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Everything posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. Haha. Omg. A 3 way tie already? Haha. Ohh well. This is gonna be open for a while so that's bound to change. Luckily, I wrote down the pairs for the teams already so I won't forget. Haha.
  2. Well I'm heading to bed but just 1 more time, go here and vote! 😄


  3. Yea. It has been a while. But I'm confident it'll start before the 1 year mark hits on the original thread. And yes. 6 Options. I prob should have mentioned that every single 1 of those options has 3 Pokemon. I'm gonna go edit that now. Thank you for that @seki108. xD
  4. So it felt weird adding a question to the Bonnie thread I made a year ago so I just made a new thread for this vote. Don't worry. For the new voters, I put in the original thread this is for. For the old voters of the other thread, vote here too and go back to the other thread if you wish to read the 1st part of the story. 🙂


  5. Before I say anything, I think this is the correct place to post this. It's basically a continuation of another thread I made a year ago. Anyways, HI! What's up? It be me, J-Awesome_One! This is basically a continuation voting poll part of the original thread. (Which I will post at the end of this) Now you may look at this poll and be like "Well what the heck? The options are only Option #1, Option #2, etc." and you're correct. You're voting something completely blind but I know what it is. The options here are what Bonnie will catch when I finally do my written story of her in Reborn. Originally, I did add this question on the original poll but... Idk. It just felt weird to add a question to a thread I made a year ago. So I scrapped it from there and am doing it here. So enjoy and here's the thread this is made for. Before I forget, I'll close the poll here when I start the run. Enjoy! I forgot to mention that each Option has 3 Pokemon within them. So Option #1 has 3 Pokemon, Option #2 has 3 Pokemon and so on and so forth.
  6. Idk about any of you but it just hit me. There's only 1 more Episode after this and then the game is finished. I'm happy about it but also a bit saddened about it. But I suppose it's like a really good tv show. Good things must come to an end. But it's up to the people to keep it fun and good and other nice things... Wow. I sure know how to make everyone happy for an update don't I? Haha. 😛

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      You're welcome. Honestly though, if I didn't find that, it'd drive me crazy. Haha. But yea. It sucks but I hope the dude is feeling better.

    3. seki108


      This NPC/helper sprite:  All of the yes!



    4. seki108


      He's on right, J, so you could ask him if you wanted to.  I'm not the best at asking stuff like this.

  7. Ame: E18 of Reborn is officially out for the Reborn Community.

    Me: O.O 


  8. 1st, I have to say guys/gals... E18 is here! 2nd, (and yes, this was on my mind after the community release) can the Penta-Op crew update or are they not apart of this community to be able to do that?
  9. Well it technically does. Just it isn't the important part right now.
  10. Although... Can you really call Castform a Normal Type? I mean it is but when you use weather moves, it changes its typing. That would be confusing to me. And I would argue the same for Ditto because of its transform.
  11. Wow... I've never seen anyone use a Castform before. That is quite interesting. In any case, nice job! Love reading through this and watching the videos.
  12. I've been wondering. Whenever I do actually start this, (I know. Long ass waiting time but it WILL happen) should the Pokemon she has in her teams now know the same moves they did in the anime or just them start off with their lvl 5 moveset? And I'm just saying this now, I will be using the sandbox mode for this for obvious reasons and I do plan on doing breeding and stuff like that but not until we actually make it to the DayCare Couple in Obsidia Ward. I wanna be a little bit fair when I start this story. Haha.
  13. I think of some weird stuff when I stay up late. Like for instance, if you put a dot somewhere and then another dot anywhere else, no matter where the 2 are or the distance between the 2, it's always a straight line to each other. I know this isn't exciting but I thought I'd share this. 😄

  14. Can't you also get a Drilbur in the cave with the giant Steelix or did that change?
  15. You know, we've been talking about how they're gonna act when this person dies or when that person dies but I'm curious as to how they're gonna take it when they see a certain Fighting Type Pokemon die. That'll be a sight to see... or hear. (because they don't use face cams in Penta-Ops)
  16. Yea. That reminds me. Does anything happen after they see "Corey" jumping off that building? I have NEVER seen that before.
  17. I swear this isn't dead! In fact... I'm hoping that this will be starting sometime before the 1 year anniversary I made this which is like a month and a week away.
  18. Omg! Wait! What about the puzzle in the Blacksteam Factory! That is going to be so fun to watch them being tortured by that! I know. I'm sadistic. But oh well.
  19. I'm curious as to how they'll handle the Mt. Pyrous puzzle. I'll admit. I've been playing this game for half a decade and that gives me trouble sometimes.
  20. You can always put them in spoilers and above just put who they're for.
  21. Naw. He wouldn't do us like that. Btw, you have A LOT of encounters they got today to list down in this thread. Haha. xD
  22. Wow. So Nappy went into the underground railnet before story. That's so confusing to me for some reason.
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