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Mr. Penglog

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Everything posted by Mr. Penglog

  1. If you haven't watched it, I suggest the movie "The Others" starring Nicole Kidman. Psychological horror at its finest.
  2. And just to add, we challengers have the luxury of seeing how the leaders are playing their matches so somehow, we have insights on their playstyles so I think its kind of bit fair for both sides. As for suggestions, I think it would be interesting if you guys could make a thread where leaders or challengers could post interesting replays of their league battles mainly for boasting (lol) or for pointing out strategies against certain leaders and helping other challenger prepare their plays.
  3. What's this?? First time seeing this gimmick play. Wonder guard + No type. wut. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublesou-528806960
  4. Hi! Would it be alright if I change some mons in my team and some of their moves as well? I don't have any badges yet (if that is a requirement) Thanks! Please let me know if I'm doing this wrong. My trainer card can be seen in my signature (if that helps).
  5. Another good game. Thanks for the match!
  6. Maybe. But while I was on E15, I fixed the stairs. Dunno if it was changed prior to E16.
  7. Iirc correctly, I donated cash for it to be repaired. You have to talk to the guard inside the building atop the stairs.
  8. Unfortunately it is not yet obtainable as of the current episode.
  9. If you're sure about this, try posting this under bug report so authorities could look up your save file.
  10. It maybe a bug but just to be clear, have you given one to the aqua member inside the elevator of 7th street?
  11. Yeah. It is much later in the game. It involves having to answer no in any of blake's requests if iirc.
  12. 1% so close http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-521476932
  13. Didn't know there was this kind of thing going on. Hoping to join for the next one!
  14. For me, I would pick volt switch over discharge for a few reasons. To get advantage during pokemon switches and to not harm your team mates during double battles. You would have to switch your team mate to either garchomp or sylveon to safely use discharge. Both moves have a slight difference in power but the utility that volt switch gives is much more important on setting up strategies. And also 30% chance of paralysis on discharge is not a sure shot so you need a bit of luck if you're relying on it. Other than that, you've made a pretty great team. Just be careful on double battles because your salazzle has two of its move that could endanger most of it's team mates so pick it's partner carefully.
  15. Getting used to predicting switch-ins http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-514551279 New strategy for me, Entry Hazard Shuffle. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-514578597 And relying on hax with this one. Unbelievable. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-514806435
  16. Better stick to that offensive scolipede instead @DreamblitzX. Full support build got axed. Thanks for the info @Kiteruguma.
  17. This surely depends on what you feel you need on your team. The thing is a focus sash scolipede with no protect can only guarantee you a one time +1 speed boost pass on a teammate. It cannot guarantee you a second or a third time since scolipede is fragile. That build is alright if you're planning to use your scolipede more offensively (meaning, using its own boosts to attack) rather than being a support (passing it to others). Sash is really reliable if you're sticking with the offensive scolipede. But just to give you options, A common full support scolipede has leftovers so entry hazards are not that big of a threat compared to an offensive build since it can just regenerate health while using protect.
  18. Aqua tail is good coverage move for your scolipede but if you want a guaranteed speed boost pass on it, try adding protect rather than solely relying on your focus sash. You could also transform it into a full support role by also having substitute so you could pass it into your other mons (I think that requires you to transfer 252 EVs of your attack to hp). Other than that, I think you have a good semi offensive scolipede if you stick to your original build. Hope I helped
  19. If not banned, try checking scolipede or ninjask.
  20. Tried pokemon showdown for the first time, still getting the hang of it. And after a few battles, http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7randombattle-511559611 And a fail comeback, http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7randombattle-511758942
  21. Hi! I dont have experience on competitive matches but seeing one obvious flaw (which you mentioned), 2 of your pokemons are 4x weak against stealth rock. I suggest including a pokemon who could atleast remove that entry hazard. A pokemon with magic bounce or a spinner and defogger would be IMO a great help on setting up your volcarona (because you have to waste a turn on roost to heal it to full health and you have to wait for another opportunity to set up quiver dance) and mega pinsir. Hope I helped
  22. Well, the game made sure that you wont miss any obtainable item in the railnet so a bunch of items like the corrupted pokeball appeared there after renovating it. I think the assault vest was the only new item there.
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