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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ElfCollaborator

  1.  "Meat is murder, you say?" Michi's large presence makes itself known as they sit next to Seymore, still clanking about in their armor. Their heaping pile of half-finished meat tells all where Michi lies on this debate, and their puzzled, bemused tone tells all what they think of Naomi's argument.
  2. Michi, for their part, has collected a large plate of meat to go with their seemingly large frame, as far as can be seen through their armor. They sit down on by a rock near the middle of the group, grunting as they lift their helmet to shovel food into their mouth, the shade of the rock and their gauntlet ever-so-conveniently concealing their mouth. They've taken off the larger parts of their armor, including their pauldrons, allowing them to stretch a little.  "A good meal, to go with a good victory, my friends!"
  3.  "You get some praise for effort, my comrade. Console yourself with that."
  4. "Of course, as any proud Kahlese man or woman will attest to! Those Paxi rats have been eyeing our country for years and attempting to wrest it from our grasp like hungry wolves, overfull with prey, tearing away more to sate their greedy bellies. I myself once fought at the front lines against those fools- watching their so-called professional armies and soldiers fall apart at the sight of real warriors raised in the harshest mountains of Kahla was almost as good as the fight itself, but that was a long while ago. Now, I travel the world, in search of battles to sing about and tales to tell, as any skald worth their weight in gold does."
  5. "A mission? Seems important, if those Paxi rats threw so much fodder to assail this town for it. You both fought well, not that I would expect any lesser performance against mere children pretending to be warriors."
  6. Johan releases a loud breath, stretching his muscular arms and adjusting the cloak around his neck. He grunts, combing his beard with his right hand, looking around at the others. Here was Aidan, trying his best to look good in front of a girl. The boy was learning. Not that he needed much education from a warrior like Johan. They were companions of circumstance, but Aidan and Johan walked different paths in life. His gaze was drawn towards the blue-haired woman in armor. Alwine, he'd heard her name was. The eyepatch, the build, the posture; all of them told Johan enough. She was a fellow warrior; Johan, as all Kahlese men could, could tell from a glance who were warriors. He'd seen her fight a little, too. Not nearly as brutal as many of his comrades; he'd fought alongside men who tore tree trunks from the ground and used them as battering rams, men who wrestled bears with naught but a loincloth, men who tore through iron armor with their bare fists like knives through butter. But these were men of Kahla's mountains. He approaches Alwine with a confident stride. "Ah. How was the voyage for you, fellow warrior?"
  7. "....close. You have.....a lot to learn, Aidan."
  8. "Learn to have a little backbone, boy. Even strong, Kahlese men have their weak spots; the same goes for any fool dumb enough to cross your path. Not that I'll be telling you mine, of course."
  9.  "Onwards, comrades! Onwards. We're doing great, but we must continue to show the enemy why they chose us and not some random vagrants!" N-9
  10. Johan just stares at Aidan for a moment. Two. Three. He even looks dead serious, the kind of look a bear gives its prey shortly before mauling someone, or the kind a wolf gives a deer, shortly before snapping its delicate neck in its jaws with little more effort than a child poking holes through rice paper. Then, just as Aidan might consider running away from the mountain of muscle right before him, in order to avoid being twisted into various shapes by what would presumably be hands the size of his head, Johan starts laughing uproariously, his right hand clutching his stomach. "Boy, you really must learn more about others if you believe you offended me so easily! It's a joke, Aidan. If you believe such an simple mistake is an insult, you aren't going to get anywhere!"
  11. "Sir Johan? Do I look like a knight to you? And I busy myself not with any possibilities that do not involve more battles to be sung of, glory to be won, tales to be told. You had better be prepared for a fight, Aidan, because if I am presented with one, I will not turn away."
  12.  "Disappointing opening, but hopefully this'll be a great follow-up!" P-8, burn a fighter this time
  13. "I am Johan of Kahla. They once called me the Hammerhand, but that was.....a long time ago. So, your mission will take you towards the Paxi rats? Excellent. It will be my pleasure to help send them scurrying home for their mothers. As all Kahlese men should aspire to!"
  14. "Continue to run into the Pax and our paths may stay together a little while longer, boy. Tell me, what is your name? Calling you boy won't do for a battle-brother, not one who has earned some respect in the way Kahlese men earn it."
  15.  "Here, a lesson in how best to greet the enemy!" O-9, burn an archer
  16. Johan simply lets out a deep, throaty chuckle. "Good, good, learning to balance your weaknesses out. A mark of a true warrior is knowing how to hone themselves. It separates the rats in armor and the boys barely out of their mother's embrace from the true warriors, those who survive. You have much to learn, but Tyr be with you on that journey. Who knows, my path may take me with you. Seeing the Pax rats scurry for their mothers with their tails between their legs is what all Kahlese men aspire to do! Personally, I never had much time to learn magic from a book; the most powerful skalds were said to merely speak and the heavens would roar with fire and thunder. Still, it is another way of the warrior."
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