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Hal Henderics

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Everything posted by Hal Henderics

  1. 18 20 12 8 5 9 "You should probably go," she says, with no small amount of exasperation to Psolomom. - When the golem turns around, Onion transforms, twisting into a hairy beast of unknown species. The golem no longer recognizes him, and wanders off to search for the perpetrator. - She looks unnerved by Block's request. "As an employee of Consume, I'm not allowed to disclose the location of the Storm Nexus. There are a lot of thieves who would love to get their hands on it," she explains. - 5 5 12 13 When Ichor Bleu summons a Meatsuckler Plant, the Pink Slime launches a tentacle of Slime at it. The Meatsuckler snaps shut, snipping off the slimy appendage! Alpha stands back, sending Hotdog to attack the Pink Slime! The dog leaps up onto the pipes, crashing into the slime, and biting at it viciously! But it failed to do any lasting damage... 5 10 18 20 1 3 The Pink Slime zips around the room frantically, spitting a glob of slime at Ichor Bleu, But he blocked it! The Pink Slime attempts to fire globs of slime at Hotdog, But misses, due to the dog being embedded in the slime! Hotdog's hide hisses with acid.
  2. 18 20 12 8 5 9 5 5 12 13 Nutribot frowns at Onion. "PRESENT IDENTIFICATION. IMPERSONATION OF NUTRIVATCO PERSONNEL IS PUNISHABLE BY UP TO 20 YEARS OF IMPRISONMENT." - While Onion is distracting the bot, Alpha uses a bombrock to jimmy the lock, and travels into the Nutrivatco Consume Snacktory. - Ichor Bleu finds that he can hardly see jack shit, with no strong heat sources, light sources, or distinct EM currents. He'll need to return to realspace to really investigate. - Block leaps high into the air, unleashing a potent block! - The sandwich dragon rubs her face. "No, sir. No Consume Location has 'Kitchens'. We prefer to use the term 'Snacktory', for marketing reasons."
  3. 4 9 15 8 2 13 1 16 Unfortunately, while the Nexus is POWERFUL, its effects on the EM World are chaotic. The EM world here buzzes and hums all over with unrestrained energy from the Storm Nexus, and Ichor Bleu can't tell where exactly it's coming from. - Block leaps in front of nice sandwich lady, in a moment, letting loose a powerful block! - Psolomom leaps into the air, but Block's block is so intense, it unleashes a shockwave that deflects her attack! - Onion Punches the door, nothing happens, but a Golem appears instantly next to him. "PLEASE DO NOT ATTACK NUTRIVATCO PROPERTY" it says, watching carefully with a frowny face on its screen.
  4. Card attempts to see light in the world of Magnetism, but is unable to! Light simply affects magnetism too weakly for them to see it properly at their current skill level. Onion tries to sneak around back, while Psolomom begins charging up energy. A half-dragon, half-sandwich lady walks out of the restaurant with Block, noticing these shenanigans. "Oh son of a bitch," she says quietly. "Sir, sir! Please do not attack the sign!" she asks firmly, standing between Psolomom and the sign, unable to both follow Onion sneaking into the back and Psolomom threatening to blow up the sign.
  5. 1 2 4 2 8 1 20 6 Psolomom runs towards the sign and punches it as hard as she can. A loud clang emerges from it, but nothing else happens, aside from an employee nearby giving her the stink-eye. Alpha notes that all of the rides have maintenance hatches, and Consume has a giant sprawling nest of pipes behind the counter that trail into a back room. The pipes crackle with storm energy. Ichor Bleu disappears, and enters the Elemental Plane of Magnetism. He finds himself in a vast ocean, treading water. High above him, currents flow fast in the sky, and even faster down below. Churning whirlpools fill the vast sea, and he finds that nothing else is here, no people or buildings. Only magnetic fields. Onion goes to check out the cool black dog, and it stares at him blankly. "You will approach death in the back of a fast food restaurant." it says, and then disappears. The PA system of the park goes off. "Would the owner of the Black Dog please come to the parking lot, your dog has given a mysterious prophesy and dispersed into the nothingness." Onion decides to Skeedadle before the owner of the dog returns.
  6. Onion enters consume, and an orc in an uncomfortable looking uniform greets him. "Welcome to Consume, please consume until you run out of money," they recite with a bored expression. Walking up to the front counter, he notices a gigantic sprawling pipe system behind the counter, which sparks and hums with raw elemental energy. The pipes trail into a backroom behind the counter. The lady at the front counter, a peppy half-dragon, half-sandwich, greets you. "Welcome to Consume! Please consume until you run out of money! How may I help you? We've got a special on Meat Nuggets, thanks to the new Nutrivat Movie coming out, they all come with our patented Sword Sauce. Guaranteed to make food as tasty as Excalibur!" ((You can check the menu, if you like.
  7. The gang finally arrives, a giant field of parking lots surround a gigantic theme park. The sign says it all. "Welcome to Nutrivatland!" A giant deep-fried dragon-wing with a face and legs waves cheerfully. "Welcome to Nutrivatland! I'm Yummy the Wing! Be sure to visit our gift shop, and also, Nutrivatland's signature restaurant, CONSUME!" The wing shrieks the word "Consume" at the top of its lungs several times, until, with a small zot of lightning that beams up from the circlet on its head, it returns to being cheerful and docile. "Oh, and don't forget to visit the arcade! The games are out of this world!" Yummy winks. As the gang stashes anything they deem blatantly illegal outside the park limits, they enter and have a look around. Children of all species and ages shriek with delight as they run around with parents of varying levels of happiness and exasperation. Areas:
  8. 12 14 4 19 17 15 17 13 9 7 Alpha throws Hotdog at Nutribot's screen, but the dog bounces off! The cracks in Nutribot's screen widen. Nutribot is nauseous! - Onion tried to manifest both Ogre and Pancake barriers at the same time, But it failed! - Psolomom protects Bearchild, and expands their senses... The miasma is made of Warmongering Necromancy Magic, nobody can escape this combat! - Card unleashes unfathomable flesh tendrils at Nutribot, The tendrils bury themselves deep in the golem! Nutribot's strength wanes! - Block charges at the Nutribot, and leaps at it with a vicious block, The block crashes into Nutribot! Nutribot's screen cracks! - Nutribot collapses to the ground, sparking and emitting fumes. When he sees that the machine is down and out, Fresh whoops, running towards it. "Yeah! Take that you dumb robot!" he shouts, kicking the hull of the machine and crossing his arms with satisfaction. The screen flickers back on for a moment, "T HANK Y OU F OR C HOO SING NU TRIV-" Fresh squeals with fear and punches a hole through the screen, prompting it to go dark for good. Spoils
  9. 11 17 2 1 17 15 18 13 15 11 The machine takes the first move! 3 5 5 5 3 Nutribot unleashes a hail of gunfire at Card, punching a hole straight through their left arm! The gun's recoil makes the remainder of its shots miss, however. Nutribot unleashes a vicious brushing attack on Psolomom. Brushes scrub them down violently, damaging their body and clothing... A little bit, but not much, honestly... Nutribot stomps forward, following up their brushing attack with a kick that sends Psolomom skidding down the highway! Nutribot swings its gigantic scythe, the blade cutting into Card as it charges forward, before using the blade to fling them at Psolomom, the pair crash in a tangled heap, covered in cuts and abrasions. Nutribot does a happy dance, spinning around in a circle! 4 3 1 17 10 8 7 3 7 8 - Onion erects an Ogre Barrier, Layers of magic surround Onion! Layers of magic tried to surround Psolomom, but she was too far away! Layers of magic tried to surround Card, but he was too far away! Layers of magic surround Block! Layers of magic surround Alpha! Layers of magic surround Dia! Layers of magic surround Fresh! - Block tries to block Nutribot's limbs... but he misses, crashing into the asphalt with his leaping block! The asphalt cracks, large fragments jutting up from the ground! - Card's blade grows a horrifying amalgam of teeth and flesh! Card swings their sword, unleashing a Zankourin! When Nutribot caught him with its scythe, his Zankourin struck its legs! Clang! One of Nutribot's legs collapses under it! - Alpha throws bomb-rocks at Nutribot, the bombs explode violently, hitting Nutribot's gun arm, Nutribot's gun arm emits foul smoke, before the arm explodes! - Psolomom leaps up, punching at Nutribot's screen, Nutribot's screen cracks violently! Nutribot looks nauseous... - 11 10 9 15 Nutribot's Reaperman™ Death Scythe swipes at Dia and Fresh, The blade crashes into Dia's body, but it glanced off! Swish! The blade misses Fresh! - 17 13 7 18 2 Dia leaps into the air, unleashing a blazing kick! The kick strikes Nutribot's Reaperman™ Death Scythe, chipping the edge! - Fresh cowers in the corner! - 2 12 The Miasma thickens.
  10. 3 7 14 1 6 3 10 11 20 13 Onion and Psolomom lay down, allowing the robot to approach. "HOT DOG MATERIAL DETECTED. RECLAIMING" the golem explains, its stubby round arms unfolding with a series of small metal brushes. While Psolomom leaps into the air and does an acrobatic pirouette, Onion fails to leap into the air, pirouette or no, and the brushes scrape at him violently! Psolomom's foot crashes into the machine's screen, sending it tipping backwards dangerously! Its screen glitches and distorts. Block follows up on this, running towards the machine and blocking it right in the head with a vicious block! Card summons up a Snack Attack and throws it at the golem, but the explosive glances off of its mettalic, rubbery exterior, leaving a small singed place. Alpha decides that the machine has gone on long enough without being obliterated, throwing a heaping armful of bomb-rocks at the machine! The explosion shudders and shakes the land around as the golem becomes the new resident of the pavement, embedded deeply in it and with large cracks running along its body. The machine looks ready to give up the ghost, but then, in a fit of cruel fortune, Onion's soul orb glints underneath their grass cloak, after the scrubbing the machine tried to give him had stripped it clean. The golem shudders. and the cracks in its body widen as its screen pops and sparks for a moment before sliding out of the boxy-frame it was held in. It keeps going further, and further out, while the cracks keep growing wider and wider. The air grows red with miasma. The machine stands to its full height, and its screen blinks frantically, the word "KIL" scrolling slowly across it in response to the sight of the soul orb. "PROPERTY OF NUTRIVATCO" the machine booms in a bassy monotone, as a long, mechanical scythe and some sort of giant gun unfold on arms of their own. The gun's barrel is big enough to fit a whole fist down, and the scythe's blade is edged with a dark purple substance.
  11. The group continues on down the road, and they spot Nutrivatland in the distance! As they approach, they see a very crude-looking golem waddling towards them with lumbering, jointless steps. When it gets near, a loud voice bellows out of it mechanically. "GREETINGS NUTRIVATCO SOVEREIGN CIVILIAN-RESOURCE TYPE D, LAY ON THE GROUND SO NUTRIVATCO PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED AND RETURNED!" "THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ASSUMING DOCILITY/RESIGNEDNESS BASED POSITIONS."
  12. 8 20 17 7 6 11 14 7 4 3 Psolomom runs towards the beast, unleashing a potent echopunch! The monster squelches horribly as the ambient magic strikes it, making it mutate further! Psolomom now has a hotdog mutant glove attacking her! - Card swings his sword, embedding countless teeth at the monster! Chunks of it are blown off one after another! - Alpha hucks a bunch of explosives at the monster, blasting it to pieces! But several of the pieces grew into tooth-filled mutants that bulge with red energy! - Calyx runs towards one of the bulging mutants and punches it into the distance. As it's flying, it explodes into toothy shrapnel, far enough away not to hurt anyone! - Block provokes the Monster before it had exploded, and now all the little monsters are pissed at him! -- 16 5 19 18 17 11 Dia unleashes a vicious kick, cutting several of the remaining beasts to ribbons with Block's help! - Fresh cowers in the corner, making himself an irresistable target for the dumb monsters! - The bird devours the monsters that try to get near Fresh, leaving behind hot-dog scraps and a fatter obsidian bird. - VICTORY
  13. As you travel towards Nutrivatland, you find a road leading there. Traveling along it together for safety and speed, you encounter something horrifying scraping its way down the road towards you. A horrifying monster, made of pulsating pink meat, with red and yellow pus drizzling down its back. A puffy brown mass is stuck to its arm, and its face is set in a perpetual silent howl. It crawls towards the group frantically, unleashing squelching noises as it does so.
  14. He covers his mouth, a smile peaking out of it. "Oh, looking to stick it to the man, eh? Well, I don't know about you, but I think it's a bit suspicious that Nutrivatland opened back up right after they repossessed the nexus." "A fellow might start making some connections between the two." Dia frowns heavily. "Why are you helping us?" He pauses, shrugging as he turns and starts to walk away. "Well, I don't think I like you folks. Call it a gut feeling," His back shakes with silent laughter. "Maybe you'll get yourself killed playing hero, and save me the trouble." "Of course, I'd cover up those Soul Orbs, if I were you. I hear they don't let flesh-golems ride the rides," he explains, waving as he walks away into the distance casually. He's still walking by the time Dia turns to face you all. "You know, I think I might hate his guts, actually." Dia says with faux realization.
  15. His lips quirk up at everyone's reactions. "Tell me what you really think about me," he comments sarcastically, before standing up and stretching. This makes it abundantly clear that he's taller than everyone else in the area by a wide margin. "I mean, it isn't like I've got anything better to do, now that I'm retired," he says. He notices Calyx searching the area, chuckling a bit as he shoves his hands into his pockets. "Notice something missing, do you?" he continues. "If you're looking for the Storm Nexus, I'm afraid you're a few months too late. It's already been repo'd. Don't ask me how, I'm not exactly a scientist, but apparently, Nutrivatco went ahead and hauled it off a while ago." He kicks a tuft of grass. "Place is as plain as can be, now. Nothing but grass. I hear they'll be sending over a few people in a couple of months. Turn the whole place into farmland." His small talk annoys Dia, who takes several steps closer, glaring up at him. "You know, I don't think I like you, 'Flambe'. Call it a gut feeling," she says, spitting a sizzling red pellet off to the side. His smirk doesn't change. "That so?" He lets out a small huff. "So maybe I need new hobbies. Maybe I'll check out that theme park that's supposed to be reopening. Could be fun," his voice quirks as he shrugs, unconcerned with the group's suspicion.
  16. Walking for a long while following the bird-woman named Dia, the gang becomes more and more unnerved by just how far away this mysterious person had been watching them from. Just how far away CAN they see? Just how far away can Dia see? When they finally see the person she had been talking about, she immediately opens into her tirade. "Alright shitstick, who the hell are you? Why are you staring at us like a creep?" Dia demand, taking aggressive steps forward. The dapper-suited Cheetah-person stares at the party with a straight face. "Bit rude of you Ma'am, but if you insist. The name's Flambe. Ever heard of peoplewatching?"
  17. 7 1 1 18 10 4 2 3 15 7 6 20 Calyx's cleaver smashes the Scantgobbler's eyes as he leaps into the Elevator. Small glassy stones fall out of the sockets, shimmering with a rainbow of flame-colors. Psolomon successfully pulls a small fragment out of the crystal as he leaps into the elevator. A large crack splinters down the formerly pristine stone. Thankfully, Soul discovers that the still is already in the Elevator, and had been in there for most of the fight! He pats himself on the back for a job well done as he leaps into the elevator. Unfortunately, Yours Truly's dude discovers that the still is already in the Elevator, preventing him from helping to put it in there himself! Stormlord's dude dodges the Scantgobbler as it crashes into the elevator by leaping out of it. Thankfully, the gigantic burst of flames from spilled alchohol pushes him back into the elevator, instead of allowing him to leap to his death! Dragonrage's dude leaps into the Elevator, but his fire fails to jump far enough after him! As it sinks into the lava, it gives a single, dramatic thumbs up. Scantankerous Tim closes the door, rapidly pushing the "Up" button on the elevator as fast as he can, and then... Like a bottle being popped from a champagne cork, the Nutrivat Office is driven up into the air by the wrath of drunk nature. The building flips, end over end in midair, everyone in the Elevators and rooms tumbling helplessly around for one second, two... It goes on for what must be over ten seconds of the building arcing into the air, until, as if by the mercy of a wincing god alone, it comes to an end, and the entire thing crashes upright into the ground with a deafening roar. After a moment of silence, the building unleashes one final groaning crash as it flops onto its side. Whoever created this place, they seem to have built it to endure what its location can dish out, it seems. Sunlight streams in through the endless cracks scattered throughout the building, as the various members of the party see daylight for what feels like the first time. "Well I told'd you so!" Scantankerous Tim announces with a toothless grin.
  18. 3 17 8 13 7 11 11 9 16 1 17 16 4 8 By stating the obvious, Powder Miner's dude allows everyone in the room to know the Scantgobbler's tactics... But now the Scantgobbler knows that you know, and speeds up! Calyx creates the largest barrier he can, a wavering, frail force field appearing around the edges of the room! Soul pulls Whisperling's Dude back away from the lava's edge, burning his hand in the process, before preparing to slash at the Scantgobbler! Meanwhile, Yours Truly's Dude throws his arms up in a powerful block, prepared to stop the Scantgobbler dead in its tracks if it attacks! Psolomon prepares to deliver a flying echo kick to the Scantgobbler's face, psychic energy whirling around him! Stormlord's Dude throws even more rocks at the Scantgobbler, distracting it! Meanwhile, Dragonrage's dude tries to teach the flame good moral standards, only to discover that fire is the brattiest among elements, and resists his tutilage! (19, 19) The Scantgobbler shrieks, skidding on the lava as if it were snow, before turning and using its momentum to dash across the rocky platform. Yours Truly's Dude leaps into the air, blocking the bird dead in its tracks! Soul Eater's blade slashes at the bird's legs, his blade smashing a crack into one of them, Psolomon takes this opportunity to leap at the Scantgobbler, kicking it in the head with a vicious psychic foot following in his wake! The bird crashes into the elevator, the bottles of alcohol near the still shattering and spilling onto the magma as the bird flops unconsciously onto them. As they do, massive puffs of fire burst up from the lava, the platform everyone is on shaking and shuddering. Scantankerous Tim's eyes widen. "Oh that ain't good! One of youse best gets us in that Elevator, and quick!" he shouts, the alchohol and magma mingling in a rather unsettling fashion.
  19. 19 3 6 13 14 17 14 16 3 3 9 13 7 3 1 9 Calyx uses their Chi abilities, the only Relevant Capability they have, to grow some metal cheese and throw it towards the bird. As the waxy metal splatters over the Scantgobbler's face, it recoils in confusion. The platform sinks slightly on one side as it steps backwards. Psolomon capitalizes on this, running towards the bird to punch it in stereo. He notices that Psychic Lava spurts from the bird where his psychic punches land. Speckles of the molten rock splash back on him, burning his skin even as the bird is driven back! Soul Eater rushes the bird, gritting his teeth at the pain of Psolomon's lava milkshake splashing onto him. He swings his sword and drives the bird back with his blade, swinging it at the creature's leg to sweep it out from under them! Dragonrage's Dude smashes their shield into the Scantgobbler, sending it into the lava! The cloth tying his shield to him catches fire. Stormlord's Dude hucks rocks at the monster as it sinks into the lava thrashing around. Powder Miner's Dude Yells at the monster, but it seems to be submerged beneath the magma! Yours Truly's Dude hunkers down, getting between his allies and the Scantgobbler. Whisperling's Dude runs past Yours Truly's Dude towards the Scantgobbler, intent on shoving his vibrator into its throat, but, being in lava, He only succeeds at Luke Skywalkering himself, firing an intense pulse of vibrational magic into the lava, and recieving a wave of magma splashed back at him for his troubles. Whether or not he's alive, he is as delicious-smelling and lacking of cognizance as an expensive steak. 17 1 The bird explodes from the surface of the magma in a brilliant wave, revealing that, if it had taken any wounds by the flurry of attacks, they don't seem to have lasted. The Scantgobbler lands on the magma, kicking off of it and scrambling around on the surface of the magma as if it were some kind of rock. It circles the party at a distance by running over the molten rock's dense surface, watching them hatefully.
  20. Those who approach the nest feel an incredibly loud rumble as the rocky platforms floating on the magma rock and sway. Running forward to avoid several of the platforms sinking below the surface, they reach the centermost platform, a large oblong sphere of rock that sways from side to side. A large beak pokes up from the magma, before being followed by the rest of whatever creature is responsible for this. Its eyes open, and it gazes at the party with a predatory glow. With an unholy screech, the obsidian-plated avian stomps on the stony platform, sending everyone flying into the air as it flips over, the entire nest sticking to the stone as it flips into the molten rock. Psolomon and Calyx's efforts send an Egg and Still flying into the elevator where they land safely. The group thumps painfully to the ground, clothing hissing as the superheated stone rapidly cools, revealing that the underside of the platform had been made of some glorious purple stone, which glitters and shines in the low light of the cavern. The Scantgobbler unleashes another air-shuddering screech as it obtains its balance on the glassy floor, stepping from side to side.
  21. The Elevator shrieks as it slowly churns downward. The Elevator opens, and several members of the gang cough at the smell of sulfur and other unsavory scents. The heat is intense as they walk out, and realize that the entire floor has been consumed by magma, interspersed by platforms floating on the surface of the lava. Green and Black fluids spill from the ceiling, cooling patches of magma and drippling into hissing puddles. In the middle of the rocky room, an odd structure made of empty cans sits proudly, surrounded by bottles filled with clear fluid and eggs. Fluid from the can-device drips onto one of the eggs, igniting in a burst of flames and making the egg shake slightly. "Be careful me boyos, the Spangledangler could be anywhere!" A bubble rises slowly up to the surface of the magma, the red liquid turning black as it cools and pops.
  22. (4, 14) Psolomon finds that the surrounding rooms have... Things in them, and walls, and he's fairly certain that the rooms have floors in them as well. (19, 16) Barkhasia's Dude finds that some sort of creature is sleeping on the bottommost floor, sending out a pulse of dense chi energy. He also notices that the building... Is slowly sinking down. Dragonrage's Dude makes a solemn oath. Upon recovering Scantankerous Tim's Still, his power will surge. "Oh I knew I could count on you boys. The Scratchtoblerone is on the bottom floor, and so's my still! The elevators still work I reckon!" he shouts, dashing towards the elevators in a full sprint that betrays his age, before waiting patiently for the group to be ready.
  23. (6, 4) Blaze's dude finds a large rock, shaped like a rectangle. (16, 19) Froggy's dude finds that there is nothing but solid rock outside of these walls immediately surrounding him, where there isn't other rooms, that is. -- Scantankerous Tim scratches his chin. "Supposed to be? I don't know about that, but you coulda been coocoo, and that wouldn'ta been good for old Scanty!" "I had the old cloop-chute poop you fellas out and drug you over where a fella could rest. Kinda needed a few fellers what could get us outta here fore Skrankercobbler eats this whole place up!" He leans in with a mad gleam. "Ol' Sprayberbobblehead's a right mean grump, rootin' around, eatin' everything up. He'll kill us all, soon as he gets up here." "Course, can't rightly get out without my still. We really won't live without some hooch! That's where you boys come in," he says. "Get my still fore' the Stankerjoggler gets us, and I'll show you the way out."
  24. As several of you go through the door, and walk out into the dismal hallway, you are startled when a crazed old man drops down from the ceiling behind you, grinning a toothless grin and waving around a wooden stick. "You're finally awake. Looks like those old vats were working good after all! I'm Scantankerous Tim, pleased for to meet you." he bows, chuckling to himself. "Now I's know why you all confused, 'Why'd old Scant wake me up and all that?' well boy howdy let me tell you, it sure is a good thing you ain't crazed, there's already one too many crazy people in this old place!" he shouts.
  25. You remember Darkness. Maddening, twisting Darkness, the sort of shadows that creep into the edges of every corner and won't let go. You are undeniably mad, and then... You're nothing at all. -- You awaken on a cot in a dark, metallic room. Looking yourself over, you notice that you are a human, wearing a beige jumpsuit, with a large, golden sphere embedded in your chest. The sphere is covered in mysterious runes and etchings that seem to serve no purpose other than aesthetic. Small vents on the sphere emit a faint light. There is only one door leading out of the room, and several other cots each holding people that look identical to you...
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