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    Long walks on the beach

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  1. i like to plan out my team ahead, where can i find a rotom?
  2. "The story is more lighthearted than most fangames as well as the canon games. Death does not exist here. That doesn't just mean that no characters will die, it also means death literally isn't something that happens to people or Pokemon." then how do ghost pokemon exist?
  3. i did end up finding the kings rock, ill just leave a photo of where to find it. its in the silverfall forest a little past the empty house where you need to find the pages
  4. where can i get a kings rock? or rather the earliest possible place i can get one. also where is the name rater?
  5. where are the ability capsules? not far into the game since im replaying but they are in the credit shop right?
  6. i've been having this weird error i tried renaming my backs up as Game.rxdata but nothing is changing, ive went through 5 and was wondering if i should keep going or if my save file is really corrupted and i can't fix
  7. THANK YOU. (half hour of my life wasted)
  8. ive been searching for swinbu for quite awhile in the snowy mountain/silver forest for like a half hour. ive only seen - vanalite - tangela - delibird - cubchoo - snover
  9. anyone that has caught a phaphy or swinbu/seen one, can you let me know the area to find them.
  10. where can i get a light clay (decided to get an male espurr for my second run). hope its not until blackview
  11. where can i get a bike if their are any?
  12. neat, now what about heart scales if i need them?
  13. where can i get tyrunt? from the dispenser in blackview? edit: nvm
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