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Everything posted by Hal Henderics
"I see. Admittedly, Precursor Metal isn't manufactured for durability, in the same way other metals are. We produce it for two purposes. It is a mechanical metal, able to be programmed and constructed..." Law pulls out his Precursor Multitool, demonstrating the large orange egg's ability to shapeshift into things like a screwdriver, a hacksaw, and a cheesecutter. "It's other purpose is in containing hazardous substances, such as Dark Eco. Because it is made in the same way Eco is, it is comprised of metals bound in a web of nanites, for lack of a better word." "Being smaller than chemicals themselves, and comprised of intelligent adaptive machinery, it is resistant to nearly any form of corrosion and corruption." "This canister here is made of it, for instance, to keep the Blue Eco inside from reacting with anything." As if remembering his company, he shrugs. "They aren't intelligent though. Artificial Intelligences are a waste of time, or so I've been taught."
Law frowns, he wants to preen at the praise, but what he has done doesn't seem properly praiseworthy to him. "Yes, well, by using Eco, many things become possible. It is the lifeblood of the Precursors, a substance which operates on a scale many times more minute than molecules." "To a device built with Eco at its core, the movement of atoms is akin to the movement of boulders, with termites scurrying around beneath." He pulls out an orange metal canister filled with swirling blue liquid. "Of course, this is all I have left that isn't bound up in the machinery I've been constructing or my own bodily functions. With so little of it to put to use, I've had to devise other ways of construction. What good is the ultimate technology if I've got none of it left?" "Do tell me if you find a Quantum Foam Manipulator laying around. Perhaps with one of those I could cobble together some proper precursor technology, without having to wait for more of it to be delivered into my lap every month." He seems frustrated. "Enough about that though. I'm interested in this Bes'Kar Material. It's certainly more durable than Precursor Metal at first glance."
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
(11) "NGAAAAAH!" Undyne yells, sending a flurry of spears flying at the Guard Armor Torso! It takes 31 Damage! Doge uses Orange Magic on Rachel, strengthening her SOUL! Jun increases their Dexterity, bumping it up to 20! (2, 8, 2, 5) "Don't move an inch!" Doggo unleashes a flurry of Blue Attacks, All the enemies took 27 Damage for moving! (14) (2) Guard Armor Right Leg and Guard Armor Left Leg used a team attack! They stomp the ground wildly, unleashing stunning shockwaves that hit nearby grounded enemies! (1) Undyne unleashes even more spears, dealing 21 Damage to Guard Armor's torso! Lesser Dog attempts to attack the Guard Armor Left Leg, but is knocked back by shockwaves! They take 14 damage, and are stunned! "You better start running..." Doge casts potent Dog Magic, their Spear ignites in flames! (8, 7) Dogamy and Dogaressa use a team attack, leaping after the Guard Armor Right Arm and dealing 25 Damage! (5, 2, 4, 3,) (65) Jun manages to hit the Guard Armor Legs with 34 Damage each, before the shockwaves knock them back and stun them! They take 14 Damage! Undyne throws a spear at the Guard Armor Left Leg, and it clumsily grabs it! "So long as you're green, you can't escape! So hold still and I'll make this quick." she snarls. Guard Armor Left Leg wiggles frantically, but can't do anything but spin in place! (4) (70) Guard Armor Right Arm and Guard Armor Left Arm use a team attack! They spin around frantically, dealing 4 damage to Jun, and Prodditor with claw strikes! Undyne gets hit as well, but only takes 1 damage! "Pathetic, is that the best you can do?!" she roars, bolstered by this. (5, 4) Greater Dog boofs threateningly, summoning a small white dog-shaped missile that flies towards the Guard Armor Left Leg and explodes, dealing 19 damage and stunning it! (16) "Go fetch," Doge mutters threateningly, dashing towards Guard Armor Left Leg and stabbing it with their Orange Flaming Spear! As it is unable to move, the Orange Attack strikes it by default! A horrific shriek of metal accompanies it taking 62 Damage! Guard Armor Left Leg is destroyed! "Not bad!" Undyne smirks. She throws another spear, this time at Guard Armor Right Leg. The armor turns Green, and is frozen in place like the other one! (2, 2, 3) Prodditor, lacking a better target, fires a lance of raw psionic energy at Guard Armor Right Leg, dealing 17 Damage! Ignia surrounds Prodditor in a cloak of darkness... (1, 16) None of the Guard Armor pieces fall for it, due to Prodditor having JUST attacked them..! Rachel injects Prodditor with a pick-me-up, giving him two stacks of Guts! Guard Armor leers over the battlefield, reassembling its components! Guard Armor Right Leg discards the spear, returning to normal! It seems to be preparing something... Theme Status Initiative -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Ignia walks towards the wellspring, and it swells, larger than ever before, bloating to massive size. With a rude noise, it suddenly deflates, letting out a large amount of smoke. The smoke thins out and fades away, and, just as everyone assumes something has gone wrong... CRASH! CLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANG! From the sky, a massive suit of armor crashes to the ground first the feet, then the arms and body, and finally, a rapidly spinning head that sockets into place before letting out a pulse of dark energy! Its arms flip and twirl in the air, while its feet stomp with terrifying shockwaves as it tromps towards the party! "What the hell is this thing?!" Undyne shouts, steeling herself. Theme Status Initiative -
"Yes, well, I may be cheating a bit. I'm simply using the power of an impossibly dense substance as a forge to warp space and teleport the individual molecules from one place to another, welding them together in the process." Law explains, bringing up the schematics for the gigantic machine harnessing a core of dark matter and various ender-materials. "A rather more brutish method of manufacturing than I'm used to, but it does seem to get the job done." Surprisingly, Law doesn't seem to be sarcastic in the least. "With such a limited supply of Eco, though, I've had no choice but to figure out workarounds."
Law gives Mirri a quaint look. "Would you mind if I went ahead and broke this down? The machinery I built should be able to handle this 'Bes'Kar' material with ease." Law thinks for a moment. "Honestly, we could probably do to produce something a bit better, in fact." Bringing up a holographic screen, Law has the Ender-Printer teleport out the damaged mass of Beskar, using it as feedstock to print a small, fine chain from the material. He frowns at the material's hideously complex name and the multitude of errors that arise from trying to duplicate it, but shrugs regardless. "Remaking or repairing your armor should be child's play. Precursor Engineering at work, you see."
Using the speed they built up from Hyper-speed sitting, Scout leaps off of the horse and attempts to clip their way to the front of the Deadite Chorus Line to lead it! "Conga!"
- 154 replies
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
-Jun and Ignia Jun, Ignia, and the Dogpile all arrive to the dock where the vortex is still swirling lazily with dark magic. Undyne has been waiting there, almost fully armored, save for her missing helmet. "This thing is giving me some bad vibes. If any of your friends can fight, I'd call them here before we pop this zit," she says. -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Using the power of a Boss Monster's Essence, some of the strongest Magic Arminius has had to work with in his life, he combines it with Nader's SOUL, retrieved from the Barrier Room where it was resting. The end result is something distinctly non-goat. Yes, Arminius is almost positive that whatever is standing before him right now is absolutely not a goat. Because it's a goddamn tiger. Wound/Perk obtained for Nader: -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Asgore agrees, even before Arminius moves on to the veiled threats. "I am grateful that I can help," he admits. The process goes by quickly, and Arminius obtains Boss Monster Essence. Asgore's beard has a few more grey hairs than before, but other than that, he seems none the worse for wear. -
"What's up, I'm Scout Skipper, could you help us lure zombies away from innocent people?" they ask, getting right to the point. "Once I start doing this, they're probably going to come out fast, so everyone be ready." Once allowed, Scout will mount the horse and walk it over to a wall. Once the horse attempts to take another step towards it, however, it begins to slide in place, galloping faster and faster. Once at a full gallop under Scout's guiding hand, the pair begin to flicker as if teleporting, flipping towards and away from the wall while running in place. At the same time, Scout begins twitching violently, building up speed even as they are seated on the horse. The sound of hooves hitting asphalt becomes extremely loud and frequent.
- 154 replies
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Alphys nods, but also takes the time to check and make sure he isn't just walking to the Core without her to jam himself into it on his own. Arminius quickly makes his way to his destination. -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Alphys breaks out into a cold sweat, but whether or not it's because of what Arminius said, what he did, or what she apparently did. "o-oh" "Wait, w-w-what? I'm not going to do that! You'd b-be extra crispy WAY before you got anything done!" she shouts, scrambling after him. "Let's dial this back, l-like, way back, back away from the idea that I-I'll run pure magical electricity through a human body!" -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Alphys frowns. "Well, there's always THE CORE. It turns all the magma in hotland into pure magical electricity. And, well, Monster Food can heal a body, but it can't make one out of nothing." "I tried to make a vessel to hold SOULs once, but it didn't work. The flower I tried to bring to life didn't actually do anything." "T-that reminds me, those kids are uhh, the royal children, right? I thought they were dead, what happened to them?" -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
"W-well, we'll have to take the body to New Home. We try to avoid moving the SOULs around too much, for safety's sake." Alphys explains. -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
"W-works for me!" Alphys shrugs. Inside her lab, she grabs the pile of parts Arminius brought in and roots around in her box of tools until she finds a chainsaw. "Let's get these phones open" The next few minutes are filled with the sounds of chainsaws, drills, and bright, eyespot-inducing arcs of electricity. By the end of it, a simplistic android is sitting on the table, with a small glass chamber in its abdomen that slides open. Alphys wipes sweat off her face. "That aught to do it!" -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Alphys perks up at this. "Y-yeah, that would probably be a good idea." Shockingly, despite the quite horrific nature of the individuals she and Arminius deliver across the underground, they're met with open arms and tearful reunions. "Now that my wife's back, our family's bigger than evah, now that she's combined with uhh, sixteen other people." an ice themed bird says, hugging the gelatenous, sagging other ice-themed bird with grinning vegetables for eyes. "Sno... wy" they say slowly, smiling at the smallest ice bird. Eventually, the work is done, and they're back at the lab. Alphys boggles at the money. "Holy h-h-h" "Where did you GET all this?" she wonders. "Oh man, it's probably going to be really awkward, buying stuff from the humans. Wait, I can just order it online!... But then I'd have to go to a bank to put all this money in it..." she paces frantically, examining the steel and other parts. "I can get one built right now with the stuff you've brought me. Maybe two if I skimp out on them..." -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
"O-oh! Just put them in the lab, I'll look at it when I'm done here," she says. Undyne's phone rings and she answers it. Whoever is on the other end seems to be talking about something serious. "Right. I'll be right there," she says, hanging up. "Alphys, there's some monsters who need help in waterfall, some kind of evil junk going on. I'll be back." "W-wait bu-but-" Alphys attempts, only for Undyne to offer a quick peck on the cheek before running off at extreme speeds. The lizard wrings her hands, looking at the Amalgamates nervously. "I-I guess I'll have to get you guys home o-on m-my own." -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Alphys glances to the side. "You could say that. Undyne helped me understand that I can't keep covering it up." A tall, bird-like monster tilts its head to the side, leaning in closer to look at him. Its gigantic eye sprouts teeth as it gnashes them for a few moments before returning to normal. "" it says to Arminius. "I told Asgore I would try to find a way to break through the barrier without needing any more human SOULs. So I tried to preserve the SOULs of monsters. It might have been slow, but it could have freed us sooner," She explains. "I had everyone bring me monsters who had Fallen Down, who were about to die of old age, and injected Determination into them." She looks even more miserable, but Undyne is quick to put a hand on her shoulder. "They all melted together, and I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone. I-I'm going to tell everyone, now, though." -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
-Ignia/Jun The dogs freeze, while Gerson eyes Ignia appraisingly He pulls out his phone, dialing a number. "I'll call Undyne. Hurry up and go," he says. -Lucine Asgore smiles at Lucine's words, before standing up and approaching the two children. "So, then, what are we doing?" he asks. "Chara's just showing off. They've only been a monster for a few hours and they're already doing all kinds of magic!" Asriel says. As if to accentuate his point, Chara's fingers let out a spray of sparkling fireworks. "It's nothing too impressive. I've seen much stronger magic," they attempt to downplay. After a moment, they get a curious look on their face. "King Dad, how did you know it was me? I'm pretty sure I look nothing like I used to, aside from the striped shirt," Asgore chuckles, a low, rumbling noise. "Young one, when I look at you... I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago... You still have the same feeling of hope in your eyes. You always have. How could I not recognize that hope as you are?" Toriel walks in with several large sacks of groceries, setting them on a table nearby with an 'oof' of exertion. "I was curious if I would ever return. The mobs were awfully excited," she complains. With that, Asgore and the children help Toriel, taking out things like eggs, butterscotch, cinnamon, and what appear to be snails. The house quickly fills with the scent of baking shortly therafter, as Toriel prepares food and Asgore and the others bumble around sort-of helping, as one does when there is a mom in the kitchen. -Arminius Arminius arrives to the lab where Alphys is guiding out monsters that look even more horrifying than ordinary monsters, like melting white clay, the shambling figures appear as though they were comprised of several others. Undyne is there as well, sweating up a storm in the intense heat of Hotland. "Hello. I was just taking these people back to their families. I've got a lot of explaining to do," Alphys says somewhat miserably. -
Scout curses. "Damn. that wouldn't work anyway. I need a northern-facing wall I can walk into. A corner with both a north and east facing wall would be even better. If I jam myself into a wall like that, I can take steps really quickly, which should make me encounter all the enemies here." "We just need to draw all the zombies away so that Doc Ock guy can't use them." "... Wait, if I'm on a horse, then I could go really really fast. I think I can actually get all of the zombies to leave the mall if you let me use your horse. Call your guys and tell em to get ready, because they'll probably all come out at once." Scout looks for a good north-facing wall outside of the mall, and awaits their steed so they can use it to draw the undead out.
- 154 replies
"What is the fastest vehicle you can get ahold of right now? I think I can draw all of the Zombie Knockoffs to me, but that has the downside of drawing them all to me." Scout asks Jocasta.
- 154 replies
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
-Ignia Ignia encounters the dogpile and Jun at Grillby's trying to figure out what to do about the broken jukebox there they planned on using for Karaoke. -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
"One more fell with us into the dark." the cat says, coughing loudly. "An experiment with time that tore us apart" "W.D Gaster, that was his name." "Scattered across time, and we were the same." The bird has the decency to not be cryptic. "We tried to throw him a surprise party in his lab... But something happened and..." They cough as well, wiping their face and climbing shakily to their feet. "We never existed. It threw us out of time." "I... I thought we were goners for sure." -
trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
Hal Henderics replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Ignia slays the two of them, and, considering there is only one left, simply ignores whatever it does next turn, and slays that one too. Once again, the darkness spits out a series of monsters, A tall cat, a massive-headed Bird, and some sort of short, muscular midget, all of which seem to have been suffering a similar fate to the child from before, choking up black sludge and breathing heavily. As Ignia picks up the second Erased Fragment, they feel a chill run down their spine as the two fragments combine of their own volition.