouldnt outspeed (stupif relaxed nature) reviving doublescoop to finish the match. And then came Dittoceus. after a few attempts i realized, snowflake can barel survived a judgment on a very low damage roll and aurora veil is enabled by the crystal cave field. to mitigate some of the RNG. i levelled him once off a wild unown (he was very close to lvup) and then got a rare candy from elsewhere in the tower. along with 2 more getting him to lv58. he comfortably lived Judgement now and got aurora veil up. allowing doublescoop to tank a judgment and strike with Mirror Coat to almost take it out. Kitty hit fake out + ice shard for some chip damage, so did Big Papi. revived kitty foddering mama bear, fake out + ice shard again took it to a tiny pixel of health. RNGesus smiled upon me and jugment was made Psychic by the field, which didnt affect Kitty. so hail finished off Dittoceus.
  18. in all seriousness. just learn to live with it like i do. i havent encountered a single joker yet, and at higher GSP the drop and increase is massive per fight. dont think "oh this is BS i lose 1m GSP from a single fight". instead think "oh sweet, i won and got like 1m GSP"
  19. With that we get some medicine for the doll. go back to the house with it. and prepare to fight Noel...only for team meteor to interrupt. the orderlies were easy as pie. doublescoop and snowflake basically handled them alone thanks to new aurora veil and freeze dry on snowflake. Sirius was tough but was eventually ground down, Thicc finishing off tyrantrum with a single blizzard. everything else was mostly doublescoop and snowflake doing the work. big papi did take an energy ball from chandelure barely and earthquake it back for a one hit KO it was otherwise unveventful. At this point after heading to the meteor base, i realized that some of my mons were at a decent level while others were still in the mid-high 40s. so i grinded everyone that wasnt already level 50 to that level using the wild pokemon around the house area. after that i went on and cleared the base with little trouble. doublescoop did most of the work. Giant steelix was troublesome but in the end Thicc barely survived an earthquake and hit brine for the KO. Pulse Abra wasnt hard. hail, ded, aurora veil, ice beam, ded, earthquake, ice shard. abra ded. that's how it went down exactly. Noel was a lot tougher than i expected. Porygon Z died to a single mirror coat from doublescoop. Big Papi hit ice shard, took a brave bird from swellow easily. and recoil + hail finished swellow. thicc took down girafarig with a pair of blizzards getting paralyzed and eating a thunderbolt in the process. Bewear got a swift OHKO by Mrs Claus' Psychic. Cinccino and Clefable were the problems. cinccino mostly because of hax. but i got a good run and Mama Bear managed to charm its attack down a little. allowing her to finish it with a pair of icicle crashes. Clefable was a bit tougher. sing put it to sleep for 2 turns but after a nasty plot and a psychic. i ate a moonblast, missed a sing. thankfully he went for cosmic power. hit sing a 2nd time. used nasty plot once more just in case and a final psychic finished off Clefable.
  20. drat i was hoping it could be on a wild poke or something. oh well.
  21. And we're back. so after making it through the railnet i stopped off in Spinel town for some meds. and took on the gym. But before that, the most annoying character in the game wants a fight! so Bennet can go suck a cactus because in every playthrough not just for this battle, but in general. i hate his slimy, stalker, guts. His bugs were annoying but through hail, light screen and abusing the mirror field i got some crucial crits and finished him handily. DoubleScoop put in most of the work. onwards. and the gym leader was difficult, but manageable. ice on ice was more tactical than i thought. doublescoop did some good early work taking out stuff with mirror shot and mirror coat, but the star of the show was Walrein. taking pretty much everything thrown at him and firing Brines back in their face. he levelled up and learned blizzard but that wont be relevant in this fight. Slush wasnt much help, probably just going to keep him benched till i can get an ice stone for now. Mrs Claus didnt do much either (really starting to hate that Relaxed nature) everyone else pulled their weight though. about halfway through i got all the use from the mirror field i would need so Big Papi shattered it, taking out ninetales in the process, then hit a good chunk off froslass before dying. Thicc finished froslass after some back and forth, then easily dispatched Aurorus for the win.
  22. Lil' Sunny

    Razor Claw

    as much as i love sneasel. Weavile is infinitely better. is there any way possible to obtain this item before restored city? from the item thread it says dept store with all 10 stickers or a cave on the restored lake. and i really dont want to go through almost the entire game either babying sneasel or boxing him till the end.
  23. magic bounce, fake out, prankster + taunt. use any of those to stop sticky web initially. a lot of the pokemon are weak to some form of ground or dark, so a moxie Krookodile can wreck face. Mamoswine and Weavile arent too bad either. for this and future double battles. you may want to think about screen support. if you dont mind hail's residual damage, Alolan Ninetales with aurora veil is enough. though if you dont want that then Meowstic-M with prankster does the job perfectly.
  24. From there i went back to the wasteland, Cain was fairly simple. through the wasteland to the poison gym Fern Seemed simple enough, snowflake was tearing through her team pretty good, sadly all good things must come to an end, decidueye took a hit and leaf bladed back, roserade took another and finished snowflake off. mrs claus came in and i accidentally picked powder snow, it hit me with hidden power, then giga drain for the kill. sent DoubleScoop to finish it, one ice beam took down krookodile. Aya was difficult. but i managed it eventually. snowflake's light screen was invaluable. helping mrs claus kill nidoqueen and take a hit from toxapex. spent snowflake's turn healing mrs claus with a super potion so both survived a heat wave from salazzle and mrs claus one shot with psychic. mrs claus died to toxapex. drapion came in, recovered with snowflake and set up hail with thicc, drapion took an ice beam, hit snowflake, then died to brine from thicc, toxapex decided to use toxic spikes. in came venusaur, which missed power whip and a 1-2 ice beam/aurora beam finished it off, her last switch in was dragalgae. hit ice beam/aurora beam, it survived, barely. finished snowflake and died to hail damage. switched in big papi and doublescoop. hit ice shard on toxapex, it hit back hard with sludge wave and mirror coat finished the match. Advancing through the railnet and yureyu building was simple, i opted to fight Dr Sigmund because he's an assmunch. fight was a little annoying with psychic terrain blocking my priority but Cain kept hitting hard and we won quite handily. (one of the few 12v6 fights and not the other way round)
  25. I was told to go find cain. so i did. then i got my ass kicked by aster and eclipse. damn. so i did a few things. 1. Evolved doublescoop then returned it to the 45 level cap. i was unaware it could get snow warning till i looked it up. and as luck would have it i had the right ability to change to snow warning on evolution. this enabled.... 2. Trained alolashrew. Slush rush meant it could outrun most things. shame i wont have an ice stone for a good while yet. i mean i DO have one a nice person traded me with my starter but i'm not sure about the ethics on that one. So after another attempt. alolashrew did the job and took down solrock and lunatone before being fire fanged to death, doublescoop took down the lycanroc and big papi finished the other one. jynx came in, one shot Passimian and with big papi's help finished Oranguru. went further in to fight Taka again. clean sweep for newly evolved Walrein. he had absolutely nothing that could kill it. by the end of the fight it was sitting at 4HP but it survived and won single handedly. after that i headed back...to the city. stocked up on ice cream and a few cotton candy as well as grabbing a focus sash i missed under the grand staircase. i wanted to beat solaris. so Mama Bear lived thanks to focus sash and eliminated the field with blizzard, doing a good chunk to garchomp. Big Papi hit hard with ice shard. DoubleScoop came in to set up hail and basically neutralize leftovers. revived big papi. hit another ice shard. brought in kitty. hit a final ice shard down to the tiniest pixel of health, hail finished it before he could full restore. leaving Snowflake and Thicc as the survivors.
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