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Everything posted by Foufoutos
After searching through many team builder websites, I choose to build the team in mypokemonteam.com, because I likes the layout best. There I could add the pokemons, abillities, items and movesets. I print screened those and pasted them in MS paint (which surprisingly received a solid makeover some time in the last few years). I added the alternate moves the same way. Finally, for the artistic touch, I pasted the image in powerpoint to add the colored boxes and that's it. The entire process took 20-30 minutes or so.
Half of my team is in overused; amazing! Blaziken was my most common sweeper. Holding the wide lens, high jump kick and blaze kick almost never miss. There is space for additional coverage and for excellent plays using baton pass. Gardevoir was the of course the special sweeper. Once mega evolved it never stopped. On many occasions I used it to set up screens instead of wrecking havoc. Aegislash was a perfect all rounder. The stat drop from king's shield saved my butt many times. Tyrantrum was probably the 'weakest' member of this team, consistently getting ohKO'ed. However, its move pool is amazing even more so when all the fangs are accounted for Golissopod is probably the MVP of the run. The number of pokemon that fell to first impression is immeasurable. The only downside is that the only water move of the team was stuck behind a slow pokemon that would switch out if its health dropped to 50%. Toucanon was the biggest surprise. I trained it as a defensive wall, counting on its abillity to do damage. Never in my life did I think I would be counting on bullet seed to do heavy damage.
On a roll!!! The question is how much I care for ralts. Probably not that much, unless I get bored too much waiting.
Why not have aegislash and tyranitar on top of the other 6 pokemons and rotate them throughout the game? I remember reading that we will receive more EXP in e19 so it will be easy to train extra pokemon. Also, you may add one 'twist' move on each of your pokemon instead of 4 damaging moves. For example metagross could carry stealth rock. You can look into bulbapedia for all moves each pokemon can learn. Or you could teach at least 3 different types of moves to each pokemon and have insane coverage. Really, experiment a bit and enjoy the game as much as possible :)
Mega gardevoir is so cool but haven't decided yet. Even normal gardevoir is pretty good! The first member of the team has arrived! The dillema is, normal or shiny? I feel the latter looks supreme.
That is true. The more I think about it, the more I want to drop porygon and mimikyu in favour of Gardevoir, which would leave one blank space in my team. Also, speed boost blaziken is easy to setup and outspeed almost anything.
Sounds like a 10-year old's wet dream, pretty much what I have in mind for my team :P Are you going to breed them to perfection?
I used to go only for attacking moves before reborn. I still mainly do because I want to have good attack coverage; but a few non-offensive moves spice things up ;) I think I am going to try Porygon + Mimikyu and see how it goes, even though a Gardevoir is veeeeeery tempting. I will probably have one on standby. However, it feels like Gardevoir will replace both Porygon (special attacker) and Mimikyu (fairy type), so I also need to think of a 6th pokemon in that case.
I share the same enthusiasm! I am currently IV training a ditto (thank you mods) and will use it to hatch the best IVs I can. Sounds very boring, but the anticipation for e19 make it sort of an enjoyable grind! Sounds solid to me! Are you using any online team-building tools to settle on movesets, abilities etc. ?
Mate I know exactly what you mean! I had a Gardevoir in my most recent run, and it was a beast of a sweeper with psychic, moonblast and calm mind. The number of times it saved me cannot be counted. However on this next run I wanted to have different mons and hence the absence of Gardevoir. Had that not being the case, I would definitely add it on my team. And to be fair, a level 94 Gardevoir will be chilling in my shared PC box so who knows ;) Enjoy the ride!!!
Late spring feels more realistic given what we have heard about the size of e19. If it becomes community available earlier, it will feel like mid-year christmas. Btw, is there any estimate on when the SWM mod pack will become compatible with e19?
Is this the right post to write "HYYYYYYPE "??
Hello! Short update in case anybody is wondering. I did quite a lot of swapping and considered numerous participants while trying testing on different teambuilder tools online. Haven't felt this nerdy in quite a while! In the end I scratched almost everything, except for my beloved starter. Blaziken and Porygon-Z will be the sweepers; can't wait to hit enemies with that x2 STAB tri-attack. Tyrantrum is going to be an all-rounder destroyer, as it should be. Gollisopod and Mimikyu can provide all sorts of back-up and Aegislash will be very fun to play with. In summary, good resistances, great coverage and a one-way ticket for the hype train!!! See you all at the final stop
Thanks for the suggestions! Now that you mention it, I can see it myself. I used to carry a Gardevoir/Roserade in my last run as special attackers. Having a Porygon-Z was always in the back of my mind but usually I forgot about it. Think I will try it out! I am really looking forward to crunching and stomping on everyone with the Tyrantrum and I would probably drop the Garchomp if I had to choose between the two. Also, my mind is flirting with the thought of a special water attacker instead of Feraligatr. Good thing there is plenty of time to think about it!
Heya, Hope everyone is enjoying the last days of the year as much as possible. To say I am hyped for e19 is an understatement. Replaying the game this year was a magical experience. Making a new team from scratch, leveling and training each member, strategizing over crucial battles and crying in a dark corner after losing The Gauntlet AGAIN, hold a special place in my heart, along with my 'final' team I ended up with at the end of e18. After thinking long and hard, I decided to start a new adventure on Reborn after the new episode releases, and enjoy the experience in its entirety! The plan is to transfer all the 'cool' pokemon (as Lv.1s) to that new game and satisfy my inner child as much as possible. I would like to get some suggestions and thoughts. So far I got: Blaziken (love) Feraligatr (+dragon dance=boom) Tyrantrum (just look at it) Garchomp (all the cools kids like it) Metagross (fairy killer) ??? Ground type can easily wreck this and Ice can be very dangerous. Fairy and Dragon types should be countered with Metagross. I am deeply concerned about the lack of Dark typing. I could always take my trusty Skuntank with me; open to suggestion. Also, I am thinking of dropping Garchomp in favour of Tyrantrum, in case there is a thing of too much dinosaurs. Movesets, strategy and team synergy is a story for another day. I want to get a list of candidates before I start thinking of that. Thanks to anyone for your time!
Long time no post! So I recently discovered all in-game soundtracks can be found in the audio folder of pokemon reborn. As a guy that hasn't followed the pokemon franchise after gen 3, most of these tracks were introduced to me through this glorious game. The chosen soundtracks fit the atmosphere of each location/situation like a glove, but sometimes... oooh sometimes, the music completely steals the show. Let's just say that I had to express how much I appreciate the effort put behind every subtle detail in this game. Soooo... now that you know...what's your favourite in-game soundtrack? For me it's either the music on Titania's castle or Mirage tower.
It is an honour to me as well!
Nice to meet you all!It is supposed to be a local sweet thing in Thesalloniki, Greece, but now that you mention it it resemblew a churros a lot
Nice to meet ya! Cool sign btw It's an honour Glad to be here
Funny how you stumbled in this topic...It's in the first page you say? Who would expect that! What am I doing you ask. Isn't it obvious?...it isn't...? Weeeeell, to put it simply it's my lazy attempt to introduce my self. I haven't introduced my self yet? You do make a fair point, but where are your manners asking someone of his name without introducing yourself first...Yes I know the purpose of this topic is to introduce myself, however-..Ok sir...yes....yes...I understand...Please calm down you are scaring other people away...You know what? You drive a hard bargain sir so I'll stop wasting your time and get on with the purpose of this introduction. My name is Foufoutos, conquer of worlds, devourer of nations and creator of miser- Sir why are you taking your boot off?...and aiming at me? OH MY GOD IS THAT-?!?!? Stay tuned the epic conclusion to this sorry excuse of a topic! Jokes aside (not really), if you managed to make it through all this it is only fitting to reward you somehow My name's John. I am a 23 year old guy going through my last year in university. Although shy at first I can get really comfortable really fast. My hobbies include karate, chilling with friends, sleeping or doing meaningless stuff just 'cause i love doing them. Being playing reborn for about 2 months now after a friend recommended it. Couldn't be happier. Patiently waiting for next episode Favourite beer? Affligem^^ Feel free to grab one~