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11 Fledgling

About BurntCornNuts

  • Birthday 07/26/2001

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. BurntCornNuts


      Late but thanks!

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome 😉

  4. Welp looks like we’re not getting reborn back he just started playing through uranium
  5. He’s also kept the final episode of undertale on hold for weeks too since he has mentioned that a few times but since he’s pretty much done everything in undertale I wonder what could he be talking about
  6. Like if he doesn’t wanna play reborn he just has to say that he doesn’t wanna play it but don’t just leave us in the dark about it also he’s not even really that close to being done there’s still like I wanna say 5-9 episodes left of content of reborn since when we last left off he was just about to get to the desert cmon it wouldn’t take that long to do I wanna see him make it through to the end maybe he doesn’t want another insurgence situation where it took like a year or so for the game to actually be finished with no updates and he just had a series on hold where there was nothing he could do?
  7. He did yeah also he probably wants to finish with extreme until reborn can come back properly and not just act as sort of like filler until extreme comes back to give it some respect as he does seem to really enjoy it for the story and to think about what might happen next for the story I think the only other youtuber that has liked reborn and rejuvenation off the top of my head was SacredAlmighty
  8. I can imagine it going for 5-10 more episodes before sword is done until the crown tundra is released around November
  9. Broo for the entirety of rejuvenation I was just confused and I was trying my best to follow along I swear but damn there’s a lot of stuff going on in that game not to say I different have fun especially after I found a walkthrough to help me find some of the events that I probably would’ve missed
  10. Yeah it is gotta do some puzzles to get it but its worth it I noticed that if you get a memory near an important fight its usually gonna help you out a lot for it Silvally is such an amazing mon for reborn so reliable and bulky offensive
  11. For me Silvally Fire was a hard carry for the glass factory gauntlet
  12. So now that sword is on break I hope we can see reborn back on the channel soon
  13. I feel like he’ll focus on extreme for awhile but he wouldn’t just abandon reborn it’s not like him to abandon a series like reborn
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