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  1. unless you are using sand, which that team looks like it isn't, then mega-aggron is almost always better
  2. if you have the newest version there is a guy outside of the nature guy's room that allows you to set a specific nature.
  3. thats because rock climb tm doesn't exist in gen 7
  4. Here is the videos for part 2 of my Ghost monorun. Obsidia Slums PULSE and pre florina faf Pre Gym leveling Trainer School Fern Florinia Next time I make my way to the Jasper and Beryl wards and battle Corey.
  5. well if you are looking for things that will e very useful. dragalge as you said for fairy's and also kingdra and turtenator to help with ice types
  6. a large peice of advice for you and anyone else doing mono runs is to never stick to just 1 team. its ok to have 'main' team members but in a mono run there are points where you have to swap out team members to deal with certain situations.
  7. you can you just need to replace Game.rxdata from your reborn folder and copy it to the sandbox folder
  8. along the lines of what @Cataline said i'm gonna add all of the early game bulky poison types. In various runs they have been super usefull.
  9. Quotes aren't working for me rn but @Higan it is also a level up move if you had checked.
  10. Forum name: St0mpa Showdown alt(s): st0mpa Discord: st0mpa#9437 Availability*: 3pm-12am (GMT + 1) Favourite type(s): Rock, Dark, Steel, Poison Least favourite type(s): Fairy, Ice
  11. The first part of my Ghost mono run is uploaded now.

  12. Hello everyone Stompa here to bring you a mono run using Ghost types as voted for by you guys. Here is the first part everything up to and including Julia. Spoiler tag for 'special battle' time stamps Next time I take on PULSE tangrowth and try to take out Florina. Next time I will make the individual episodes shorter and upload several at once rather than one massive episode but I didn't realise how long this had gotten until I finished. If you want me to just upload the shorter episodes on their own just let me know. EDIT 1:for people that missed the poll I am using sandbox mode. It can be found in 2 coments down
  13. For araquanid once you get to 57 liquidation should replace bubble beam and at level 45 lunge should replace bug bite but other than that it is alright. for gardevoir you should try to change the ability to trace as it is a much more versitile ability. for moves calm mind over wish can be good or if you already have alot of grass coverage in the rest of your team calm mind over magical leaf and keep wish so that you can use it to heal as you buff up. another option is misty terrain which you need to use the move relearner for but can sometimes be very useful in disrupting gym teams that use/rely on specific terrain. as for items it depends on what moveset you are using if you go for the more offensive moves then an item that can buff the damage can be nice or if you use the terrain an amplified rock is almost necessary.
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