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About Everrynn

  • Birthday 03/08/1998

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Thats as far as I got. I went back to the artists home in Goldenleaf, and he wasn't there, so IDK where we would go next if there was a continuation. It does seem a little too easy/brief as far as the quests usually go in this game tho
  4. NVM I found it, you have to
  5. There seems to be a quest that starts in the Sapphire Museum in Kristiline, but I don't know how to trigger it. I've spoken to everyone, including the ???? people and the curator, but I'm not sure what to do next. Thanks in advance!
  6. How do you start the quest for the statue in kristiline? I've interacted with everyone in the museum
  7. That is very cool. It'll be interesting to see how much that changes the plot. I guess I'll be doing multiple play throughs . And yes, I'm way more excited for this than Sun/Moon, though I'm pretty excited for that too.
  8. Same! I don't have enough time to play both unfortunately. Whenever it comes out though, it'll take over my life for a little while
  9. Thanks! I'm really excited. I started replaying it and the music gave me chills This is the best fanmade game I've played! Thanks Ame!!
  10. Hi! So I have a stupid question, but I'm new here (sort of, I've been watching this thread for the last 6 months since I finished episode 15). To be eligible for the community release of episode 16, do I just need to be a part of this discussion? Or is there something else. Also I've been replaying the game to remind myself of plot points but should I wait till episode 16 comes out and replay it? Becasue I remember seeing something about certain choices we made (like lying about reading Titanias journal) possibly not affecting gameplay if done before episode 16 release.
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