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Everything posted by Pluto
it gives you rainbow field, mist field can only be gotten by using misty terrain like how you can only get electric terrain via that move. unlike rainbow field that boost dragon pulse, mist field reduced dragon damage, and if you using certain poison attacks like toxic then it becomes a corrisive mist field.
this shiny was the inspiration to do this team Flareblitz Sunny Day Megahorn Poison Jab could get replace with shiny talonflame when ever that comes out, but having something with nearly 200 base special move and decent special attack is pretty hard to say no to Hyper voice (120 x 1.5 = 180 + 15 stab = 195) Rain Dance Taunt Chatter sadly i don't have a oshawott but i wonder if its possible to trade for one, most likely to get replaced with keldio Rain dance Surf sword dance waterfall steelix has a better shiny sprite then shiny metagross, but lacks access to zen heabutt which is field boosted, better overall stats and rain dance to even out the team heavy slam/Zen headbutt (80 x 1.5 = 120 + stab 15 = 135) bulldoze/Hammer arm Gyroball/Meteor mash sunny day/rainy day second shiny i got in the game was a wurmple, beautifly may not be all that but its shiny sprite is amazing, i just hope i dont end up with dustox, i dont know how useful it would be considering that its so frail that its a 1 hit to pretty much anything with high neutral damage and we already have a flying type, but damn does it look good. Drifblim on the other hand has amazing bulk but lacks any beneficial skills in rainbow field, however he could set either rain or sun and survive the next turn, though he does fit the theme well i still prefer beautiflies shiny sprite over drifblim by just a bit. Overall drifblim might be better for the team Quiver Dance/Acrobatics Sunny Day/Rainy Day or Sunny Day Silver wind (60 x 1.5 = 90 + stab 15 = 105)/Phantom Force stun spore/Amnesia the cheese man, THE CHEESE, if i'm correct about this rainbow field "The secondary effect chance of all moves is doubled", now ask yourself, why is dunsparce so annoying? serene grace, which doubles the effects of status moves? glare then just paraflinch things to death, i mean it has a friggin rainbow on its back, it was made for this. Headbutt Secret power (which has the chance under field to induce other status effects randomly, if you don't want to parahax it) Glare Coil
field* like sandstorm + rain = swamp field or a mud field that acts similar to it with some changes. rain + hail = icy field sandstorm + sunny = ash field
yeah i've been searching for it for a good 15-20 minutes now, and soon as i made this thread, it shows up :l ty rng
i'm looking for a stunfisk, according to the guide its in the apophyll cave, which is north of the apophyll academy. i need one to trade for a vulpix but i can't seem to find it, do i need to go to a particular part of the cave or rock smash?
electric types do alot of damage to it, burn can null its left overs. i feel like using perish song in this game is cheating it, then again i know how much bullshit arceus and mewtwo were.
maybe a game with double battles only and the difficulty of pokemon reborn, cause i like doing double battles. i tried making a pokemon hack but i didn't really have to drive to learn the inner workings and intricacies of hacking, or the creativity to make tiles/pixel art. my game (if i could make one) would focus around double battles, the story would be influnced my norse mythology (more specfically the yggdrasil mythos) with the flagship legendaries being the kalos trio (yveltal xerneas zygarde) since they represent creatures that live in/on the tree. The main overworld would take place in midgard and before you say OMG ff7 take a look at this I suppose the flagship villain team would be called Team Fenrir, in the mythos Fenrir is a giant wolf feared by the gods and foretold to kill odin during the ragnarok. The ragnarok quoted from the wiki is "a series of future events, including a great battle, foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors" i'm just going to replace norse gods with the legendaries that have the similarity qualities to said god, with Odin the all father being arceus. The foundation of the plot from that is pretty much laid out right there. So the motives of this team is pretty much straight out of any pokemon game ever, destroy the world and recreated it cause blah blah blah HAM FISTED MORALS HAM FISTED MORALS. I'd probably play around with the idea of gmys being replaced by something else. Pokeballs have to be made by collecting acorns (like in gen 2) and bringing them to a black smith, pokecenters would be replaced by inns (which really would function the same just with a dragon quest layout). Again the battle system would always be double battles, so i'd maybe add a few new moves, change up some existing moves and abilities so its not to frustrating.
- 26 replies
you don't need potions because its a double battle, she'll heal your pokemon after each fight, and their is usually a relic item to heal your pokemon before you fight -spoiler- and drain the dirty water, circle back around and fill the rooms up with the clean water, another relic, then fight taka and head back to there place and you will get fly after the events, though its not currently useable until episode 16 i'd say stock up on max repels.
i'm assuming that in order to fight legendaries we would need all those relic items (we only have the ruby ring) in order to open those gates scattered around the game.
it can't be coincidence that i've been able to hatch 3 shiny karrablasts within the hour if the rate drops to 1/250 with shiny charm. i started with shiny ditto and normal karrablast, got a shiny karrablast on my last attempt with them, though it had bad ivs. then i breed shiny karrablast with another karrablast with good ivs, eventually got another shiny with better ivs then the parents (high 20-30s all stats). breed that shiny karrablast with my shiny scolipede and got a shiny karrablast in 2 eggs. looking around people say that even if you breed a shiny with a shiny the only way to increase shiny rate though breeding would be the masadu method and that doesn't apply to reborn. am i just getting lucky with these shinies or what? first shiny had bad iv's second shiny had really good iv's but no megahorn third shiny has good att and megahorn but 14 hp iv's, ill probably use this one and see if i hatch another shiny with the remaining eggs i have. this all within maybe 12ish eggs, i seriously wish i was this lucky with porygon (though this was pre-charm). what if i breed 2 shiny karrablast together?
you dont get the dull key to go get scraggy till after you beat shade
yeah i checked the item list but apparently it might be out of date since it was posted for episode 14 back in 2014 and i've seen some items in game that weren't on that list so i'm kind of skeptical. i'm looking for a life orb, focus sash, left overs, evolite or choice band/specs
yeah but certain boss battles require you to have certain hm's to reach them, it would be a 6v5 battle and that would be a very uphill battle at this point in the game, i might get rid of dive since i don't think ill need it for awhile what i really want is either a frllish (not worth trying to get from the mystery egg) or a slowbro/slowking which aren't in the game to my knowledge.
yeah i know its gimmicky and kind of a pain to set up time and time again but given how slow pokemon usually have high base physical/sp.attacks and are blessed with the most highest damaging moves this should give you the edge in alot of battles and put ease to that f12 button. leave your recommendation to make it better down below Reuniclus Type: Psychic Item: Twisted Spoon or Life Orb Ability: Regenerator Nature: quiet 252/252 hp/s.att Moves: Trick Room, Psychic, Psyshock (one of the psy's will be removed when i get shadowball), strength. Reason: lynchpin trick room setter, has good sustain with 110 health and a pretty high special attack base of 125, either way once shadowball comes out i will be replacing one of those 2 with it possibly for better coverage, strength is just there for hm slavery. It has a poor level move pool which is clearly reflected here but he does put in work, shame that shade no longer gives shadow ball nor is focus blast is a tm yet or else he'd be contributing alot more. Location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spZPJxo5iPM Escavalier or Magnezone Type: Steel/Bug & Steel/Electric Item: Focus Sash or Magnet Ability: Overcoat (escavalier) or Sturdy (Magnezone) Nature: Adamant (escavalier) 252/252 Hp/Att or Quiet/Modest (Magnezone) 252/252 hp/sp.att Escavalier Moves: Megahorn, Sword Dance, Fell Stinger/Drill run, Iron Head Magnezone Moves: Charge beam, flash cannon, magnet rise, screech/thunder wave Reason: When it comes down to it, its kind of preference if you want a strong physical trick room attacker go escavalier and vice versa for magnezone Escavalier offers better sweeping potential with his attack being at 135, megahorn stab gives him a 135 base power move + swordance raising his attack by 2 stages and fell stinger raising it again after landing a killing blow, though this is situational. Iron head being a physical attack hurts fairy types alot more because they have generally lower def compared to special def. Any fire types moves will erase him no questions asked and he won't be able to really fight against any fire types either unless hes that souped up or you get drill run from the agate circus, hes weak 2x ground and both of these are pretty common types. I'd go with a focus sash to ensure atleast 1 sword dance. It can easily best psychic/dark/rock/fairy/grass and it's your most terrifying pokemon when trick room is up as you can certainly 1-hit-ko pulse abra as well as that fucking mewtwo you fight before terror's i mean terra's gmy battle, or do significant damage/1 hit arceus with 1 swords dance, either way hes probably the best trick room sweeper we have so far in the game. Magnezone gives you better overall coverage to let you zap down flying/water/fairy/rock/ice with a base special of 135, theres a reason why magnezone is used alot in this game, it has access to magnet rise which removes its 4x ground weakness leaving only fire and fighting to contest, it can steadily raise its special attack with the use of charge beam though not as reliably as escavalier sword dance and fell stinger. If mega evolution comes within the next few episode i'd argue that you could replace magnezone with mega amphoros for a trick room team, same for escavalier as you can replace it with Mega Mawile. Location: magnemite is at shade's gmy > evolves to magnezone when magneton levels in the abandon powerplant and escavlier can be gotten through karrablast route 1 at night + link stone or Shelmet during the day on azurine island then trading it for a karrablast at Calcenon city. Cofagrigus Type: Ghost Items: Leftovers Ability: Mummy Nature: Bold, Relaxed 252/248/8 health/defense/special def Moves: Pain split, Will-o-wisp, shadow ball, Trick room Reason: this thing is bulky, like really bulky, originally i thought about having prankster whimsicott but i found out that trick room had a priority of -7, meaning its going last no matter what, so instead of using prankster whimsicott like a idiot i just settled for the bulkiest defensive setter possible. Given its 145 base defense and 105 sp.def, its capable of nearly surviving anything thrown at it while it sets up and if it did take a big hit pain split will be there to remedy that, will-o-wisp is obviously for hard hitting physical attacks along with mummy nulling abilities on contact, cofagrigus is clearly the best defensive trick room setter, with dusclops being the best special defensive setter with evolite, anything said here about cofagrigus can be applied to evolite duclops. Location: Shade's gmy as yamask, as duskull Ampharos Type: Electric Item: Magnet Ability: Static Nature: Modest, Quiet 252/252 health/sp.attack Moves: Magnet Rise, Charge beam/Discharge/thunderbolt, dragon pulse, strength Reason: Well there is two reason why ampharos, the first being that he's a mega evolution spot holder and the second is the typing of the team, lets look at what our team is super effective against so far bug: psychic/dark/grass Steel: Ice/rock/fairy Electric: Flying/Water Psychic: poison/fighting with the 4 pokemon we now have, we are super effective against 10 types (11 when we get mega ampharos) without overlaping, its imperative that we have atleast 1 electric type on our team, if your going the magnezone route disregard ampharos in favor of a physical bug type. Location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLURZfOdmRU Porygon-2 Type: Normal Item: Evolite (when it comes out) Ability: Download Nature: Calm 252/80/176 Hp/Sp.att/Sp.Def Moves: Tri-attack, conversion 2, zap cannon, Shadow ball (if you have it pre episode 15) Reason: i didn't want another dark, psychic or ghost room tricker, regardless he compliments cofagrigus seeing that cofagrigus can't really take special attack ghost type moves while porygon-2 over here can't take physical attack fighting type moves all so well, they syngerize pretty well. The reason why i will not be taking porygon-z is that while his base special attack is 130, he gains adaptability and he can now relearn nasty plot, his 90/95 def/Sp.Def drops to 70/75, but its up to you if you want more defensive pokemon or offensive, if you do intend on going for porygon-z max his health and special attack for a trick room set. Tri-attack is self-exclamatory stab and all the status effects are pretty good, conversion 2 is a pretty interesting ability because you become resistant to the last ability you were hit with, lets say you got hit by normal type or fighting type move last turn after setting up trick room, conversion 2 changes you to a ghost type (or anything resistant to fighting) and now that move is no longer effective or maybe can't even hit you. Shadow ball is for hitting those pesky ghost types and Zap cannon and is just for parahax, though lowering speed in a trick room set up is pretty bad so this maybe get changed. Location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNUFbjichs then find upgrade in the tazan cove after you beat noel, dubious disk can be found in glitch city along with wild porygons Crawdaunt Type: Water/Dark item: Focus Sash Ability: Adaptability Nature: Adamant, Brave 252/252 Hp/Att Moves: Surf, Dive, waterfall, sword dance Reason: with 3 water type hm, crawdaunt gets the short end of the stick, this team needed a good physical water type sweeper that works well under trick room, and crawdaunt is one of the few things that come to mind, with a whooping 120 base attack, adaptability and access to sword dance he can match escavalier potential to sweep, however as i mentioned before 3 water hms kind of limits what moves you can run on him, since i found sword dance to important to give up i for-goed crunch and his physical dark stab moves, the good news is that waterfall and dive are pretty good physical water attack moves, if your smart with it you can use dive on the last turn of a trick room to make your opponent miss you twice.
finally found one, jesus
i'm trying to get karrablast so i can trade for a shelmet, the guide on here says chrysalis forest while the pokedex says i can find it on route 1 near the research center/gate
that joke was trubbish, you should feel ABSOLutely terrible (i am sorry)
i often find myself having overtrained pokemon, well up until 7+ badge, so if you want to level multiple pokemon that may be the best option since most gmy leaders have counters to their weakness, on the flip side gmys also have exploitable field weakness that can make things much easier, just talk to ame at the beginning of the gmy and it will let you know about them. Also if you find yourself underleveled or you want to level a particular pokemon but your out of trainers then you can go back to the place where you got your starter and you can fight trainers repeatedly, they change depending on the amount of badges you have so its always a good place to grind.
contrary reverses stats so that would reduce my attack, special attack and speed but increases special defense and defense.