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  1. "It was all a dream" is an old and unliked cliche that completely invalidates the story-I think an alternate timeline is far more likely.
  2. Have you gone back to the Opal Ward? The weather should change if you do.
  3. Oh, shoot, my bad-I always confuse Scary Face with Mean Look, and thought that you were using Scary Face to make sure Perish Song would work.
  4. Doesn't Solaris only have one Pokemon? The Scary Face wouldn't be necessary.
  5. Are you just saying that there are guides out there, or are you asking where they are?
  6. This is really neat, thanks for sharing! I love that they all play it at once and share the experience, it's really fun to see a group playing a game instead of just one person! (I could have done without the all the yelling at the start of episode one, though...)
  7. We've never battled him before. X and Y says that one of his Pokemon was killed, but I wouldn't assume it was his only one. (That's be quite a rough journey, especially with a double weakness to Psychic)
  8. I second most of these suggestions on this thread! (the few I don't are the ones I've never heard of-I'll have to try them out soon! Thanks for sharing!) Adding to the list, I'd recommend- Ethereal Gates-A game with a Fakemon-only dex, and a lot of nice visual improvements! (I tend to think of its graphic style as "Gen 5.5"-it's not 3D like Gen 6 was, but it's still improving on Gen 5 graphics) The current demo only goes up to just past the second gym, I think, but there's still plenty of content to enjoy up to that point! Spectrum-A game with a mix of Fakemon and canon Pokemon, using Gen 5 graphics. Not sure how far it goes-I think past the third gym?-but I know there's a lot to explore, and some very fun fakemon! Unfortunately, neither of these have that elusive Steel/Poison type.... (I could swear I had more to recommend, but I'm at a loss for now...I might be able to list a few more soon!) Also, while Sage's demo is considerably small, the development for the game is really incredible to see! I'd definitely recommend checking out the wiki and seeing what's in store!
  9. Uranium is definitely one I'd recommend checking out. While it's not quite as dark as Reborn, it does get more mature than the standard Pokemon games, and it has quite a number of fun features! If you're looking for a storyline-driven game that's also dark, Bonfire Stories is a very fun one to explore. The premise of the game is fairly simple-a group of friends sit around a fire and share spooky stories-but the player actually goes through each story as the protagonist! The stories tend to have a much darker touch, but since they're short stories, there's not much exploration of the characters themselves. This might not be quite what you're looking for, but Ethereal Gates is a fangame I'd certainly recommend. While not exactly darker in storyline (at least, not yet, the demo has not revealed much about the villainous team), the writing is certainly very nice, and the graphics are really excellent! Insurgence is certainly another one worth checking out, and the story is certainly much darker than most games. (I personally find some of it a bit excessive, which makes it lose its impact, but it actually has a lighter storyline option-it doesn't remove major events like character death, but it does tone down minor things like ritual sacrifices) Like Reborn and Bonfire Stories, it focuses more on a new look at canonical Pokemon than fakemon. (though it does include some in the form of Delta Pokemon)
  10. I think the idea here is having rewards at various stages of completion-not necessarily just finishing the whole set. I really like Uranium's setup-the Pokemon you get are pretty neat, too. I think it mainly depends on the game itself, though-with Reborn, for example, it wouldn't really be great to offer because a lot of Pokemon can be missable, and the point is more to have a challenge with battles, not to have an abundance of Pokemon.
  11. You're absolutely right, I had held off because I didn't think it could have been covered with the note, but it would have been much more respectful to get direct confirmation, my bad. Yeah, the stripes were driving me nuts the whole time, I'm honestly surprised I could even manage as well as I did. (usually I just do recolors if I want to mess around) Thanks for the advice! I might try to touch it up sometime, but I think I'll need to have a better understand of color beforehand. And @CombatMedic I do think it'd be super cool to have in the game, but I don't really see a specialized function it could have. The Master Ball's already in the lottery, and I don't feel like it'd have a niche use. Maybe some specialized kind you get at a certain point in the game, as a sort of reward?
  12. Let me start by saying that if this is in any way against the dev team's desires, I am deeply sorry, and I promise I will take down the images linked to. So, I really like the PokeBall used as the icon for Reborn, and I thought, "wouldn't it be neat to use in-game?" So I did a bit of tinkering in paint.net, and ta da! If you'd like to use this yourself, you can save these files over any of the current PokeBall sprites. (A reskin, if you will.) It's not quite as simple as just naming it "Ultra Ball" or whatever you want to change, though. Follow these steps: You should be able to access the folder "Graphics" under the folder "Reborn15". Open the folder "Icons" and locate the sprite of the ball you want to change. (They're sprites 264-287) Save this image under that name, and replace it in the folder. (Be sure to make a copy of the original sprite in another folder if you want to switch back) (Should be named ItemXXX) Now, go back to "Graphics" and open "Pictures". Find the open and closed pair of sprites for the ball you want to edit, and save these two images in its place. (should be named ballXX) (should be named ballXX_open) And finally, scroll down to find the summary icon for the same ball, and put in this file! (should be named summaryballXX) And there you have it!
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