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  1. You could try a mod called reborn sandbox mode, from what i read you get a perfect IV shiny ditto from it.
  2. This is not a guess but a question, what happened to the doors that were all over reborn before?
  3. Ame is indeed a she, she has showed her face an Cass' on her vids on youtube, btw both their smiles are actually beautiful, and they are both really funny (Link to her youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT4VpgPM7enx2BNYyycxhDg )
  4. padamoce

    hi again

    We will wait as much as needed take your time, btw starlight is looking great, nice job
  5. Sure dude, i got one in a trade, perfect ivs and shiny. PM me via discord, username: Padamoce
  6. Thank you so much, i guessed we would had to hatch phione later on, i would had never thought about him
  7. I have a total of 730 mons owned and the lady of the poipole sidequest says there are 731 obtainable mons. which one am I missing? i'll attach my game file just in case Game.rxdata
  8. @NicoleDZGB i would highly recommend it if you are really into pokemon (Kinda dumb thing to say if you are here) but, needless to say this game has a kinda dark.... I would say sense of humor but nah, everything is kinda dark but it is the best pokemon fan-made imo
  9. So... Can anyone tell me where is this puzzle? I have been looking for it and can't find it, thanks in advance
  10. Thanks after knowing it was related to that I just went to opal ward and, well the rest is history thank you both so much
  11. I have been playing reborn for a long time (since episode 8 ), But i am almost sure that door wasn't there before, can anyone tell me how to open it?
  12. I was going to give you a lv 83 volcarona but seems like you are not interested
  13. are you up for a battle? (username: padamoce)

    1. Egzample


      Sorry, havent been logging for quite a while. I`ll make changes on my availability in ''looking for battle'' topic soon.

  14. Online username: padamoce Timezone: GMT -5 Availability: from 12:00 to 16:00 regularly Rules/Field effect: anything is fine by me, i'd rather play without field
  15. so do u have a beldum a hippopotas or something interesting? something tanky would also do the trick \
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