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Optimus Septim

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Optimus Septim

  1. Finally, after months of patience and exitement for the new episode, it is finally here. Before I start playing I just want to thank Ame and the rest of her fellowship for their hard work for making this possible. This is making my 2016 even better. Because I want to play this new part of the story so badly, i kept the thanks very short, but it is from the bottom of my heart
  2. Thank you all for these specific tips, tricks and tactics. Now the run can only be a success. I can only add one thing to Crobat: Venoshock. That is one of the main reasons why i love poison types now, Corey showed me that poison can be really tough #teamcorey . That fight (and Crobat from my main run ^^) convinced me of starting this run.
  3. Toxic spikes, got it. Thanks for the hunting list Tartar, i really appreciate it.
  4. Because steel has some very good advantages, which many overlook. ^^ Roger that. One of the Nidos and Tentacruel is definitely on my list. Crobat, when i can get my hands on a zubat will be definitely on my team. I know Scolipede from my playthrough of White. It is really a good option which is better than I thought. Gengar would be the best choice for Mewtwo, but unfortunately that is only a dream. Noted it.
  5. Thanks for that, too. That was my kind of tactics when i first went to the Pokemon League back in 1st Gen. After training I tested out how far I would come without using healing items, which is pretty much the same kind of scouting. ^^
  6. A Stunky would therefore a good option to catch early. I did not know that his team is built around that, as I can remember he never used it in my runs. But this specific one sounds very good.
  7. Thank you for these essential tips Anstane. A extra challenge run would be too much for the first mono-run. As I think of now, Radomus has potential for a nightmare. ^^ EDIT: I just remembered the Mewtwo fight before Terra ... oh god, why? Cronos, thank you very much for that guide, that is the holy grail I am looking for.
  8. Hi everyone, it is been a while since I last posted here, because of work and illness. But now I am back. So I decided to start another Reborn run today, but with the restriction of only poison-types (dual-types are okay since it is my first mono-run ^^). I have already chosen Bulbasaur as a starter and caught an Ekans. Important ones right at the start are for me Gulpin and Trubbish. But my question is, what to do further, any suggestions from you guys?
  9. That´s not quite the case here in Austria. I must admit that I have heard about Sound of Music when I was around 10 years old in The Pacifier with Vin Diesel. ^^ If any only the people in and around Salzburg could know about it, because it was filmed in that region.
  10. Welcome to Reborn City! May Ames' light shine upon you.
  11. Yeah, should really be that easy. Anyways good comparison, didn't thought about hot and cold. ^^Also we have got Sound of Music, a movie which is really popular but almost nobody knows it in Austria. xD
  12. I set up my extended team for the challenges Ame will present us in Episode 16. Can't wait for the community release. Thank you for everything Ame!
  13. It looks like I am the early bird instead of Spine, so no boop for you Blue Moon. ^^ But I think now it is time for Spine.
  14. Thanks mate! I definitely enjoy it here, everyone is so nice here. Also welcome to you from my side, maybe we meet each other on the showdown server.
  15. Welcome to Reborn City! Enjoy your stay here!
  16. Welcome to Reborn City Amy! Hope you enjoy your stay here.
  17. That´s really interesting Lugruf. Good Luck with your homework Spine. Lugruf?
  18. Then I catch and train up both. Then I can still decide which one fits more in my team. Thanks to everybody for the help.
  19. That is really fortunate. I have caught beldum a couple of weeks ago, that was definitely my longest stay at the wastelands.
  20. You are welcome Lugruf, it was a honor to help you.
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