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Everything posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. In the manga, I believe there is a scene (or whatever you call it when it's in a book) where a trainer has his Charmeleon slice a team rocket's Arbok in half. So yea. There's some pretty gruesome stuff that happens in Pokémon.
  2. So basically all I need is a Razor Fang.
  3. @Hooligan Do you perhaps have a Gligar that is holding a Razor Fang? If so, can we trade? My ID is the same as my profile name. Btw, it doesn't matter what IV's, nature or moves it has.
  4. @Gengar768 Sweet! Well I'll be here for like another 12 hours so time is no problem this time. xD
  5. Can someone trade me a Clauncher and a Gligar holding a Razor Fang? Good/Perfect IV's aren't necessary. ID is the same as my profile name.
  6. I'm sorry! My thing didn't tell me someone replied back to this! If you're up to do it now/in the next hour, I'll still be here. Btw, my ID is the same as my profile name. EDIT: Well I'll be going to sleep now. Hopefully sometime tomorrow we'll be able to trade. Again, sorry for not seeing this sooner. Just let me know when you're free to do it and I'll get on as soon as I wake up.
  7. Can I get a Ditto? IV's don't really matter to me. I'll be up for like another hour and a half/2 hours and then I won't be on here for like 8 hours due to sleep. Haha.
  8. Yay! This is back! Loved reading this! Interesting that you didn't have Litten and Vulpix battle but that also makes the story different so I'm all for it. Can't wait for the next Chapter.
  9. Alrighty. Well, I'll be up for like the next 4 hours. So I should be ready whenever you are.
  10. Awesome! (Pun on my own profile name. LOL!) I'm able to do it whenever you're able to.
  11. Does anyone have a male seviper to trade to me? I'm only in the Lapis Ward so I don't have anything really good to trade back.
  12. I wonder why they made it to be like that? Not complaining but you know.
  13. So I just got done beating the 1st gym in Episode 17 and I actually had trouble with the battle for the 1st time since I 1st started playing this amazing fanmade game. This topic is basically for me, as well as with anyone else that wants to share their thoughts, to talk about how they feel about the possible new looks of the wards/people, character team changes, changes to dialogue, etc. etc. But of course, we must do it in the spoiler box so people who don't want to be spoiled well... Won't be spoiled. Sooooo...
  14. So I just looked at the shines of the Pokémon I want to use in E17 and can I just say SHINY GOOMY/SLIGGOO/GOODRA LOOK SO DAMN YUMMY! Reminds me of chewing gum! xD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      Double thanks! This is gonna be awesome! :D

    3. seki108


      Good luck with Princess Bubblegum

    4. seki108


      No problem

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