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  1. I guess you can... chose to believe I didn't play the game. I have. I even Beta Tested it! My bag got eaten, man. Eaten! Look now I gotta defend my internet honor because of your harsh, inflammatory statements! I guess for the first two I guess for the first two. I don't know what Team Xen's motivations are because they are neither told to us or unified through the action. Maybe I'm just dumb. But that thought makes me sad, so I'll just try and reason through it. Team Xen has 2 objectives I can think about. 1. Get Melia. This seems to be their primary goal until it fails. The prevailing theory is that Madame X is a Theolia, if not just an evil Melia, and has lost her Super Saiyan powers through something. I think V13 says that the bad guys more or less win if they get any of the blondies. The problems arise with this in that they are really, really bad at this wincon. If they really need Melia, or anybody. Why not send the deathwings: the guys that kidnapped an entire town of people? The Deathwings definitely could've stomped almost everybody on Terajuma. The only real threat is Tesla, and even Madelis figured out how to neutralize her via a hostage. 2 They kinda do want to destroy, or at least inflict damage upon the world. They ruined Carotos Mountain, The Xenpurgis is literally made to kill an entire population of a city. Madame X is in some form of partnership with the Clear and Kieran, who literally have said they want the world destroyed. I'll give you the game doesn't make it clear at all, but that's literally my main issue with it. Making thing's clear is the games job, not mine. If you want people to understand your story, make it understandable. I clocked at least 100 hours into V13, why should I have to play the game again to make things more clear. Is that not a flaw in the story? 2. I don't really think those are super personal reasons. Those are like utilitarian reasons. What I want is motivation. Aelita has personal motivation. She wants to discover herself initially, but she also wants to know more about her family, she wants to become Sensei despite the obstacles, she wants to beat the tar out of Clear. Those are all personal, unique to her. That drive is what makes her develop and special as a character. Solving all the crazy shit that happens is basically the plot to everything ever. It's not personal enough to make it super unique. It can get the job done, but shouldn't we want more? It's perfectly fine if you don't think it's as big of an issue, we've already acknolwedged that it is an issue. I personally think its a knock on the game Again, I do think that having an aspect of a story is stupid? It's fun, yes but it's a lot of hard work. To put in perspective. The highest grossing movie of all time tackles time travel. Endgame probably has legions of people on quality control and actual paid worktime was put into developing that time travel seamlessly. Even they goofed it up! Time Travel is really, really hard to stick the landing on, but it is fun! That doesn't mean it absolves it of the inherent problems that happen when it is just never explained. If everything we do changes Time Travel, why doesn't Anju recognize us that one time? One a bigger scale, why doesn't the timeline change drastically every time we do it. Cutting down a sapling changes an entire ecosystem. I'd imagine interacting with a younger Nastasia would at least do something! If time is that alterable, Couldn't the heroes or the bad guys just try and nip the problem in the bud? If doing something like killing Gardevoir did little, what happened in the original timeline? Can I ask what is so perfect about the parallel universes? I'll try to be open minded given it just got introduced. But I'm also skeptical because it was introduced so late. Rejuv has too much myster IMO, there's more to a story than mysteries. Even mysteries answer questions. There are still dozens of mysteries that we don't know about. Doesn't the existence of a parallel universe kinda break the concept of an Interceptor, at least a bit? I thought that there was a system of fate that they were immune to. Parallel universes and fatalism don't mix because the former's existence implies free will is basically infinite. Would the universal reset bring the resetter to the literal beginning of time? If it happened once, how would we even know that? I'm sure some of these questions are going to be answered, but I also feel pretty justified in being tenuous about the whole thing. What's wrong about it, I voiced my opinion on it based on my experiences. I'm fine disagreeing because I really don't think Melia is very interesting or well integrated. But if you think the stuff is perfect, but can't substantiate any reasons. That's on you, my sharp-tongued compadre. I also don't deny that effort didn't go into these characters. I just don't think that effort has paid off. I don't think we're getting anything close to good developed characters in my eyes. These guys aren't exactly the Elric Brothers, or even Cheren and Bianca for Pokemon references. I feel the development of these characters so much stronger because I feel their flaws and desires for something more so much better than I do Melia. There are efforts to develop Melia, I just don't think they ever really hit the mark. As a result, I still think they're bad characters See even with that, you're still looking at least a dozen characters, not counting any antagonists. That's still honestly too many to work. Most animes and JRPGs tend to do like 4-8, and even then you can still have a couple duds. I think that among the main cast, the stuff is spread too thin, and then you have the 80 side characters to address, sapping even more time and resources away from the main characters. If the rest of the characters are useless. Why even have them? Probably every big story has had to cut or downplay the role of certain characters. I would genuinely be surprised if there was anything on the cutting-room floor for Rejuv. I am! And I will!. I think the villains are generally pretty bad. Angie/Indriad is actually one of the worst just because the game always hypes them up, only for them to fail. They are definitely similar characters. They're all pretty overconfident, vindictive, and enjoy inflicting harm onto others. That fits Melanie and Angie to a T. They're not exactly the same. Madelis is a goofy clown, for example, and Melanie manages to actually be entertaining because I actually know her motivations! I'll give you I was confused about Crescent. There's no doubt that she was likely a villain until somewhat recently. She is now moreso a grumpy good guy. Her Again, I'm not going to try and quash your opinion, but I'll defend mind. I really don't think characters are used effectively. I don't think foreshadowing is something that's necessarily praiseworthy. It's like praising shot-focus in a movie, or sound quality in a song. It's one of those things you'd hope would be in the story. Can you imagine if there was no foreshadowing in Rejuvenation!? I think my brain almost hemorrhaged... I also don't think V13 was super original. Doesn't the second part of the Intro in Rejuvenation both feature a death cult that worships a god? That whole high school bit felt like a really budgeted version of like Persona or DangleRonple. I think the Interceptor bit is kinda interesting in a meta sense, but I think the archetype could be replaced by any sort special good guy power in any RPG. I think it's fair to disagree, don't know why you're so upset though. I'm interesting in what makes this game so interesting in the eyes of other people. Pejorative posts like this make me decidedly less interested in what they have to say, but it takes all kinds.
  2. 1. I really, really like the sidequests and mapping/world. It all feels so rich and the love comes right of the page(er... screen). I think the sidequests are by far the most telling in the strengths of Rejuvenation. All of the character sidequests feel personal, and It's really nice to be able to help with the character's growth. They're all done pretty spectacularly, and they all showcase a different range of emotion and tone. The Hidden Library quests kinda feel like a good version of the mysteries in the current game. Karen's a bit annoying in dialogue, but I do like her descent into madness and lapses of clarity. I really adore the Goldenleaf stuff. The environmental story-telling there is top-notch. I just really like that the story details come together with Narcissa and the area through the various parts of the quest. The Goomink quest is super fun and wacky, and again the environmental storytelling is good. I also really like the ANA quest. I know this one is for sure gonna intersect with the Main Story, so juries still out on what happens then, but I really enjoy the progression and insight into Dylan and how his relationship with ANA grows. It's also well paced, it always feels like I'm getting a new piece to the puzzle. I honestly wish most of the story was told environmentally because it's done so well, and clearly leaves room for the characters to shine. 2. The music's really great. I know it's a fangame, and a good bit of the music is more of a curation, but there isn't a bad track. The leitmotifs are used really well and fit the characters. 3. I really like the more down-to-earth moments of the story. Points like comforting Amber and Erin opening up to Melia. There tends to be really good character stuff in these scenes. It makes me not only understand the characters but feel for them. Something like when Erin talks about how she would've killed herself if she didn't meet the crew actually heartfelt. I think these scenes show that Rejuvenation gets characterization. 4. I think the early-game rewrites more or less fixed any flaws that people had with the earlygame. It gets better characterization, things are more clear, characters don't randomly act like assholes, and it flows really well. If the rest of the story were as seamless as this, I don't think I could complain if I wanted to. It's good enough that I'm willing to look past its flaws because of the good parts. I think that's the balance I'm looking for as a whole. Rejuvenation is always gonna have flaws because nothing's ever perfect. If it can get the big things like character and story right, sky's the limit.
  3. Hey, have you heard about Pokemon Rejuvenation? It’s pretty fun! Story’s dogshit though. I’m just gonna jump out the gate with it, it’s almost fundamentally flawed. Rejuv interests me so much because it has heaps of potential from the outset, especially with the changes to earlygame. I genuinely thought I was gonna enjoy the rest of the game since all the earlygame problems are fixed so well. The thing is that the problems in the game after like Blacksteeple are on a much deeper level than what was presented earlier. Hope you like reading, cause this is a long one. I guess I’m curious what other people think about the story. If you’re able to look past all the flaws in stories, you’re one lucky bastard, lemme tell ya. What do you like about Rejuvenation? would you change anything? I feel like this thing has a lot more potential than just a Pokemon Fan Game, but conversely there is so much wrong with the story you’d basically half to either scrap or completely rework a huge portion of the story. Past that, I guess it’s cheers! I know I need a couple brewskis if I’m gonna keep thinking about this story, man.
  4. We've got an update, ladies and GentleRons Rises Dodrio to S Serperior to A, citing Khrona's write-up Meowstic to A Pyroar to B Drops Walrein to C Maybe Aggron to B New Additions Butterfree to A Donphan to B Raichu to C Bewear to B Mightyena to C
  5. I am always glad when someone offers a positive side of things, I am rarely positive, but it is what it is. I actually agree with Azzie over all the things that they like. I like the game a lot. The experience it provides is fun for sure, but that doesn't mean that I think its good. I try to separate what I like vs. What I find good. It's great when it happens to be both, but it rarely happens. Rejuv's merits are in that it wears its heart on its sleeve, and is therefore able to resonate emotionally with the rest of the story. My problem is that emotional attachment is only one strategy in storytelling when you need like all of them down pat to tell a great story. Storytelling's fuckin' hard. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I like the emotions and the passion in the story, I don't think there is anybody who's gonna say otherwise. I hate the execution of things like the Plot and most of the Characters. Melia's problems are almost all execution. It's not just a matter of "I just don't like this type of character". She's really not all that special in terms of JRPG Protag circumstances. It's not that I don't get Melia's character. I think I do (from whats currently presented/implied). She's a normal girl who gets caught in the wheel of fate. She doesn't actually want to do any of this shit, but she feels she has to. My problem with her is that Melia never feels organic in her actions and character. The game would have you believe that Melia is a super nice gal who is very empathetic and has a natural charisma, yet the game's execution presents her as rather pig-headed, reckless, and rather self aggrandizing. Melia's struggles are seemingly more important than everybody else, which is the case in a meta sense. She's a main protagonist after all, but she never feels like someone I'd want to ever follow. She's horribly flawed, and her flaws are ignored. My favorite example is when Melia essentially makes her self the leader of saving Nim, despite not knowing Nim very well at all, puts up a half-baked plan, and foists all the grunt work on the PC. After all that, Melia completely borks the mission which gets Nim ( and us!) killed (thank Arceus for plot armor). Melia should lose all "leader privileges" right here. This was almost all her fault, yet the story never calls her out on it. Why wouldn't people hate Melia after that? Another problem that some characters have is that you actually don't get to see them development. Take Melia (Please!), She leaves the story for a good bit, and comes back essentially a different character altogether. It really doesn't count as character development if you can't see them develop. This actually happens quite a bit more than it should. Ren really takes a hit here, because he's gone for so god damn long, and comes back having just gotten over most of his issues. Seeing is believing in character development. It really isn't dynamic if you can't see it happen. Compare that with Aelita, who is a perfect example of an organic character. She has flaws, and these flaws are addressed in her character. She really has a lot of the same flaws that are presented with Melia, but they feel natural, and her flaws create conflict with other characters and herself. It always feels rewarding to be around Aelita because she is always growingas a character through the events, unlike Melia whose core character is never actively addressed or put into conflict. Aelita's a waaaaaay better character than Melia because she is better established, better developed, and the game knows when to not force her into scenes. If Aelita's backstory was shoved in our faces the way Melia's does, it would have the same effect, but the restraint is much appreciated. Another thing that can work in theory, but is bungled in execution is the ensemble cast. Rejuv is very JRPG influenced, which in turn is very anime influenced. Blah Blah blah, point is both mediums really like large ensemble casts. But an ensemble cast still needs balance to it. Imagine if in AoT, Sasha and Connie got as much screentime as like Levi or Mikasa, that'd be ridiculous. But that's what Rejuv is doing. Every story has characters that are more important than others, and for good reason. I don't think its controversial to say Ren has more going on character-wise than someone like Braixen or Adam, his goals and responsibilities are inherently weightier than theirs. So why is it that they get the same billing as him in terms of screentime? It feels sloppy and stomps out any natural trajectory or momentum of a story, when a character is put on a backburner to cut away to the Jobber Squad. Part of the reason I like the sidequests so much is because it allows for the exploration of a character like Mosely or Narcissa who aren't that important to the plot, while not invading the main story.
  6. I think Rejuvenation is interesting and has heaps and heaps of potential, but its an incredibly flawed story that very bad writing but still entertaining. Rejuv is very flabby. Floppy Flabby. Rejuvenation as a story has one defining question and sticks with it. That is: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!? There's just too much stuff to wrap your head around. The story is very Kingdom Hearts esque. It jingles setpieces in front of you, but if you ask questions like "What?", "Why?", and "How in the world..." everything starts to fall apart. For starters, there are way too many characters. I get why people would like this. But I think we're pushing like 90 characters or something now, each with their own intricate side-stories and plot threads. It starts to get confusing, and characters that kinda need more screentime like Ren seem to get shafted when newer characters are introduced. Like there's no way characters like Saki and Huey are as important as somebody like Ren and Aelita. I think having a defined set of Main Characters and a defined set of Supporting Characters is easier and better long-term, but that's just me. The story and characterization is kept in the dark for way too long, mostly for villains. This one really irks me. It seems things as simple and important as character development is treated like some kind of plot twist, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Motivation is like the second important thing for character after personality, and we don't know jack about motivation for Xen or the Cult guys after 12 volumes. Sure we have vague ideas, but nothing to really work with. Is it really too much to have anybody just explain a motivation, and then act consistently to achieve that goal past that? I'll take anything as long as we don't get a GlassWorks factory Power Hour of infodumps. Please? It doesn't help that a lot of the main cast are underutilized/unlikeable. Ren gets thrown in the Day Care so to speak for 7 chapters or so, and we don't even get to see his development. Melia'a (Sorry, There's really no other term I can think of) a Mary-Sue who the world revolves around and saps the agency and autonomy of every character around her. Terajuma and the weird Future Past bit could be interesting, but no. It has to revolve around Melia. Venam's basically a selfish, immature Krillin to Melia's Goku. She's a satellite character that exists as a static love interest and serves little purpose besides that. Aelita's cool though. It's a shame because I think when characters actually get to do stuff divorced from the main plot, it gets really compelling. Aelita's journey is great (and she's basically just a better heroine than Melia) Keta is great in WLL, Mosely's sidequest is nice, The whole Narcissa questline is great, the environmental storytelling is great. A lot of things are good, but it is always a sidepiece to the cacophany of the main story.
  7. I think that whenever I use Scolipede, Baton Pass is really contingent on having good mons to baton pass to. A lot of the best sweepers don't necessarily need Scolipede to work, though they do appreciate it, and others just don't cut the mustard to sweep, even with boosts. Deso threats are fast. We're talking at least one 130+Speed pokemon on most boss fights from Addenfall to Blackview. Scolipede either wants to dedicate to making the best sweepers stronger, or to work in between (Scolipede doesn't have the tools to sweep by itself currently). The former doesn't really highlight Scolipede as a great standalone party member as it works best in context with other Pokemon. In the latter, it just doesn't work nearly as well as others. Bug typing is pretty horrible offensively, even with Megahorn. You're going to face resistances, and you're only good coverage option is non-STAB Normal. Scolipede kinda slogs through routes and dungeons because of it being highly specialized. If you want to dedicate to Baton Pass, you nix coverage for Protect + Iron Defense, which makes Scolipede even more reliant on team coverage. If you want it to perform better alone, you take normal coverage or even Toxic, which makes it less consistent as Baton Pass support. Now Scolipede's niche is strong. But it is a niche, it's pretty average outside of passing to the MVP. Scolipede is markedly less consistent than Dodrio, and especially DuskDog. Even for 3rd best Beach Bum is debatable with the others sans Pangoro being arguably more consistent alone. I think it's fair to say my list is pretty carry-biased, cuz that's how I think V5 is kinda structured until, like, Addenfall. Scolipede's biggest flaw is that it's not a carry imo, it helps your carries get better, but that isn't super priority for me. I do think It's interesting, and probably deserves more playthroughs to see how it goes.
  8. Desolation V5 In-game tiers Howdy! I’ve decided to compile a viability/ in game tiers This type of list is inspired by Smogon’s series of In game tiers. Typically these tiers are for quick runs of the maingames, organizing Pokemon by tiers based on how they perform in the game with criteria like availability, in-game movepool, notable matchups, and overall strength at all stages the mon is present in. Reborn’s idea of limiting resources is largely based on the Orre games, so I think that those games make a good reference as to how these lists work. Most of the “good” Pokemon help you get through the game’s content faster and easier. They’re not really a speedrun, but they do prioritize Pokemon that speed up the game by making the game easier. They are generally able to dispatch enemies quickly in random battles, and perform well in important battles as well. It’s worth mentioning Reborn-Esque fangames reward exploration heavily, and Desolation in particular has plot-benefits from exploration, so rushing through content is often ill advised. Pokemon won’t be knocked for having to backtrack to do it, or if it’s off the beaten path. Time sinks like breeding for usable movepools would knock off a few points because it requires a lot more effort and planning to do, and isn’t necessary outside of things like a Monotype run. Reborn Esque games have much more difficulty than most of the mainline games, and many more Pokemon available. Better Pokemon tend to be staggered through the game, and most players will tend to have a rotation of Pokemon. I tend to give more points to availability than stopping power. Conkeldurr may be better than Hariyama in every way theoretically, but Conkeldurr ain’t around for Tristan and comes at a far lower level than Hariyama would be at. However, Conkeldurr can pick up the slack if you feel Hariyama’s petering out as more versions come out. As a result Hariyama would be considered “better” in this part of the game because it is a strong asset in a difficult part of the game. Hariyama isn’t better in a vacuum, but it makes the game easier as it’s easy to acquire and immediately helps fill out a roster. Temp. Pokemon and having a rotation is often encouraged in these games. From experience, I’d say the best way is to have a 6-man main team and having 2-4 (Maybe 6 if you really want to) rotation Pokemon. I really think it’s unnecessary to have an entire box full of rotation Pokemon, you can do it but it means more grinding and kinda defeats the purpose of tight team building. It is a nice safety net for many. Things that make a mon good Immediate usefulness (how long until it takes off) Availability (Ideally the Pokemon comes early and isn’t in the crest shop. It doesn’t knock a mon too much if they’re in the shop, but they cost a pretty penny, and adds up when you start getting multiple for a team. Natural Kit (Same as Reborn/Rejuv. Greater emphasis on what a pokemon can get naturally without tms and tutors compared to main game) General Performance. General I think is a more important metric since if you’re good in this category, you’re gonna be good in Boss battles as well (e.x. Lycanroc, Infernape). There are some support Pokemon or Tanks that shine in Boss Battles, but slog just going through routes (D M-Meowstic). Desolation also has a lot of long routes with trainers that are packing heat, so it’s good to have a mon that can carry you through these Offense is generally the best defense in vanilla Pokemon (With some annoying exceptions…) and field effects generally make face-tanking much harder. Notable Battles Either Switch or Set works for this, keep in mind that Switch lets you get away with Playing aggressively, thus rewarding sweepers more. With Set, you might want something defensive at times in these fangames, but not so much that you become stall. That rarely works with field effect damage being so high. Notes Pokemon within tiers are unordered more or less, probably will stay that way, given varied roles and stuff. If you like weather teams, Weather is actually pretty decent here with at least 1 available in each weather (Politoed=Rain, Gigalith,= Sand, Ninetales = Sun Vanillish = Hail). The pecking order right now is Rain>Sand>>Sun>>>Hail (Don’t do hail please…) so, basically the normal pecking order if you’ve ever done Singles weather. There is less of an earlygame period compared to Reborn and Rejuv. Those games have 4 gyms in by the time Deso has 2, so the Fall-off gang mons like Kricketune and Vivillon are far less desirable Given that, I have no idea what to do with D-Tier ATM Any mon with a ? followed by a + or – means I think that you could argue higher or lower, and may be able to rise if enough demonstrable experiences are corroborated Day Care is pretty hard to justify the time sink it and how far in you get it. It isn’t too far in the grand scheme of things, but breeding takes time, even moreso with Egg moves. If there are easy to obtain egg moves through breeding that don’t take much training/chain breeding. Let me know. Challenge Runs like Mono-type and Lockes aren’t really going to be considered in this list, mostly because I don’t really do them often, and also because it doesn’t really change placements. You could just look at a list based on your restrictions and things will perform as they do. S-Tier A-Tier B-Tier C-Tier Late Tier And That's what I've got so far. This is a community list, so any submissions and feedback is appreciated (you don't have to do the icon thing to post a rating).
  9. Whew lads some of y'all are really out here. Meowstic Crest: Boosts base stats by 30 (M: Def/SpDf +15 (F SpAtk +30) and gives Filter and Neuroforce to M and F respectively (Or Friend Guard and Technician if the latter's too broken). Meowstic is a premier crapmon, and that event is too cute to not give it a buff. This actually tries to make them different from each other (M is almost objectively better rn) While keeping them competitive (Pun intended) with the billion better good psychics with good availability (There are a staggering amount in addition to Alolatales, who gets Aurora Veil naturally in gen 8). Neuroforce seems like much, but It still does less than Zam at neutral, and still less w/ Neuro when Zam has Life orb. A vote for Ice Cream Cat is a vote for friendship. Ditto Crest: Gives Seed effect 1 time upon switch in. Ditto's unique items have been useless since gen 5, and I like ditto, so do it. Jokes aside, Ditto is actually pretty fun as a niche for boss fights, and is actually pretty choice in Intense mode. It fits the transformation aesthetic, and also makes Ditto a bit more versatile.
  10. Just finished V5 and loved it! Might do a write up later if I feel like wasting everyone's time. I tend to get pretty wordy and am probably the worst complimenter ever, so I don't know if y'all need that type of smoke. Couple of Questions I'll put 'em in spoilers, just to be safe
  11. Good to see Caz and the bad boyz working to bring us the heralded V5! Couple of questions - How much has the scope of Desolation changed? Last time I played, there was a heavy emphasis on a branching story, which is an incredibly ambitious project for any game, and something Desolation did rather well, all things considered. Has it stayed mostly the same, or has the design philosophy changed in the last five years or so? - When will the Obtainable list come out? I'm an absolute sucker for team building and over-preparing. Also have the changes made to the obtainable mons been influenced by balance, flavor, or a mix of both? - This is in all likelyhood confidential, but what changes are you most excited about making from V4 to V5?
  12. This mod doesn't work for WLL, which is short enough to not warrant a debug mod. To use Surf, you need to have Lapras IIRC.
  13. I don't really know the problem behind the corruption, though it is probably best if the Debug mod is used with a clean save file, I haven't tested if anything happens when installed later in the game. As for the HM problem, did you do anything with the badges? I've used the debug mod, and the Golden weapons can be used. Maybe you haven't gotten the golden items legitimately. There might be a switch along with the badge that allows for its use. Also I don't know what the Golden sash is.
  14. Y'know, in a game with forbidden magic, weird reincarnation, demonic critters, and convoluted time travel, you wouldn't expect taht the thing I'd be most confused about is the implementation of a canon mechanic. But yes. It does. Question's in the title, but more specifically, I want to ask what purpose do Shadow Pokemon in Rejuvenation serve (yes I've played the game) and If their implementation is really worth it. Why don't I just put that in the title you ask? Uh... that's none of your business you dag gone know-it-all My main problem with Shadow pokemon as seen in Rejuv compared to canon material. Shadow Pokemon are the focal points of both Colosseum and XD. In Rejuv they feel like an thing implemented because it's sorta in the Essentials data. If you care about this sort of thing, The Bulbapedia article is a good place to learn a thing about Shadow pokemon. The concept is that Shadow Pokemon basically take a helpful pupper like Entei, a doggo with stopping power of a Panzer, but ethical values, and remove the emotions tocreate a super doggo tht can kill ya dead. then Cypher gets a bunch of super-critters and takes over the world n' stuff. That roughly sums up the conflict of the Game. But in Rejuv's case, Shadow Pokemon are just there. Instead of Salamence, Tyranitar, and Lugia. team Xen uses this potentially destructive technology to transmogriphy... Meowth, Finneon, and Bonsly... I guess A-Grimer's pretty spooky. Point is, the potential of Shadow Pokemon is mostly wasted in Rejuvenation. Like, the concept was enough to run two games, which are some of my favorites in the series. But Rejuv has about 3 plot points that actually revolve around Shadow Pokemon, and the one with the most weight (The Mewtwo part) is resolved, like, immediately (Which you could say is a whole other can of worms in Rejuv's storytelling). Furthermore, the villains straight up say they don't really care about the whole project, only vaguely indicating that somehow furthers their cause. You could argue that the explanation of Rift Pokemon necessitates Shadow Pokemon, but most of the Rift stuff doesn't hinge on canon material, being mostly created solely for Rejuvenation. In that sense it could stand alone. I'm slightly less interested in the gameplay flaws, because that's something that's a problem in how essentials implements Shadow Pokemon. If you peruse that handy-dandy Bulbapedia article, it's evident that there is a lot of depth to Shadow Pokemon, too much for me to summarize effectively. Unfortunately the the essnetials toolkit essentially(pun very intended) guts the mechanics. For starters, Shadow Pokemon are treated as a neutral type (sans-Fairy), while in the main-games, Shadow Pokemon keep their innate typings, whilst being resistant to Shadow attacks. The second problem is the implementation of the moves in general. In XD, there are a lot of Shadow moves, and bosses would use some interesting strategies using their attacks (Like using a shadow weather move + Weather Ball). In Rejuv, Shadow moves are really restricted, only really being used by Mewtwo iirc. At least to me, the implementation of Shadow mechanics are bare-bones, and don't do a service to the core games, but this is coming from an Orre fanboy, so take it as you will. Now I know it sounds like I'm advocating for the removal of Shadow Pokemon, and that's because I kinda am. In truth, I don't think that Shadow Pokemon are used very well in fan-games in general, and Rejuv is no exception. It does little with the concept in both narrative and gameplay. Jan has said before (paraphrasing pretty hard here) that the early stages of Rejuvenation's plot aren't as indicative of the whole Game's plot, and that many instances in the early-game serve as legacy features more or less. I feel that Shadow Pokemon are probably the most telling example of this problem. I think that the most apt change to Shadow Pokemon is to just get rid of them because of how tacked-on they feel. Granted, I don't expect this. Even with Rejuv being an unfinished game, It's still a free game, and I'm not sure if the time it takes to get rid of the feature is worth it. There are commercial games that leave in concepts that probably should have hit the cutting-room floor, so I don't expect Rejuv to polish it. Though I do think that if the feature stays, Jan and Co. should incorporate it into the story more. Maybe Giratina could be a shadow Pokemon, or Silvally. Or give all Xen admins a good snagable just like in Colosseum. Hell, I don't know. Just do something for this fussy fanboy here! But that's about it. I've written more about a dead-mechanic in a fan-game than I've done on my college assignments. So I'm gonna just leave this pedantic rant riiight over here.
  15. It seems that Mimikyu's disguise replenishes upon switching out, which it shouldn't do. Also the Upgraded Pokedex crashes the game when moving to the location window
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