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  1. "Oh, I'm ready. Whenever you guys decide to head out works for me." Admittedly, Maria was a little hesitant to just go and murder a random stranger for this guy, but hey, credits are credits. And as much as she despised how he was lording his so called "seniority" over her, she was a member of a gang, and had to - for now, at least - listen to those higher up on the totem pole.
  2. "Mind if I tag along with you two? I don't have much to do at the moment." ((Theo is talking to Halley and Lexiel, by the way))
  3. Robert would have never fallen asleep on the job! Lucius finds him - tired, yes - but awake. He follows Lucius to the mess hall. "Well, it was, overall, rather uneventful. That guy was trapped in that hatch I found. I let him out do he would stop screaming."
  4. Maria scoffs as he calls himself her "superior", but says nothing of it. He wouldn't understand. None of them would. Before giving him a definitive yes or no, Maria closes her eyes and looks deep within herself. She has had lots of practice at looking for His messages, which take the form of almost imperceptible desires. She looked hard for several seconds before finding it. This mission had His approval. She reopens her eyes, and simply says, "I'm in."
  5. "So unremarkable it makes her remarkable, huh? Well alright I guess. Just one thing. Since this woman seems so dangerous, I think we should get at least 25% in advance."
  6. "Now, then. Since you are free now, perhaps you could stop yelling? There are watchmen trying to sleep." Robert shows no sympathy towards the vomiting man.
  7. "The legality of it does not concern me. Please, continue."
  8. I'm sorry, but I have to drop out of this game. It seems really good, but it's not for me.
  9. Finally tired of the constant screaming, Robert marches down to the hatch and opens it. "Alright, come out you loon. I can't concentrate on keeping watch with all your racket."
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