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Greninja last won the day on May 3 2017

Greninja had the most liked content!


148 Benefactor

About Greninja

  • Birthday 05/12/1999

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Lightseeker, Exavier
  • Gender
  • Location
    Meditating in a Dark Cave
  • Interests
    Lurking in the Shadows

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  1. Happy Birthday Greninja! I hope you'll have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Happy Birthday, Hope you have a good one
    Hope u and your loved ones are okay

  3. Happy Birthday Greninja 😄, i hope that you wil have a great day 🙂 🍰

  4. I didn't have the time to change my vote. At that time, I found Dark Rogue to be suspicious when I came back, there were all this theories and the day phase nearing a close so I didn't change my vote. I'm surely not a mafia or anyone that is dangerous or a hindrance.
  5. I know Newt is town, and I trust Roswell is one too. So that leaves sosobean and HongaarseBeer (I suspect you to be the last Valiant). I protected Roswell and Dark Rogue this past few nights so you get the idea of what my role is now. [Eliminate] HongaarseBeer
  6. @Dark Rogue but wait if I remember correctly, the Greninja2 role was not one of the roles or I may have missed something
  7. Hmmmmm no more statemnets after I last posted 2nd post to meet the post requirements
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