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Everything posted by ElfCollaborator

  1. Empi floats behind Mitsu, her wings fluttering rapidly as she trails behind. She's noticeably irritated. Sachi also trudges towards the safe place with everyone, noticeably quieter than usual- which should be impossible- and also nearly at the back of the group.
  2. "What sort of question is this? My first drink was a mug of mead from the taps of Folkvangr!" "How DARE you compare that glorified muscle-comparing contest to someone like John McClane? That man is the very example of the perfect warrior! Brave, clever and unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds! Those are fighting words, wizard! Fighting words!"
  3. Empi Powderbelle Most fairies had rather different mental structures than humans to begin with. It was why people called them the 'Fair Folk'; people didn't want to arouse the rage of fairies who could probably turn them into pretzels, rabbits or rabbit pretzels. Though the equipment was the same (and Empi was thankful- very, very thankful- for that one), fairies of her world had rather different and odd minds. They weren't as bad as the succubi, though, thank Venus for that. Quite literally in that case; Venus had taught the fairies more than lust. For Empi, the mist's paranoia had a rather different side effect. In a word, everyone looked even sexier to her now. True, there was the whole danger and fear thing around them. Trouble was, Empi was into dangerous people. Into a lot of things, really. But dangerous people were, at least, fifth on the list of "People Empi Powderbelle Wants To Sleep With"; the top of that list being, of course, that hot guy who worked in Advertising back home. And right now, nearly everyone looked like that to her. Even Mitsu. Especially Mitsu. Good lord, was Mitsu always this sexy? She didn't know she was this into that kind of girl. She was digging the whole 'dangerous black-haired woman' vibe she was giving off now, though. Really digging it. The fairy wished she wasn't in public right now. Really, really wished she wasn't. She starts drooling and making a rather lewd facial expression. The kind that, had it been illustrated, might get the thread locked in a heartbeat. And then Laver had to snap her out of it. Needless to say, Empi goes from lewd to pissed off in five seconds flat. She clenches her fists, a part of her mind still desperately trying to hold on to the fading wisps of lust. "Wuhh......uh? Oh, fuck me! Come on! I was having a good time! First arrows and now THIS bullshit?! That's it!" Talent Affection on Dackly (+5 Int instead of Str buff) Actions: Petrify, Petrify, Schadenfreude ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sachi Honda Fear. Paranoia. Dread. Sachi's mind almost shuts down from the pressure. Everyone was out to get her. Everyone. Edmond, Hikari, that slime girl, everyone. Nobody could be trusted. Absolutely nobody. Was this what fear felt like? No, Sachi knew what fear was like. She felt it every day. Every single time she stepped into the Jukai. Every time she had to face the Vertex to defend humanity. Every time she woke up knowing her sister wasn't coming home to make everything better and she realised that the burden was on her. This was nothing compared to that. Paranoia was as much as a stimulant as a paralytic. Loss was far better, far more crippling a fear. But this fear was magic, literally. Nothing like back home; the Vertex were scary, but the worst they did to you was shoot you with giant lasers and smash you with whatever appendages this had. Whatever this woman was doing to her, it was ruining her, turning her senses against her. Her will was trying to push against it, but she couldn't do it. Of course she couldn't, she was too weak and everyone else was staring at her and waiting for her to crack- She couldn't do it. She shut down. "Sachi... please." And Mio's voice rang clear through the fog of fear clouding the young Hero's mind. Sachi shuddered, feeling two arms on her shoulders, their touch comforting and caring. She knew it wasn't real; it was the mist, making her see things. Her sister was dead, deceased, gone; this mist was screwing with her senses- "Now more than at any other point in this battle, we need to be helping each other." This reminded her of the times she broke down in school; broke down because people made fun of them for being orphans, broke down because all the older boys and girls would humiliate her, broke down because she was useless useless useless- And always, like clockwork, like the day would come and chase the night away, Mio would be at her side, comforting her, doing this, telling her that she needed to pick herself up, to be strong. For her. For everyone. "Helping each other is what makes people work together, and even with this fog making me wary I can't bring myself not to help you." The fog. Sachi had been lost in her memories long enough to forget where she was. The fog was here, but its effects were wearing away, the fear draining from her psyche. The Hero gazed up at the hands comforting her, looking up as the ghostly visage of her sister faded away- "Don't you want to help people, too...?" A young woman was shaking her to her senses, not Mio. Isobel, she'd overheard her name before but never spoken long to her. Sachi was still dazed from the mist, but she had recovered enough of herself to fight once more. She nods quickly to Isobel, pulling her shield back up and her spear to her side. Right now, she needed to be strong. To protect others. To carry on. As she had been for the last four years. Cancel Tower Stance, Heroic Challenge on Warrior Horde B
  4. Empi Powderbelle Cast Save The Date on Mitsu (if Mitsu is damaged three times, return half of all received damage) Sachi Honda Basic Defense
  5. "You can call me Azusa. Azusa Kumon." Azusa is suddenly there, all but imposing upon the relatively dwarfed group of idol girls, her arms folded. A confident expression is painted on her face. "Well, I'll be honest. I'm here for the money; y'know how it is, sending money back to mom so she can live comfortably and all. I ain't the kind o' girl to like singing and dancing and prancing around the stage and all that. Still, that lady saved our asses. I at least owe it to her to stick around and help you guys."
  6. Azusa snorts, nodding solemnly. "Well, I suppose I owe that much. You saved my ass, and where I'm from, loyalty counts more than anything. Fine. I'll stay and fight. These assholes won't know what hit 'em."
  7. "I got one. We're not going to remember you anyway, if you're right about us forgetting everything the moment you kick it. What's stopping me from just walking away, right now, quitting being an idol and deciding not to potentially be wiped from existence? Because if you're right, I won't remember a damn thing the moment we exit this place." Azusa seems cautious about this, as she picks up the knife, strolling towards the others.
  8. Empi Powderbelle "Heeeeeey, back off! I don't sub, so lay off on the arrows!" And You're To Blame on all skeletons targeting Mitsu (if they damage allies three times, they lose their next action) Sachi Honda Attack whoever is attacking Hikari and Kagari
  9. "Food is food! Blandness is nothing in the face of a hall of hungry warriors! Just drink enough mead and even the dullest meal becomes like the food of the Aesir themselves!" Idunn sits down at their table with a mighty thud as her literal mountain of food barely stays on her tray.
  10. Sachi Honda Sachi, having yet to have hidden her gear, starts covering people as much as she can! Sudden attacks like this were common back in Kamogawa, after all, and her and her fellow Heroes always had to be ready just in case a Forestize Warning came up and they had to deploy to protect humanity or whatever. Keijo wasn't something she could sink her teeth into. This, however, was. Tower Stance on Hikari and Kagari. Empi Powderbelle "Oh, you're shitting me right now, right? Do you assholes mind? I'm trying to have a heart-to-heart here!" Empi, still in her rather lewd T-shirt and odd get-up, starts yelling at the Dragon Tooth Warriors. She looks more exasperated than scared. She turns towards Mitsu. "Alright girl, looks like you're going to have to protect me with your god power thingies, okay? I'm a lover, not a fighter, so I'll just hover behind you- WAAAAAAY behind you- and you can handle all the terrifying skeleton monster things! Don't worry, I'll teach you a few tricks of mine! Just follow my lead!" Empi casts Lesson in Affection on Mitsu. Type: Talent Affection (+5 to Mitsu's DEX) Moves Required to Unlock Affection (Can be performed in any order): Eruption, Eruption, Furious Tempest
  11. "E-eh?!" Sachi barely manages to whip out her massive shield to protect herself, the gust of wind managing to shove her back a little bit. She's no natural at Keijo, but she's definitely a natural at taking hits like a champion. "Y-you don't just say someone's butt's cute l-like that!"
  12. "You get her, I'll cover you both! Dammit, just when it was starting to get good!" Azusa positions herself between their enemy and Ayaka and Lucinda, bracing herself for an attack. Basic Defense
  13. "I-I'm not! I-I was just looking...." Sachi neglects to add, "looking at the sweet idol booty".
  14. "Well, you might as well be. You have a people problem, you haven't gotten laid in possibly years, you're lonely and you think you might just be a little crazy because you're talking to a busty fairy telling you to get laid. I'd say you fill all the criteria except being an actual client!"
  15. "Stay STILL, you glorified cosplayer!" Azusa roars as she twirls around, seemingly channeling a power beyond hers. The hits she'd taken hadn't fazed her one bit; rather, they just made her want to hit even harder. So much the worse for them. Slowing Twirl
  16. "So, you think picking on a bunch of little girls is fun, huh?" Now this, this was what Azusa knew. How to fight. She gives their newcomer an intimidating glare, slowly strolling towards them. It was a tactic she'd learnt from the streets; never show any sign of fear, never back down, stand your ground and make them stand theirs or get scurrying. She'd been in plenty of fights. She wasn't the "Angel-Faced Demon" of Sendo District for nothing; most people ran at the approach of her and those who thought they could mess with the pretty girl down at the bakery or the lounge immediately almost had their noses caved in with a punch. That said, it wasn't usually like this in street fights. Usually there weren't people in armor around, usually she wasn't saddled with a bunch of probably inexperienced girls and usually they weren't all in idol costumes. Still, Azusa figured that the basics applied; back your mates up, don't back down, don't let your guard down. But most importantly.... Ring 'em before they ring you. "I'll just have to beat that screwed idea out of ya!" Basic Attack
  17. Empi shrugs. "Because it's my job. If I had to keep it between me and my husband, I wouldn't be able to GET people married, would I?"
  18. "Ah!" Sachi squeals in surprise as she feels something groping her buttocks, trying to swat it away. For Acqui Kagari's pleasure, they are rather firm, if small. Then again, everything about this girl was small.
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