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Hal Henderics

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Everything posted by Hal Henderics

  1. Dackly smirks. "Yeah, I bet that reach will be useful!" Dackly uses Starlight Spear on Gozer, forcing him to use it for three turns! Gozer attacks Icarax with the spear, dealing 10d4+12 Damage!
  2. As they walk through the portal, Frisk turns towards everyone one final time. "It had to happen this way. Keep them safe, alright?" Frisk asks. Contessa glances at Nader, smirking in a calculated way. With a wink, the portal closes, and the bar is left in silence. PLOT COMPLETE
  3. "Hey, Icky! If you're so strong, then take this!" Dackly shouts, drawing a spear and challenging Icarax to use it! Gozer uses Silver Bullet on the Rahi Nui, firing a pellet of silvery metal at it!
  4. Dackly uses Soften once again on the same target as before, the Trespasser Tyranosaur!
  5. "Yeah. You could say that," she says with a casual smirk, reaching for the gun at her side as Frisk SAVES. Instantly, the atmosphere turns tense, and Frisk bursts into tears suddenly. "My child? What is wrong?" Toriel asks, taking a step forward, only for Asriel and Chara to grab her hands and pull her away. "Nobody move!" the goat-child shouts, looking at the woman in the fedora with a hateful glare. Unlike her previous demeanor, the woman is now utterly robotic in her precision, pulling a handgun from a hidden holster at her hip and firing it off into the air once. Toriel jerks forwards, but stops when Frisk shouts her down. "Don't do anything mom!" The child keeps crying, tears flowing down their face. "I need to go with her now. We don't have a choice," Frisk explains, walking shakily over to the woman, who holsters her gun with economical movements. "What the hell are you talking about kid?!" Undyne roars, looking ready to charge. "If I don't do what she wants, everyone in this room dies," Frisk finally finishes, walking up next to the woman. Everyone is frozen, nobody making the first move. "Door to Brockton Bay," the woman utters, and a rectangular portal opens up in midair. She says nothing, and several members of the party feel a stunning sense of deja-vu, of danger from the woman with the gun. Nothing more needed to be said, it seems. Whatever had been said had been said in the last six-dozen or so aborted timelines. She doesn't need to say or do anything more, but she does look across the gathered monsters and humans slowly, before taking Frisk's hand and walking them towards the portal.
  6. Dackly uses Soften on the Trespasser Tyranosaur, while Gozer uses Royal Guard, predicting that Makuta will be attacked again by Ikarax!
  7. Those of the group looking for refreshments quickly discover that, apparently, shortly after entering, Toriel had set a sack of gold coins on the counter, which quickly mollified the owner and more than paid for everyone's orders. It certainly helps that this particular Karaoke bar was having a slow night. As a bottle of vodka is brought to him, Nader notices a woman glancing at him from across the bar, wearing a fedora and a trench-coat. She looks interested in the various monsters getting into shenanigans. "You're all pretty odd folks, huh?" she comments, taking a measured sip of some hard drink. She shrugs. "I've seen stranger, personally." The children seem to be winding down after a few more songs, and Frisk skips over to a spot near the door that seems to glitter for a few of the party members.
  8. Gaster nods. "Of course. I'm sure a solution is forthcoming. After all, the future approaches, young man." "By god it finally approaches." -THE SURFACE- By coincidence or intent, Frisk eventually rounds up the monsters, humans, and others, bringing them to the surface. The sun is rising as everyone walks out of the Underground's exit, casting light over Mt. Ebbot. Asgore finally breaks the awestruck silence. "Nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming..." "Perfect day for a game of catch." Everyone looks at Asriel sharply. -The Karaoke Bar True to their word, Frisk's first call was to drag everyone to a Karaoke bar, one whose staff was too stunned and confused by the sudden influx of otherworldly monsters to comment on the children, who were already rushing to the stage, Clumsily, Frisk paws at the equipment until the music begins to play, and sings like the child they really are.
  9. Gaster listens patiently until the end. "Two noteworthy things were found in the human SOUL I experimented on. DETERMINATION, and KARMA. Both merely empower a SOUL, for better or worse. I found that both substances enabled me to send messages to the past, and change the future. In practice, Determination allowed me to create information that did not, and could not exist, by manipulating the properties and behavior of electrons." "My goal most certainly was not Godhood. I planned to create a weapon powerful enough to shatter the barrier, using Paradox-Energy from a single human SOUL. Like a capacitor that used time itself as the storage medium. Nothing more. Knowing what I do now, the experiment to convert Photons into Altered Neutrinos-" He pauses. Something seems to amuse him, and he begins to chuckle. "Apologies. I thought of something... Funny. A coincidence." "Did you know that the Degree of Freedom, a term in statistics used to describe how many variables in an equation are free to change, can be represented by the character "Nu"?" "And did you know that Nu also represents, in atomic science, the Neutrino?" "And-" he chuckles even more. "It even represents the 'True Anomaly', a term in astrophysics which deals with the orbiting of stellar bodies?" "Perhaps it's a coincidence, how this sordid tale dealt so heavily with that curious letter, that you all should arrive alongside The True Anomaly, the child that controls time, meddling in my failed Neutrino experiments, all of you granting us more Degrees of Freedom than we had before." "Terrible, joke, I know." His face becomes more grim. "I digress. The experiment was a failure. The shock of so many people hidden in my lab shouting all at once to celebrate, in the chaos of it all, the experiment was damaged, the KARMA was released, alongside the slurry of Neutrinos. My other self had no idea what happened. After all, those people had never been born." "I attempted to fix my mistake. By quirk or fate, I remembered what my other self did not, perhaps because I walked into my laboratory at the exact moment my other self did. I saw them cease to be without being exposed to the original event. I decided to try and undo the experiment using Time Travel empowered by both Human Substances. I failed. My brother attempted to fix my machine, but it was impossible. He believed it only required KARMA, as he somehow was made aware of the experiments prior." He shrugs very slightly. "Truthfully, I had little care either way on the subject of Monsters and Humans. The fact of the matter is, if we had been trapped underground for another... decade? Another decade, at our current population growth rate, we would have defeated the air intake capacity of the mountain's cracks and crevices." "I've never told anyone, naturally, since there was no answer to that problem, but the fact of the matter is, everyone had concerns over space and food, trapped under this mountain, but the true killer would have been carbon dioxide. Suffocation." "A war would have been preferable to that. Even if every monster died, it would still have been a superior fate to just dying in the darkness, and what would have been far more likely is monsters being forced back underground yet again, with a reduced population." He looks at Nader. "You may think of it as particularly cruel of me to think this way, but yes, I considered the possibility of our genocide to be a far better result than what would have happened if we had waited or stayed. Indeed, I'm surprised that we even managed to get all seven, dead or alive. The fact of the matter is, it shouldn't be statistically possible for that many humans to fall down here." "The royal human died twenty years ago, and in twenty years, seven more fell down, despite the mountain's reputation for being cursed? Despite them continuing to fall? Does that not strike you as... Odd? It would mean that either the mountain is swarming with humans, or every two to three years, a human from the same generation as one who disappeared decided to follow in their footsteps." "And if they sought their end, why were their remains found all over the underground? There are only three entrances. Only one was used, the one Madam Toriel lived near." "Did they all seek freedom, where once they sought death?" he continues. He shakes his head. "It disturbs me, that my assumptions were wrong. I predicted that, on average, one human per millennium would fall. Once per century if we were lucky. We were trapped down here for thousands of years, and then, in the two decades before our freedom, no less than 8 humans, not including your group, all fell down here." "These irregularities consume me, in my moments of lucidity, and now that I've returned, those moments are quite long indeed." He seems to remember himself. "I've gotten off topic. Have I explained myself adequately to your liking?"
  10. Dackly deflates with a sigh. "Wow! That was exhausting. Thanks evil guy! Ugh. It's like trying to argue with your high-school self, with the exact same flavor of petulant bickering." "Oh, but uhh, fair warning, I think we're all still pissed at you, yaknow, evil and all that. Sounds like you're at least after the same thing we are though, so good on you! We happen to both like the multiverse existing, and that's some common ground I can get behind at least!" Dackly comments, picking at her ear. "Dackly... I wouldn't be so familiar with this individual. They did put forth an effort to kill us, even if it appears they did not plan on succeeding." Gozer critiques, disliking the instability of the being before him, even ignoring his dark nature. Dackly smirks. "You ever hear of a guy called Xanatos?" Dackly asks the Makuta, an amused thought coming to mind.
  11. "Oh please! Of all the people, of all the beings in all the worlds, you are the one I like the least in my decently long life of exploration. You've got no place among my friends, don't worry about that." "You're misunderstanding this situation, which is that I'm giving you good advice. Medusa died, then her clone died again, then another clone died a third time." "Medusa isn't someone you should aspire to be. You think I'm fixed? That I think you can be fixed? God no! But I've got friends, wealth, a home, food and drink, goals that I can achieve, and I haven't died a single time." "Go out! Petrify some guys for pissing you off! Be a bartender and sell property on the side, rule a planet and call yourself 'Georgia' for god's sake, but we both know that your fate is in your hands, and Medusa? She would, will, and has squandered that handful of fate." "I know for a fact that becoming someone else is almost worse than being you, but almost only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades." She shakes her head at Medusa's mistaken assumptions. "I don't even care if you're our enemy in the future, if you try to kill us again, but pissing away this opportunity so you can mantle a thrice-dead goddess and pretend that this time it will end differently? While you lay defeated yet again at the foot of your hubris by me of all people?" "I hate that." Dackly crosses her arms, glaring at her enemy.
  12. "You're a clone. Just like me. Or did you get one blow to the head too many and forget?" Dackly reminds. She quotes from memory. "Add a pinch of memories to a ton of souls, put them in a blender and hit frappe!" "The fact that you're somehow able to lie to yourself, now especially, is proof of your mental strength. But it's over. You want truth? Here it is!" Dackly jabs a finger at the fallen foe. "You're not Medusa! You suck at being her! So just give up and be someone else already! This might be your only chance to do it!"
  13. Gaster frowns. "To be frank, I've no clue who you are. Being scattered across time and space is... well, I would not recommend it, but unless you have traveled the same paths thousands upon thousands of times, I doubt I've seen you." He pauses. "Ah. The branches of time. Of reality. So many iterations of the exact same event. With so many ways it can unfold..." "Parallel universe are... Very... Interesting. Wouldn't you agree?" Lost in his own little world, it takes Gaster a moment to process what Nader had said. "You've read what I've left behind? It shouldn't be possible, and yet it isn't very well possible to lie about. Curiouser and curiouser. Lucine's spell did indeed free me and the others. In a sense." "It wasn't complete, but the rest of your friends proved more than capable of... Tying up loose ends. For that, I am obviously quite grateful. I'm afraid I didn't see much of anything until it came to a close." "You and your friends were... Only briefly in this world. Both in the literal sense that you've been here for less than a day or so, and in the sense that you had so few timelines to your name." "Is there something you require of me? I'm afraid if it is a cure to confusion you're after, I have hardly enough for myself." "Or perhaps you are here in search of something more tangible?"
  14. Scout Skipper begins using Murder Dance to amp up her groove. Her Jittery moves are sure to get the enemy bones moving!
  15. "When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take," Dackly says with a smile. "Was it really that much better, being you of all people? At least I had some stuff going for me." the gorgon questions sadly. "You threw away your future to reclaim your past. You are now what you once were, but now you can never be what you would have been." Gozer admits confusingly. Dackly looks confused, but continues. "Uhh, yeah. And that. Look, just give up, really. You can't beat us in a fight, but like, even if you did, so what? You wouldn't feel any better, and you know it." "You can't just pretend I'm not real. I'm not Medusa anymore, but to tell the truth, neither are you. Surely you know that, deep down?" "Aren't you starting to get sick of fighting for no good reason?" Dackly asks, approaching the laid-low goddess of darkness.
  16. Nader finds, once he returns to the lab, that Gaster's situation seems to have already been dealt with. Another member of the party found a confluence of thick, churning darkness, and after purging it for hours, began to rip monster after monster free of the timeless void within it. The skeletal scientist is investigating a vial of the black sludge that was once his entire world under a microscope.
  17. As Scarlet stomps off, Sucrose simply huffs, crossing her arms. "I am a perfectly serviceable at repairing organics, unless any of you happen to have molecular imaging structures in your eyes as well."
  18. Toriel offers Lucine a sympathetic look. "No, it looks fine on you. As I've mentioned, Asriel has been... Excitable. It seems he struggles to contain himself. He has had a few minor outbursts before this, but we are being patient with him."
  19. "Well duh! There's a resource crisis going on! I don't know the details, but the empire can't exactly afford to waste any resources on frivolous things right now." Sucrose says. "I wouldn't know anything about morality, though. I leave that sort of thinking to those sort of thinkers." she says, unsure how to respond to Scarlet's assertion that the empire is morally wrong.
  20. Asgore's brow furrows at the mention of Gaster. "That's odd. I seem to recall Dr. Alphys having been the Royal Scientist, and yet, I don't recall Dr. Gaster being removed from his position." "No matter. If information on how to aid Gaster is to be found anywhere, it would surely be at his laboratory. I believe you were there once already."
  21. "Well, I don't know how you organics organize your empires, but with Gemkind, every gem fills a tailor-built purpose. We have Quartzes for the soldiers, Rubies for the bodyguards, Lapises for Terraforming." "I don't know the details, of course, but Sucrose, the organic chemical produced by many forms of plant life as a chemical fuel-storage method, has a crystalline structure that can effectively harness light when incubated correctly in a Kindergarden environment, so someone decided to see if my line could serve a purpose too, and produced a few of us for testing." She frowns slightly at the memory. "Sadly, I don't think we made the cut. 'Manipulation of organic lifeforms lacks practical application not filled by other roles, and molecular-scale vision and shapeshifting are similarly filled by other gem subsets', they said. I was slated for harvesting, then Jack did whatever it is he did, and now I'm here!" Despite her chipper tone, one might struggle to think of any positive way anyone could interpret the term 'harvesting' in relation to people, much less people in what appears to be a strict alien caste system. She smiles unerringly. "I really should get back to Homeworld as soon as is feasible, though. It's obvious that organic life has more potential than my testing supervisors gave credit. Why, just the potential for new shapeshifting blueprints alone would be worth a great deal."
  22. Arminius- "Y-yes, in fact, uhh, let's not mention that you can even do any of this..." "I don't think the p-people here would be t-too pleased with uhh..." "You know." she finishes, waving abstractly to Arminius's menagery. Lucine- When Lucine returns, the goat-kid notices her outfit and giggles uncontrollably, with emphasis on the "uncontrollable" He is herded out of the room by Chara, who pats him on the back sympathetically. "He is a bit excitable right now," Toriel apologizes. It seems that regaining one's soul is not without side effects.
  23. "That's weird... Didn't you say you were here to get Swagged Needles, Anesthetic, and Disinfectants?" Sucrose recites with a finger to her chin. She shrugs with a smile. "And I haven't met any organics at all! Well, other than a few samples that I got to have a look at when my line was being tested. Those ones weren't very interesting though." She gets a wider smile at this. "Oh, but just imagine if I had access to organic lifeforms like yourself. I could have proven without a doubt the use in my line's purpose. Oh well." Sucrose giggles as if it were worth a laugh at. "I'm sure by the time I return to Homeworld, I'll have amassed quite the library of useful tricks, and that's all that really matters." "Until then, of course, It would certainly help me if all of my samples were alive and kicking, so I'm still supremely interested in finding out how physical repairs work on organics. They certainly wouldn't work on a gem!"
  24. "Hey, I know plenty about biology! I've already developed a veritable library of biologically inspired shapeshifting blueprints. With that, she holds up a finger and it glows for a moment, before emitting an acrid scent. "You think any other gem could shape-shift an acidic molecular structure into their light like this? I've even been working on cultivating some of those neat cells from you gem-shaped organics. Oh once I get enough, I'm sure I'll crack the code on how an organic lifeform could be as smart as you are without so much as gem fragments involved in the process." She holds up a hand with a suspiciously petri-dish like divot in the middle of its palm. When Scarlet explains why the little bacteria are such a bad thing, Sucrose is enlightened and displeased. "Well that isn't very nice of them at all." She says, her cheeks puffing out as she crosses her arms.
  25. Sucrose gives Scarlet another vacant look, but thinks a bit harder. "Hmm..." "Oh! You mean the tiny organic lifeforms, right? Woop!" she shouts, breathing out an impossibly fine purple powder into her hands, and spitting out several tiny skulls. "The powder tells the really tiny biomass that eats it to die, but doesn't tell the big biomass like you to do that, and the skulls tell those pesky pain-cells to take a break!. Here ya go!" she says, handing over the candies and sugar. "It sure is funny that you want to kill the really tiny ones, I mean, they're such cuties," Sucrose says, tapping Scarlet on the shoulder and giggling as she stares the finger she used to do it. "I think I'll call you 'squirmy'." she says to the essentially invisible bacteria.
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