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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ElfCollaborator

  1. "Dead? No, I've just started to heat up! Let's turn up the heat, guys, see how much he can handle!" Agilao on the Judge. Sun Arcana activates. Gabriel has a 20% chance to resist radiation ailments and 40% to resist heat due to Blue Jacket. All ailments on Gabriel have halved duration due to Optimism. Agilao: Deals SYN (12)+2d4 fire damage and causes the enemy to take 10% extra damage for three turns. Cost: +2 turns cooldown. Sun Arcana: Nuclear and fire attacks used by Gabriel inflict a burn on the opponent, dealing SYN/2 (6) piercing damage for three turns, each subsequent nuclear or fire attack adding an extra stack of burn. Enemies who resist radiation and fire cannot be affected by Sun Arcana's effect.
  2. Johan had not been particularly quiet since Winston had conducted the report, mostly regaling whoever would listen with feats of immense bloodshed. He'd noticed the guards were gone already, something he quite looked forward to. A fight was a fight, and blood would be spilled, and Johan was always happy when blood was spilled and fights were had. Then he caught a glimpse of the soldiers before them as Cassidy opened the door. and the others charged forward. They were Paxi. Needless to say, the bloodlust in Johan went from barely imperceptible to radiating off of him like a roaring flame. "Pax?" "Pax?" "COWARDS WHO CALL YOURSELVES MEN! COME FORTH AND DIE LIKE THE RATS YOU ARE! THE HAMMER OF THE GEATS BRINGS YOUR DOOM! WE SHALL BATHE THESE WALLS IN YOUR BLOOD! WE SHALL LEAVE NO QUARTER! TODAY, THE VALKYRIES WILL HAVE THEIR PICK OF THE SLAUGHTERED!" The fury was palpable in Johan's booming voice as he storms forward behind Aidan and Alwine, his gargantuan frame practically oozing bloodlust. His roar practically shook the timbers of the door as he strode past. This was going to be fun. "Oden! Guide our ships! Our axes, spears and swords! Guide us through storms that whip and in brutal waaaaaar!" G23, sing Alwine and Aidan
  3. "You're pretty good yourself, boss." A moment passes. Something occurs to Lenore. "Do you think Knight and Scarlet there will be okay? Those two seemed kinda rattled about last mission, not to say I wasn't."
  4. "What is WITH people here and beating each other up and shooting them? What, did I walk onto the set of goddamn John Wick Goes to Comiket or something?" Empi casts Out Of Your League on Fairy Swarm D. Empi has a 5% chance to resist statuses due to Fairy Dust. Out Of Your League: Empi induces feelings of lust for her in a target. The targeted enemy takes 40% increased damage for the next 2 turns.
  5. "Support, coming right up, whoever you are...?" Right. Memorising people's names. That was going to be a tough one. Freila on the Judge. Sun Arcana activates. Gabriel has a 20% chance to resist radiation ailments and 40% to resist heat due to Blue Jacket. All ailments on Gabriel have halved duration due to Optimism. Freila: Utilising Oppenheimer, Gabriel blasts an opponent with the power of nuclear radiation, unleashing a miniature nuclear blast onto them. Gabriel does 5d6+SYN (12) damage to a single target. Sun Arcana: Nuclear and fire attacks used by Gabriel inflict a burn on the opponent, dealing SYN/2 piercing damage for three turns, each subsequent nuclear or fire attack adding an extra stack of burn. Enemies who resist radiation and fire cannot be affected by Sun Arcana's effect.
  6. "Don't worry. I've got my misgivings about blasting my way in, but that doesn't mean I can't do the job you took me in for, boss. Besides, if these people are really as brutal as you say, we're not gonna have time to find some points of negotiation, not unless you want to wait longer for another window of opportunity. Cons take days of preparation to do on one man, let alone an entire prison full of guards."
  7. Lenore sighs. "Well. Never thought I'd be going to prison, let alone willingly." "At least it'll be good to get rid of people like this. Even if it's not how I'd choose to do it. Granted, "seduce the warden, steal the keys and free everyone while slipping away in the chaos" isn't your modus operandi, huh?"
  8. Lenore, on the other hand, wasn't so unwilling to question Kane. Or, at least, converse with them. "Alright, Phoenix. What's the situation looking like at the prison? Are they likely to be on alert after Diezel? And do we know anything about the prisoners?"
  9. "I won't say I haven't got dirty hands either; my line of work isn't exactly without enemies. I'm a con artist, Phoenix, not a fighter, and this doesn't sit well with me; I've always preferred talking my way out of a problem than fighting my way out, and I've preferred swindling targets I know are bastards than killing people I don't know are. But....I guess I threw my lot in with you all, so,, I guess I'm with Knight here."
  10. "Explosives...? We're going to be spotted if you're not careful."
  11. Lenore looks around at all the dead bodies they'd left behind. "A little, hm? I'd hate to see a lot, Phoenix."
  12. "Don't forget me! Oppenheimer, Red Wall!" The now familiar visage of Oppenheimer, a thoroughly inhuman-looking Persona in comparison to Crawford, business pants and shoes from the waist below, pale-red muscular body from the waist up with boxing tape across its hands and its face obscured by a display of the hydrogen atom, appears next to Gabriel. Gabriel casts Red Wall on Nepgear. Gabriel has a 20% chance to resist radiation ailments and 40% to resist heat due to Blue Jacket. All ailments on Gabriel have halved duration due to Optimism. Red Wall: Gabriel shields an ally. The targeted ally takes 50% less damage from attacks. If the attack is nuclear or fire-based, increase the damage resistance to 75%.
  13. "Agh....there's a reason this sort of thing isn't my style, you know." Retreat to I6, chuck a knife at the cavalier.
  14. "Mind going down already? I really, really don't like being in these kinds of situations!" Empi casts Out Of Your League on Great Fairy A! Empi has a 5% chance to resist statuses due to Fairy Dust. Out Of Your League: Empi induces feelings of lust for her in a target. The targeted enemy takes 40% increased damage for the next 2 turns.
  15. "Eh? Are we....yes. Yes we are. Alright, give me a second, Perlita!" Gabriel trails slightly behind Perlita. The heat was surprising, but nothing Gabriel didn't think they could handle. A little heat never scared the guy who straight-up used nuclear power to blow Shadows up. Most of the time. Gabriel joins the fight!
  16. Troublesome, way more troublesome. And that spellcard kept Empi from using any of her other party tricks. Still, being 400 years old, Empi had more than a few tricks still left. Well, she had two tricks left. Two. At least her teammates could do a little more. "Hey, you! I forget your name, but it'd be nice if you don't get too badly hurt? Can't exactly fight all that well here, thanks." Lesson in Affection: Romance Affection on Ritsu. Empi also receives Romance Affection due to Sharing is Caring. Empi has a 5% chance to resist statuses due to Fairy Dust. Romance Affection: Regenerate 5+INT% (14) of your health per turn. Sharing is Caring: Whenever Empi buffs an ally, Empi also receives that buff.
  17. Gabriel, who'd been silent in thought for what seemed like forever, finally speaks up. "Yeah, uh. Let's do that. Not that I don't trust that you're a.....battleship or whatever, or that I think the person who literally fell out of the sky shouldn't speak up, but in case you guys haven't noticed, we know buck about what the enemy can do. For all we know, they're packing bigger guns. Though, I'll be honest, I'm not exactly a tactician, but arguing about what we should do certainly doesn't fix this." This was Malachi's job, Gabriel leaves unsaid.
  18. Empi continues hanging back, trying to figure out what to do, where to do it. After all, combat was just another dance. A dance that involved horrible death. At least, that's what those gremlins in Repossessions told her. They were also possibly mildly psychopathic. "Okay. Your turn! Keep doing your job and hopefully we don't get our brains fried like in those weird human commercials. Seriously, the hell do they get off comparing brains to eggs?" Lesson in Affection: Flirtation Affection on Lambda. Empi also receives Flirtation Affection due to Sharing is Caring. Empi has a 5% chance to resist statuses due to Fairy Dust. Flirtation Affection: Take 5+INT% (14%) less damage from attacks. Sharing is Caring: Whenever Empi buffs an ally, Empi also receives that buff.
  19. "Cover me for a minute. I'm not liking my chances here, but here we go." I7, knife Cav A
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