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  1. LETS GOOOO + any chance i can move my file that was originally on windows to play on the new mac version of rejuv instead?
  2. if you have the 12th badge you can use Fly.
  3. your problems with crawli and angie can be easily handled with a drought torkoal from the safari zone.
  4. Having two psychic types in redundant. I recommend replacing Gallade with Lucario or Heracross (which may be useful in v12 onward).
  5. Lol idk why i nicknamed it that. I got it from a mystery egg.
  6. Any improvements that you guys think can be made for v12? Any input is appreciated.
  7. where can i find the missing poliwag in the picture in v11?
  8. nx2001

    Sick Husband

    You have to go to 7th street anytime between 7-11 am to find the lady.
  9. Do you want a perish song and roost murkrow with prankster?
  10. Can I have the Tepig and the Joltik?
  11. Then how did I find her in my version 8 file?
  12. Hey man can I have a tyrunt for either a snivy, oshawott or tepig.
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