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Sardines last won the day on May 22 2024

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About Sardines

  • Birthday 02/25/1993

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  • Alias
    Sardines, Papa Fish
  • Gender
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    On the internet 😡
  • Interests
    Football (soccer), gaming and procrastinating :^)

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  1. We should kill one of the devs (not in minecraft but actually irl) and I have the perfect candidate. His name starts with S and ends with s. Can you please implement this feature asap, I personally need it NOW. Looking forward to hearing a prompt response, thank you
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. Now this, this is poggers. Some might even say poggersworth championship
  4. Nobody is saying grinding is difficulty. And fine, lets disregard any QoL feature like exp candies, ev rooms, etc. You still have Debug to use
  5. In that case, go play Normal mode. There is nothing wrong with that. If you don't want to spend all that time grinding and you're opposed to using debug, then I'm not sure what else can be done. Intense was literally made to be stupid hard (because they relied on field effects before as well, and had high EVs etc). And now with much better AI, it is doing a good job of being stupid hard
  6. Aight, so reading through this and I can't help but think that there is one key point being ignored or just isn't considered The "canon" way to play Rejuv is on Normal mode. If you want an easier time or you want a bit more of a challenge then you have Casual and Intense mode, respectively. Or to put it simply, casual and intense mode are extra features. I think it's a bit unfair to expect the devs to develop this game around the needs of Intense (or Casual) mode. Sure, QoL are always nice and I believe they are steadily added into Rejuv as more are thought up and suggested (obviously, not all suggestions are taken into account. Some are too low priority or a bit unreasonable). But at the end of the day, the main focus of dev isn't looking at things from the perspective of "how is intense". Now, just playing JRPGs in general, I'm personally not a fan of grinding to reach a specific end result (i.e. getting a specific character to specific level with specific attacks/abilities). So I can definitely empathize with what you're saying. But from what I'm understanding: a lot of the critique in your post looks like "intense mode should allow access to a formalized version of pokemon editing to save from the mindless grind". And I think the easiest solution to that is: just turn on debug and use that. It's a one line change to enable/disable it and should allow you to breeze through any of the mindless grinding. I can't guarantee what future releases may add into the game. But to expect that specific features would be added for a certain mode only might be expecting too much as, once again, the game is developed and planned around Normal mode
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  8. I can't believe you put those line breaks in at the end of your post like that But, fantastic work as always
  9. No need to be sorry if a question has been asked before. Can't expect to read through all previous questions in all threads for every obscure question. Jan can probably come in and give a proper answer but from what I know 1. If it's on the wiki, take it with a grain of salt. It has a lot of very outdated information. Such as Douse being a move that used to be in the game but now it's an unused move (no one uses it at the moment) 2. There isn't any real number decided for "how many TMs intend to put in game by final version". We'll know when we get to the final version 3. Can't say anything on this. Mainly cause not everything is finalized
  10. Dude, are you ever satisfied? And what do you mean "how I am supposed to know about that now"??? The purpose of this is so that you can know
  11. Nominating @Ikaru for everything, ez
  12. Well, there is a massive "Completionist" walkthrough guide with all the information that you could need. So that should get rid of all doubts
  13. I think it should be replaced with "Key of Victory". Sounds like a pretty cool name that leads into something epic. When I make my own anime, I'll make sure a protag (or at least secondary good guy character) will have a move like that
  14. Oh no. That's so sad. Master will be disappointed
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