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  1. Is there a reason the official download Links are still for 19.12 instead of 19.16, or is it just that they haven't been updated yet?
  2. With the release of Reborn E19 comes the Incubator. This makes SpeedBreed redundant, and thus it will no longer be updated for Reborn. The Rejuvenation version will continue to be supported.
  3. Updated for Rejuvenation v13. Thanks to @Joboshy for the unofficial update, which I based the actual update on.
  4. I wrote something similar a while back. https://github.com/DDriggs00/VoltorbFlipCalculator Feel free to copy some/all of the math from this (it's MIT Licensed). It basically restricts what can be done using a *lot* of math, then brute forces it from there. All the actual work is done in C++, and the app just uses JNI to pull the data and export it as a usable format. Edit: This also looks promising: https://github.com/forrestbicker/VoltorbFlipSolver
  5. Probably a mix of "peeps" and "Plebs"
  6. I think adding a favicon for the site would be a great benefit for people who have it bookmarked.
  7. Will it be possible to use multiple codes in one game (eg. Nuzlocke w/ hard cap or Mono(type) and EasyHMs)?
  8. Thanks for the bug report. The problem is a simple problem to fix (like 2-3 lines of code in an event), although I may not be able to fix it for a while, my dev PC is in the process of an OS reinstall.
  9. Rejuvenation version is here!! Also, I added a new update that removes the requirement of a separate script, so installation is now much easier (just copy a map) Tagging @AAAAAAAAAAA and @Alisae because they requested the Rejuv version
  10. Have you tried Waynolt's any starter mod here?
  11. I Just dumped a full box of Deino into WT
  12. Once I finish Reborn E18 (possibly E19), I will possibly start playing Rejuvenation. I MAY at that point make a version for it.
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