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Everything posted by esu

  1. Anyone here playing interesting hackmon set? Lv 1 Wishiwashi + Deoxys Speed only (Spectral Thief abuse). http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-503063887 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-503072666
  2. Trauma? lol http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-499188365 Struggling. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-499189558
  3. Full Shuckle team vs Legendaries http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-497759470
  4. Well, how much damage is dealing by x4 Sp Atk Water Bubble Wishiwashi's Steam Eruption XD http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7balancedhackmons-496764172
  5. Well, when you think about that, i'm thinking that pokemon that can carry you by "Fly" must be strong enough, not like zubat, starly, etc
  6. how about not only using ash's pokemon but also their moveset? XD
  7. i hope this topic is in right place. So, if i battle and win i get about 3k money, but if i lose, they steal my 30k money. Is that normal? :/
  8. Where is entrance of diving spot nearest to Coral ward? I have tried diving into other diving spot (next to it), but still no luck.
  9. Victoria is so cute~ i love her hair. And, Cain, he should go to pokesalon XD
  10. this is why i carry pokemon with haze http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankdoublesou-493014027
  11. So I just finished eps 16. (Hidden thing below is containing spoiler. Like its name "spoiler")
  12. You can get dig TM somewhere in this eps, if u still want to use that gatrodon. Yeah, it is physical, but gastrodon stat are 80ish Atk and 90ish Sp Atk. Not too different.
  13. esu

    LF Pokerus

    I need the virus. I will throw ralts/beldum for that. I also have inkay with pretty good IVs.
  14. My Electric Terrain Team http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankdoublesou-490426232 They hate trick room and ground type pokemon :|
  15. S yeah, just that letter.
  16. Well, for pokemon's changes. Would you please to give FLYGON a Hidden Ability? may be Sheer Force? Since Trapinch's HA is also that one.
  17. My Levitate Bronzong's Gyro ball killed 3/6 of Ciel's pokemon XD
  18. I do!! i run with mono psychic + misty terrain team.. it works well, but sadly only limited to 5 turns.. i have pokemon that know fire pledge too, to transform forest field (that will incerase bug power) to fire field... xD
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