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  1. So is there anywhere that is? as i said, i would do it legitimately, but i dont have access to the places...
  2. Hi, so this is a bit embarassing, but i just cant beat charlotte with my team as is, so I am in the process of training up new mons, unfortunately, what i have right now isnt ideal, and i cant go and catch/breed any before this gym, so can someone edit my tympole (timid), skrelp (timid/modest) and rhydon (adamant) to have better ev's and natures? Not all 31's obviously, but above 20? Also, if you wish, you can take heart scales if the nature is changed (again, i would go to 7th street but i'm locked out) https://www.dropbox.com/s/wb1rmc8aqs8jh5d/Game.rxdata?dl=0 Dropbox cos the uploader aint working for me
  3. Hi, so this is a bit dumb, but can somebody change the gender of my whirlipede to male? i wanted to breed for a megahorn karrablast but both are female.... thanks :> https://www.dropbox.com/s/kprrqb9a4n4x6kq/Game.rxdata?dl=0 (dropbox link because i cant seem to upload) alternately, could someone give me a guide on how to do it myself? I would be interested in helping out here too
  4. Is there a guide for TMs in reborn? I know there is for Rejuvenation but i can see nothing like that as of yet for reborn... could somebody please tell me if there is?
  5. Its not, but whatever man, i appreciate the help alot, i guess i'll just wait for version 9 or a patch. Thanks!
  6. Damn... could you help me progress past that conversation point then? i have no idea how to fix it so maybe skipping it entirely will work... i spam A so its not like the dialogue matters to me... Thanks regardless!
  7. Sorry to post twice but would it be possible to get this looked at? Ive tried to reset n reinstall wine but nothing ive done works... i tried to reupload but got another error
  8. So when i go down to west gearen sewers to trigger the scene, wine auto displays an error and shuts down by itself, can some one help me resolve this? link is in dropbox because the uploader isnt working for me https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzqnco4lx9o21vi/Game.rxdata?dl=0
  9. Hi, So I just got all the way to theolia church's battle against angie, and i brought 2 eggs along with me because i thought there would be a pc, but there isnt, and now i'm stuck with a weak team (( is there anywhere nearby that i can get my mons? I cant even let my whole team faint because it just brings me back to the candle thing... i feel so dumb Game.rxdata
  10. Uh hi, I dont know if this is where I am supposed to post, but is there a pc in theolia church? i made the mistake of bringing 2 eggs along with me and now am stuck unable to beat the battle with angie. If not, are there any alternatives for me? My save is below Game.rxdata
  11. Hi, so i dont know if this is limited solely to me, but i'm stuck in the mansion, and whenever i fight marianette, the game will always 100% of the time crash just as i am about to beat her, i was wondering if this was a common problem and if it could be fixed. Game.rxdata
  12. So I've just recently been fighting zetta in the caves (on mac), but my script hung during the dimensional galvantula fight, and now it wont let me on at all, could someone please help? Game.rxdata
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