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Everything posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. Serra got lucky. I think out of every Vanilla 1st meets, she's been the nicest to Serra so far. Loved the interaction between those 2 as well with Bennett and El. Geez. You're blowing right through these. I'm gonna have to restart my ManlyLocke Challenge if this keeps happening. xD Can't wait for the next update though!
  2. Is Aya's Badge called the Blight Badge or Venom Badge?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      Well this wiki isn't exactly super comprehensive, and a bit out of date in places. If Aya herself says Blight Badge (in the current version) then I guess that's fairly conclusive


    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I don't know if it was fixed in E17's public release, but in the E17 alpha, Cain called it one and Aya called it the other. 


      If I'm remembering correctly, Corey and/or Cain's online league badge was/were called the Venom Badge, while Aya's was called the Blight Badge.

    4. J-Awesome_One


      I'm gonna have to go with the Blight Badge then. Thanks everyone! :D

  3. BUT! What is the personality of Illumise? Is it like Pikachu? Shelly? Vanilla? Or something else? o.O
  4. I was kind a hoping more interaction with Vanilla and Charlotte after she pulled the "go ahead and kill her" stunt buuuut you replaced with A LOT of different story than the original so I can live with that. Wasn't expecting another travel Pokemon with Vanilla. Interesting. You deff have a knack for this! Loved this update!
  5. Hunting for a Dome Fossil suuuuucks.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      You said that feeling of satisfaction you get is just awesome and that word is part of my username? Haha.

    3. RedAlert


      ahahah did not see that xD

      I'm not as funny as you give me credit for lmao

    4. J-Awesome_One


      Lol. Don't worry. I do that to everyone. :P

  6. Little bit of a spoiler for the next Episode. The next Pokemon James catches will look a little different than usual.
  7. Idk about you all but I'm also curious as to what voices they're gonna give to the characters.
  8. I'm really curious about how they're gonna think of Fern. You know, you KNOW 1 of them is gonna be alright with Fern. Haha. Probably either Mo, Nexus or Jay.
  9. Well for 1, I too am hyped for this to FINALLY happen. Although, I do wish it was a normal playthrough of it. I'd like to see what teams they'd use and I also think they really will end the game once everyone loses and that sucks. And I have no clue if there is a randomizer version of this game or not. But I'm pretty sure that today is the last Penta-Op for Insurgence so yes for that! Do you know if they're gonna do it almost immediately after this or is it gonna be more for like end of the year @nepeta100 ?
  10. Thanks! Again, sorry for the short wait. Idk why it did that.
  11. Ok. And I take it you'll be the 1 requesting for me right?
  12. Apparently, I had to redownload the same file but whatever. It's working now. Again, ID is Awesome_One
  13. Hold on. I'm gonna redownload it. Sorry. I hope I'm not wasting your time.
  14. Wait. My thing is saying that the version I'm using is outdated yet I'm using 17.1 version. Is there a newer version out or is there something wrong with my game?
  15. The 1st 1. My ID is Awesome_One.
  16. So yea. I need a male Lapras. I can trade back a perfect Defensive/Special Defensive IV Duskull with the move Destiny Bond bred onto it.
  17. Btw, with my James run, I will still be doing screen shots but with important battles, I will record them.

  18. Well I can't pick just 1. It would have to be Arbok & Goodra. My 2 fav Pokemon. Can't pick 1 over the other.
  19. I'm going to take that as a way of saying it's been so long since this has been updated. Haha. xD
  20. Me too. Although, depending on when my other sprites for my other runs gets done, you may see multiple stories going on. XD Ohh yea! I totally forgot my playthroughs are what you used to watch off of for your run. Well, I suppose I'll have to do some more on it when you're closer to Radomus since defeating him for his badge was the last thing I did before taking a break from that run.
  21. Yea. That makes more sense. I kinda like that you did that though. Instead of her just going "Ok. I'm gonna save them for myself." kind of thing.
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