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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TehJohnnu

  1. So it seems the Oshawott side quest is impossible to complete with the new V10 change of Darchlight Woods, so can you get this damn Oshawott away from me, thanks. Game.rxdata
  2. @Sayia You're my favourite thanks so much!
  3. Got stuck in this hole with Oshawott and I dont see anyway out, I tried to get my Pokemon to all faint but that just led to a bug where I was in an infinite text loop with Oshawott. If you could get me out of the cave somehow that'd be great, thank you Game.rxdata
  4. Anyone know of any ability capsules in GDC, my Manectric has the Lightning Rod ability and its broken with the release of V10 so I'm not able to use electric type moves. If anyone knows of a way to change my ability in V10 Id appreciate it.
  5. You can have all my love today, sir. I'll take the first one please and my ID is TehJohnnu
  6. Is it too early to say I love you?
  7. I'll take any ralts you have, I wouldn't want to put you through any unnecessary trouble for me and no I don't have a deino sorry
  8. As the title says, I'm looking for a ralts on one of my new play throughs. I don't have much of anything to trade beside my appreciation, thanks
  9. No, I was mistaken when I made that lol
  10. I'll put a in this shiny Noibat for tbe auction. http://m.imgur.com/a/6Vmaj
  11. TehJohnnu


    I'm not entirely sure, I used my old save that was already finished episode 15 so I'm not the person to answer this I'm afraid.
  12. Im able to trade anytime between 12 and 5pm EST
  13. Exit the circus tent and Fly to the Main Hall
  14. I actually just got both but I can trade you a Mudkip anyways if you want?
  15. Damn I'd trade for a Snorlax lol
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