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Red X

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About Red X

  • Birthday 02/05/1998

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    Pokemon, Computer, Books

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  1. I just started playing pokemon reborn a long time ago and I choose torchic as my starter pokemon. Is that good or not? Or maybe I should start a new game with a new starter? Anyway let's just get into the point, actually I'm here to ask you guys something related to my question earlier. I want to ask, what is your favourite pokemon starter and the best pokemon in your team? And why did you pick them?. My favourite pokemon starter is acually a mudkip, but unfortunately the first gym in reborn is an electric-type. So I end up choosing torchic. And the best pokemon in my team is meowstic, because I think psychic-type pokemon is the best, especially gardevoir but unfortunately I didn't catch one yet. So what's yours? Fell free to share....
  2. Hello Guys! My real name is abi, I choose name Red because I always use name red in every pokemon games that I've played. I've already play any pokemon games from the official one like firered version, ruby, emerald, diamond, etc. And also all fan-made pokemon games, so I'm not a noob in pokemon world. But among all fan-made pokemon games out there. I like Reborn very much! I never see a pokemon world this dark before, and I just like it. The reason I join this forum because I have so many question related to the game. So please help me anytime I have a problem or question. Nice to meet you guys and thank you for your attention
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