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Lil' Sunny

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lil' Sunny

  1. no its fine i can wait. i dont need it right now anyway i have a decent rhyperior. Brave Nature and all ivs (minus SpD) over 20. good enough for me rn
  2. ok good. i swear i read somewhere it wasnt. mightve been for an older ep tho.
  3. so i evolved my rhydon to rhyperior, and it's working well. but the problem is down the line when i get to the restored city, if i want to breed and EV my team effectively. i only had one Protector and as far as i know only 1 is available. is there anywhere i can get another one? stealing off wild pokemon, buying. another one in the wild. anything?
  4. and i forgot about that, i'm an idiot. though i still dont think grinding to 55 would help. maybe grabbing a wild something for my team could help in the short run. i think i can get Excadrill or smth
  5. My team is in no way shape or form capable of taking out the lv75 steelix and there's (as far as i know) no way to swap them out nor do i think anything in the immediate vicinity would help especially considering i couldnt even level them if i wanted to because no healing anything nearby. what can i do?
  6. that works fine for me. i'm usually still up then. (lol 12:30 GMT)
  7. just like to bump this saying i'm online and will be for a good while
  8. So i've been using this qt Sandshrew alola for awhile and he's kicking butt, he's also level 48 and i'm no closer to an ice stone. as far as i know the first one is near route 1 which is a bit off from where i am. can someone trade me one? i got a box full of random crabrawlers or smth if you want one. Username: MachoPony
  9. when you misremember where an item is, struggle on for another gym without it, check a guide then on the way back there decide to check your bag and find you had it all along.



  10. i distinctly remember struggling greatly with a Rotom Wash in there. guess they nerfed her since then.
  11. For amaria i used a focus band mamoswine and froze the water for most of the battle. just be sure its not frozen when her last pokemon comes out or it goes super speed.
  12. So my computer is not "Slow". it runs most modern day games at consistent and smooth FPS at the highest settings. and in reborn its no different. on the overworld its smooth, text flows nicely everything is fine. till i go into a battle. not only does the game seem to slow down, but there's a noticeable moment or 2 after inputting a move where nothing happens, then the animation plays. if i turn animations off it runs smoothly but with animations on, which is more aesthetically pleasing. it takes forever. i've even tried speeding the game up and it makes 0 difference, still that brief but noticeable moment of lag. the obvious solution is "turn off animations". but they look nice and i'd like to keep them on, but not if it means battles go this slowly. has anyone else experienced this and knows a fix? or what's causing it in the first place?
  13. "Hmm, i'm bored, what should i do? i know! let's restart Reborn. because that's totally not insane!"

    1. Alistair


      Hoho, now that's relatable. 

      *restarts reborn for the 57th time*

  14. if you're talking purely age rating based on content, then E10+ or T would be ideal there's nothing to warrant a higher rating (no extreme violence, no nudity implied or otherwise, no heavy sexual content) But as said before, Skill is the main factor, i know when i first started pokemon back in diamond soloing through the game like the naieve kid i was with just an infernape i certainly wouldnt have enjoyed a game as punishingly difficult as Reborn. it requires thorough knowledge of the ins and outs of pokemon to a borderline competitive degree as well as making the best of limited resources (in this case limited pokemon availability for a good chunk of the game) and studying the field guide to strategise against it as well as the enemy pokemon.
  15. Krookodile is a phenomenal ground type, especially if you can get it with moxie. though intimidate can help too. it learns great moves like foul play, earthquake and stone edge on top of a fairly monstrous atk stat. i would save magnezone, especially for what you're coming up to. also dont be afraid to double up on typings, just because a pokemon is of a certain type dosent mean another powerful pokemon sharing that type should be overlooked entirely, my current team has 3 Ground types for goodness sake.
  16. i did vaguely, used it myself as Falco a fair few times. but i still wasnt a pro player or anything lol
  17. starting with brawl i never experienced wavedashing or knew what it was and i likely wont for ultimate, but i dont see it impacting my personal gameplay be it solo or against other people. Besides i already main an incredibly fast character in Marth so i dont see how i would need any more maneuverability around the stage
  18. i've only found a couple sparsely through the game and they teach mostly useless moves with signal beam being the only noteworthy one and i was wondering if there's any more? my team would benefit greatly from moves like Knock Off, Iron Head or elemental punches/fangs its been awhile since i played the last ep so i forget if they exist in GDC but are there any in the game at all?
  19. So i cant expand the orphanage anymore till i have 9 orphans, i followed the guide on the forums and got 8, but the one supposedly just outside akuwa town isnt there. i'm guessing they got moved in V10 or something. anyone help me out?
  20. i'm fine with removing Rule 63 Marth. she has nothing unique about her at all in smash anyway. in fact even comparing her stat growths to Marth's shadow dragon growths she barely edges him out in every stat. meaning again, basically clones. and give us another unique fighter like charizard, one that's not just a melee fighter with some moves tacked on. maybe Braixen or smth or hell Chandelure.
  21. Pichu in melee was a literal pika clone with weaker moves that somehow HURT ITSELF. i imagine it wont be much different in Ultimate. so i have no problems getting rid of it. on the flip side. WHERE MAH BOI HECTOR AT (or really any Axe user)
  22. >Hardest challenge in reborn so far I respectfully and strongly disagree. a fair few of the gyms were challenging regardless of what pokemon types you brought or strategies you tried (Amaria springs to mind) the glass gauntlet was a gauntlet in the literal sense, but at the end of the day there was no "Strategy" to the teams. if you had the right pokemon with the right moves, you won. the field didnt matter, they didnt work particularly well together like in some double battles through the game. it was a tough fight but nothing about it complimented each other to make it any more difficult than 3 standard battles in a row. i'm personally glad it wasnt any harder since it still took me a few tries, but i had a tougher time strategizing for the episode's gym than i did for the battle itself
  23. Thirding the Galvantula sugg. Discharge with a ground type (or something with telepathy) is great for the infinite double battles, Bug Buzz is a solid bug move and sticky web is stupid usefl
  24. i personally used infernape and had no trouble through the game. its Blaziken with higher stats out of the gate but lacking speed boost, which is fine tbh. Greninja is a solid choice though you said you didnt know much about gen 7 Swampert's typing is great but you can mirror it with quagsire (who arguably has a better ability) and you'll want speed later on for some fights. out of the ones you like, Blaziken is your best bet with speed boost but otherwise, i would look to infernape or greninja
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