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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ElfCollaborator

  1. "Ooooh. What's this?" Lena suddenly feels the presence of someone behind her, their eyes studying their every movement and contour of their body. If she were to look to her side, she'd see a very scantily-clad (and fairly attractive) red-headed honest-to-God fairy, her green eyes studying her closely. She rubs her chin, craning her neck to get a closer look at her, squinting and having a look at her, trying to read Lena carefully. Well-built. A redhead. Short, but not too short; a bodybuilder of some kind?. Quiet, too quiet; oh, so one of those cases again. Great. Empi wasn't surprised at all. Probably from one of those medieval worlds, judging from her clothing; Empi still remembered the good old days. Intense; probably a military type, on second thought. Not the first she'd seen around here; this place was overcrowded with soldiers. Nobody knew how to have any fun around here. She didn't look like she did either. Probably thinking about supply lines or some shit. Empi wasn't interested in that; her job was relationships. Swords and axes and guns were not her forte, people were. So yet another well-built professional soldier. Probably superpowered, given the balance of probabilities. If Empi figured right, she'd even have issues about her own self-image. "You new around here? You don't look like a local."
  2. "Kahlese Pagans, marching ashore! Forged in Walhalla, by the hammer of God!"
  3. Empi, for her most part, was.....unaffected, surprisingly. It was true, her field of work didn't involve such massive violence. True enough, that pairing people together didn't involve watching people die horribly. True enough that her life was so much less troublesome than this; a life of constant sex and hooking up (both herself and of other people) was nothing compared to some people. She knew people'd expect her to have a horrible reaction; to break down, to snap, to grow disillusioned at the violence that she'd just experienced. But Emphala Powderbelle was over four-hundred years old. She looked young, but had seen so much. She'd lived through the worst humanity had had to offer. She'd lived through the Thirty Years War, the slave trade, the World Wars, the Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge. She'd seen the worst of humanity, the worst terrors that humanity could push upon each other. Empi wasn't blind; it wasn't as if she wasn't aware that people were people and sometimes willing to do pointlessly brutal things for the sake of brutality. She was plenty disillusioned, plenty aware, But she was a relationship fairy. That didn't just mean sex, as fun as it was. That meant genuinely, truly, trying to help others with their relationships. She'd seen the suffering, walking through it all, to do her job. Love sprung eternal no matter where it was; reuniting a solder on the battlefield with a girl he'd fallen for after she'd rescued him, Florence Nightingale-style, or helping a romance spring up in the ruins of a bombed-out city, or reuniting two refugees who'd fled horrible regimes, she'd done it all. Empi knew full well; the world went on after such suffering. Love always won out, in the end. It was what kept Empi going when she saw pointless suffering, the fact that she could bring happiness to someone, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant. And the sex was nice, too. So Empi kept on going. She had a job to do. She floats over to Navin, prodding him gently. "Hey, tiger. You okay? You need a breather?"
  4. Sachi breathes heavily as she lowers her shield, the battle done with. Yet despite her usual shy and fraught expression, a glint of relief floats in her eyes. She'd done her job. She'd protected her allies. She'd been the shield to their swords. Mio would be proud of her.
  5. Gabriel doesn't know what to feel after seeing what Soryn did. So that was Joan of Arc. He'd heard about her only from books, really; lady who dressed up like a knight, lead France to victory and was burnt to death as a heretic by people who disapproved of her dressing up like a man. At least, that's as much as he could remember; he wasn't that diligent of a student, and it was a long time ago. On one hand, she'd just burned down a village, presumably killed people, and was clearly batshit insane. On the other hand, what Soryn said.....and of course, Gabriel wasn't too enamoured with what Snow did, or what Magnum was saying. Speak no ill of the dead, his family had always taught him, being devout Catholics. He wasn't one, but their values had stuck to him. For the most part. He'd check up on Perlita when they were safe. "Hey. Mind saving me a spot?"
  6. Embla, Vale 8.26 Art: Unstoppable Force (uses a basic attack on the target and inflicts Taunt) on the Boarbartusk
  7. Bartek "Get under my shield, friends! Concrete on head is bad for health, Mother always told Bartek!" As if moving from a centuries-long slumber, the largest member of the party surges forwards from behind the party, where he's been silent a while, following under Merlin's command and moving where he they were needed. Bartek was no magical powerhouse; Merlin, Exile and the others were far better at blasting things apart. He could throw punches and lift heavy weights, but that was nothing in the face of magic. But when Bartek was needed to put up a wall to protect others, a wall he would put up, and at that, he was best. "Over here!" He forms a barrier above his head to protect himself and anyone else underneath him from the debris, holding his arms up to prop it up in a protective gesture, trying to grab anyone he can underneath it and catch as much of the party still unprotected underneath as he advances towards Exile's attempt to make a hole.
  8. Embla, Vale 12-20 Embla looks almost disappointed for a moment after the fight. Whether it was at missing so much, or the battle ending so quickly, isn't obvious, her expression betraying nothing but slight displeasure. The valkyrie's expression settles back to neutrality as her eyes momentarily scan over Lyssa (unscathed) and Amber (hurt but not too badly) and towards the others (they'd live for now). Her eyes land on Elma, a slight frown forming. "Are you sure you do not need a moment?"
  9. "Just a bit longer!" Switch Tower Stance from Lexiel to Laver. Tower Stance: Redirect half of the damage taken by protected allies to Sachi before RES is calculated for either. All protected allies gain 20% extra damage on their next attack due to Stand United. All enemies who hit targets with Tower Stance have the debuff Bonds of Friendship applied (when attacked by Sachi's allies, consume the debuff to return 10% of the damage dealt by the ally as health capped at 10% of Sachi's maximum health (8).) Sachi regains 10% of her maximum health per turn and Con/4 health due to the bauble (total: 10 health).
  10. "Ooh, that hits the spot. Don't worry, Perlita, your boy's got this! Oppenheimer, show the lady here what you're good at!" Jeanne takes a Freila to the face. Freila: Deal 3d6+SYNx1.5 damage to a single target. Sun Arcana: All nuclear and fire attacks add a debuff that deals SYN/2 piercing damage for three turns, stacking with future attacks. Beat of My Blood: Deal x1.3 damage against enemies with Burn, Freeze or Shock statuses. Sun Arcana's effect counts as a Burn. Gabriel takes 25% less damage from fire attacks and is immune to burns due to his Blue Bomber Jacket.
  11. Embla, 12.20 Basic Attack on Cliff Beowolf 8
  12. Embla stands up, calmly nodding along to what everyone else has to say. If she has anything else on her mind, her serene expression hides it. "My name is Embla Gunnarsdottir, as you already know. It is a pleasure to meet you. My abilities allow me to take more damage than most. I place myself at your disposal should anything aside from our current mission be necessary."
  13. Remove Tower Stance from Venus to defend Lexiel instead. Tower Stance: Redirect half of the damage taken by protected allies to Sachi before RES is calculated for either. All protected allies gain 20% extra damage on their next attack due to Stand United. All enemies who hit targets with Tower Stance have the debuff Bonds of Friendship applied (when attacked by Sachi's allies, consume the debuff to return 10% of the damage dealt by the ally as health capped at 10% of Sachi's maximum health (8).) Sachi regains 10% of her maximum health per turn and Con/4 health due to the bauble (total: 10 health).
  14. "Alright, your turn!" Jeanne takes an Agilao. Agilao: Deals 3d4+SYN damage, reduces the enemy RES to 55% of its original value. As this is a fire attack, this also triggers Sun Arcana. Sun Arcana: All nuclear and fire attacks add a debuff that deals SYN/2 piercing damage for three turns, stacking with future attacks. Beat of My Blood: Deal x1.3 damage against enemies with Burn, Freeze or Shock statuses. Sun Arcana's effect counts as a Burn. Gabriel takes 25% less damage from fire attacks and is immune to burns due to his Blue Bomber Jacket.
  15. Empi Powderbelle "Let's hurry this up a little bit." A Little Push on Navin, automatically ending the sequence, triggering the Talent Affection and buffing him with +11 to his highest stat. If any Affection activates, Empi regains 10% of her health.
  16. Basic Defense (reduce incoming damage against Sachi by 50%) and hold Tower Stance. Tower Stance: Redirect half of the damage taken by protected allies to Sachi before RES is calculated for either. All protected allies gain 20% extra damage on their next attack due to Stand United. All enemies who hit targets with Tower Stance have the debuff Bonds of Friendship applied (when attacked by Sachi's allies, consume the debuff to return 10% of the damage dealt by the ally as health capped at 10% of Sachi's maximum health (8).) Sachi regains 10% of her maximum health per turn and Con/4 health due to the bauble (total: 10 health).
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