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Hal Henderics

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hal Henderics

  1. Sucrose giggles, clapping her hands at all of the different critters! "Oh if this is a delusional state, then it is a very pleasant one." she mutters to herself before rubbing her hands together. She goes around the ship, gently scratching each organic once with her fingernail to gather cell samples.
  2. Her face scrunches with thought for a moment when he refers to himself as a captain. "Of course. Captain Jack Attwater." Sucrose cracks her fingers, her hands and feet glowing white for a moment. While at a glance, they seem to have not changed at all, the proof is in the pudding, as she begins slowly climbing up the side of Jack's ship with her bare hands.
  3. "Hmm." Law crafts his multitool into a very long, thin prybar, and tries to use this to pry it open.
  4. Law rummages around the room, organizing the shards and scraps inside by what they're made of, how magical they are, and how damaged they are, and opening the box.
  5. Scout Skipper, having been sitting idly by, realizes they can't afford to build up speed any longer. Scout Skipper uses Damage Boost, ramming facefirst into Doctor Octopus and flipping around as they try to stomp on the Necronomicomic. At the same time, something mysterious happens to their gun, making it fire wildly at them as they do!
  6. Law opens the left set of double-doors to see what is behind them.
  7. "I think we should take the shortest path. To minimize... Unforeseen problems?" Law says, more confident in his climbing ability than his survival ability.
  8. Sucrose giggles. "I'm supposed to be harvested right now! Can't very well go places like that. So yeah, I didn't exactly get here myself." "Well, I suppose I have little choice but to accept. I, am Sucrose, Facet-3Z8A Cut-0AA. Do you have a designation, Biomass?"
  9. She smiles. "Oh, that is just incredibly precious. A speaking organic being! And not a gem in sight!" Sucrose says, walking around Jack and examining the man from all angles. "Well, no matter. I must return to Gem-Controlled space as soon as possible. Care to share where the nearest colony is?"
  10. Sucrose puts a finger to her chin at the sight of Jack as the small gem skips out of the cave. "Oh, other gems here? Hmm. That's funny!" she giggles at the human in front of her, making the logical assumption that one would make by glancing at a civilized humanoid figure. Upon closer inspection though, she quickly realizes that it's some kind of organic creature. "Oh! My mistake. Hmm... ten touch stumps, two gravity connectors, vision spheres, and... Appearance modifiers to boot. Just where did you come from..." she mutters to herself, scratching her chin with a pout as she scrutinizes the pirate.
  11. Sucrose giggles loudly, slowly scrambling down the pile. "Oh! I'm not harvested! That's nice." She skips out of the cave shortly afterwards.
  12. "Hey, Gozer, doesn't this sound like the sort of thing you should be handling?" Cap points out obviously, making the connection between "Earth Spirit" and "Rock Wall" quickly enough. Gozer doesn't react, save to speak. "I can pass through the wall. What I do on the other side requires further input, however," Gozer says. He walks towards the wall, and begins to phase through it.
  13. Law swallows heavily. "This place seems unsafe," he says, looking around nervously. He approaches Tim, trying to see whatever it is they are looking at.
  14. "Indeed." Akihiro says, nodding at them and patiently awaiting an explanation.
  15. "It would have been faster to swim," Akihiro points out. He doesn't move after that, however.
  16. "Let's move. It will do us no good to idle here," Akihiro claims, walking towards the hooded individuals.
  17. -New Home Foxface puts a finger to their chin. "The only dogs I know about live in Snowdin. Maybe you could check there? It's really far away, though, all the way on the other side of the Underground!" As Nader walks into King ASGORE's room, he notices a diary laying open on the desk. Other things worth noting include a trophy in the corner of the room with a plaque reading "Number 1 Nose-Nuzzle Champions '98!", a king-sized bed, a closet, and three picture frams on the wall. Two of them are empty, while the final one contains a simple flower, made of macaroni-art. Rooting through the closet, Nader finds a Santa Claus outfit, and in the clothing drawer, a giant pink sweater that has the words "Mr. Dad Guy" embroidered on it. The diary strikes Nader as the oddest feature of the room. The current entry reads, "Nice day today!", and nothing else. The ink is still wet. When he flips through the other entries, it's simply variations of the same thing. Why bother keeping a journal like that? The final set of illusions emerge, one after another. All of the monsters shown thus far reading out their magical messages to everyone as they go to their various destinations. "The king decided it was time to end our suffering." "Every human who falls down here must die." "With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever. It's not long now." "King ASGORE will let us go. King ASGORE will give us hope. King ASGORE will save us all," three monsters say in unison. "You should be smiling, too." "Aren't you excited?" "Aren't you happy?" Three of them ask curiously. The final message comes from a tiny frog, almost anticlimactic in tone, but happy, as well. "You're going to be free." - -The Garbage Dump, Waterfall. "Of course! We'll take you right to her! ;)" they wink, floating out of the room with their friend Woshua. - -The Ruins The group enters a room with two parts, and a sign between them. "The first room is the second room's blueprint." The sign seems important, considering that the second room is filled with metal spikes, and surrounded by a deep moat. Strangely, the spikes are so tall that it wouldn't be possible for someone to step on them by mistake. The child waits patiently for the group to try the puzzle themselves.
  18. "As if! The only thing you're about to bite is 'it'," Scout Skipper claims, panicking on the inside. They're supposed to be out, why is he here?! Scout Skipper stands up, their Chair Running giving them a burst of speed as they try to maneuver around Dr. Acula and smack them in the head with the butt of their gun.
  19. Team B Those chasing after Chitan and Coil's mercenaries find themselves in a high speed chase with one goal. Catch up to the Limo, and take it down without killing everyone inside. Combat Team C Those seeking to slay merchants find themselves in the area, Police attempting to hem away reporters and onlookers while the Merchants rampage through the streets.
  20. "We have little time for this. All of you retreat to a safe distance. I will simply exhaust the traps." With that, Gozer slides forward, prepared to go down the floor and simply trigger every single trap in his way, blocking the attacks with Royal Guard.
  21. Scout Skipper dashes to the nearest folding chair, sitting down in it in a specific way. Running as fast as he can on the inside, even though he's sitting perfectly still in his chair.
  22. -New Home "I have no clue where ASGORE is right now... Every day, he goes out and tries to visit everyone in the UNDERGROUND," Foxface says to Proditor. The kid just looks confused at a bit glassyeyed at Nader's speech. Typical kids, in one ear and out the other... "Fell Down? Monsters can't Fall Down that young, can they?" Foxfire says, shocked at Lucile's words. "I dunno. Nobody really goes on the tour, other than King ASGORE himself. And he goes on it every day! I guess he has to make sure it's working or something." Foxface says in response to Jun's question, unsure of his own answer.
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