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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Troxalos

  1. @seki108yeah, i'm here. I'll be waiting for a trade. Name's troxalos in game
  2. Anyone got a spare jigglypuff they could give me? I kinda messed that up too
  3. Remember the crustle jumping puzzle just after the agate circus? The house is at the bottom end of it (and a bit to the left, you cant miss it)
  4. Guys, I think we broke Ame
  5. @Zarc That's pretty good! Just tell me when you are ready. My id is troxalos ingame as well
  6. @Zarc If it's getting tedious for you, I'll just take them as they are, no problem
  7. @Zarc Give them to me at the same time when you are done. Also, can i get that shiny deino as well? If it's not too much ask of course
  8. Hi, I'm lloking for a Scyther (adamant), Gible (adamant) and Gligar (careful). Could go with 5 IV if the bad one is sp.atck. If u cant get the natures, that's fine as well
  9. I really hope we get one of the dragon lines! (dratini,bagon or deino)
  10. I think you mean 94%, but yeah i get what you mean! I've been checking this every morning! Can't wait!
  11. Do we have an estimated date? I can't wait! Reboen is by far the best Pokemon expereince i've ever had!
  12. @sharkzilla DemICE won the battle between us and he advances
  13. @Cronos5010 I would like to place an order for a landshark camel, a mantis camel, a blind biting camel and an Alpine Lithovore camel
  14. @sharkzilla I will be available again in a couple of hours and then i will be online for quite some time
  15. @sharkzilla I had my battle with Chessdude and won
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