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CJ Mcollum

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  1. Since Dratini will be in the next episode, Will there be a tutor for it to get espeed somehow. Wondering the same thing about clefable and softboiled too.
  2. Big fan of rejuv and have been playing since v9. And during My playthroughs Iv'e consistently noticed that between amber and erick my team is NEVER at level 65. But the cap goes up to 75 anyways. This causes the trainers to become drastically over leveled for me on basically all of my runs. When I updated my runs to v10 I found that most of them were at levels low enough to not even need reverse candies to be well enough under the cap to make progress with the story. It's not even like I skip trainers. I always went out of my way to fight EVERY trainer i could. I felt the game progressed very naturally from the beginning until around then. I'm bringing this up because in v10 the hard caps kinda stifle any real feeling of growth. Not to mention they are set very low like from between venam and keta which just feels like bloated time and wasted experience going through. I don't feel they're entirely necessary. Simply changing erick to not add anything to the cap, having flora/florin move the cap to 70 would fix the problem relatively easy. then you would be at where the current level 75 cap is without making caps ridiculously short. I also think there should've been more usage of blank caps like in reborn but that's just my opinion. This is just a suggestion and I don't mean to be condescending in any way.
  3. Where tf is pawniard. Not finding it on route 4 anymore for some reason and it isnt listed anywhere on the guide
  4. I clicked surf on the corner of the wall and that happened.
  5. After I played as emma for a bit I woke up in the cage and couldn't get out and they didn't open the cage
  6. I was trying to load my save from my other computer. The thing is now my original save is also giving the same errors. Edit: This only happens when I transfer a save from somewhere else to the rejuvenation folder. It didn't give me this error when i started a new game in the folder.
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