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About cordialChaos

  • Birthday 01/26/1999

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    The Other World
  • Interests
    Anime, Music, Pokemon of Course~ Art, Roleplay, writing, and many other things.

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  1. Thank you all for your welcomes! I never expected so many responses, I must say that I feel as if I will fit in here. I hope we have future discussions as well, Yeshwa. Let's both be as actuve as we can. Tartar.. I thank you for your warnings, though I had made note of the traps as I entered. I have paid many prices to find this lair, none of which I regret. <I step further in, skirting around the traps. As I move closer my grin never wavered, and I stop in front of you.> I plan to stay, though I will not lose myself. My mind will remain my own, and I shall stand on equal ground with you.
  2. Ushishishishishi~ XD Just kiddin'. Out loud, I have the strangest and loudest laugh ever. Online I might use 'Heh', or Nyaha~
  3. Hello all, just call me cordialChaos. I am semi-new to Pokemon Reborn. While I have been enchanted by the game for quite some time now, this would be my first time joining a forum community. So, strange as it seems to me, I will do my best to learn how to chat on a forum. I'm a strange Seventeen year old person, currently in Guitar class as I write this. My interests lie in all forms of art, including drawing, dancing, singing, acting, writing, and roleplaying~ I'm looking to make friends so please, don't be shy. I'm a friendly person. Tell me about yourselves in return~
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