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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BassilHawkins

  1. Cool! Do you want to trade? Which Pokemon do you want to have? (And how do we set the trade up :S?)
  2. Hey fellow Trainers! Just now as I finished Ep.16 I looked for a Helioptile in Beryl Ward. But the elevator is closed in new Reborn City and guarded by an old man mumbling about money and rents! Can someone breed a helioptile for me? It does not have to be special in any way! I offer one of my leftover shinies from breeding! IV's are not perfect, but the mons are shiny nonetheless: Shellder , Larvesta, Charmander, Meditite, Froakie, Croagunk, Ralts or Trapinch. Hopefully Bassil
  3. Regenerator Max HP/Defense Amoonguss as physical Tank! Takes every one hit and Spores the fuck out of its enemies And Max HP/Defense Milotic with Spec.Defense Nature as special Tank. This thing is gorgeous
  4. You guys make it seem like it is our fault for asking! But in truth it is the developers fault for making the freakin' best Pokémon Game ever released!! How could anyone wrong us for asking -.-?? But seriously, I was stunned by the quality of Pokémon Reborn and I am willing to wait a very long time just to ensure that it keeps kicking ass Thank you this far for the great work !!!
  5. I am not sure how exactly the scene went down, but Cain was almost smashed by a boulder and stumbled: "Wow, my entire life just flashed before my eyes!" Dragonite Lady: "Hmm, sounds like a bad split second porno...." Cain: "Well, the dialogues were better..." I almost peed myself on this one XDDD
  6. Hey Fellows, I am On the Hunt for a sweet Slowpoke! Obtainable list marks it as available, Pokedex hints towards Route 4 but On the Hunt list says N/A. Anyway I can't find it on Route 4. Do I have to try during a specific weather condition or daytime? Do I have to fish for it or does it creep through the snowy woods? Please help me
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