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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ElfCollaborator

  1. Sachi attempts to struggle through the alcohol being pumped into her mouth! Mio had always said alcohol was bad for you and it was even worse when this....thing was shoving it down your throat. Heroic Challenge on the Wrengler
  2. "I am Idunn Thormundsdottir, daughter of Sigrun, daughter of Kriemhild," Idunn confidently declares, her stance belying her pride in her family. "I am the daughter of a Valkyrie, and the blood of the Vanir runs through my veins. I am a woman, and so I would like to be referred to as one. As for a thing about myself? I have been trained in the use of the weapons of my mothers' people." One wonders how Idunn managed to hide that she was in fact not at all human.
  3. Idunn confidently marks down Martial Arts, Music, Law, Creative Writing and Supernatural History on her sheet, handing it back in.
  4. Idunn rather loudly clears her throat to try to change the conversation. "So, what do you all think we will be taught here? I hope there are some that involve contests of arms! It has been too long, gymnastics and rugby training are insufficient for me."
  5. "My mother says that we stopped after Ragnarok was confirmed never to happen. And the wall seems.....rather conspicuous for a place trying not to be conspicuous."
  6. "The college has operated long enough that I sincerely doubt they didn't think about that somehow. And I am indeed a valkyrie, and proud of it. Proud enough to want to talk about my homeland in unveiled terms." It's clear Idunn's not particularly happy about having to pretend to be mortal again. Not for the first time. She frowns. "Sorry. I have lived in Midgard long enough to get tired of having to pretend to be human for the sake of normality, can you really blame me for wanting to act as I am and not as normality dictates?"
  7. "Exasperation is unnecessary. Unless you're concerned with acting normal with, if I'm correct, a ghost, yourself and a fox-woman around. And for your information, my family claims the land of Ireland as their home upon Midgard. Finally, I can say Midgard instead of having to correct myself to Earth every time. It is tiring to pretend to be normal, sometimes."
  8. "Shinto? Oh, the Eastern gods. I am unfamiliar with their traditions. The influence of the Kami is little upon the children of Bor and Bestla."
  9. Idunn looks down at Aiko when she mentions being a shrinemaiden. She lifts an eyebrow. "A shrinemaiden, you say? What duties do you perform? Do you make sacrifice to the gods of your fathers? Do you sing songs of the exploits of Thor in the war against the frost giants?"
  10. Idunn looks down at the smaller, less muscular woman. She nods slowly, eyeing her carefully. "We gather right here."
  11. "If someone slights your honor, then it is only right that such matters be settled, Chloe. Now, who insulted you?"
  12. Idunn extends her hand to both people in turn. It's clear that from shaking her grip is firm and restrained, as she seems like the kind of person who could legitimately crush your hands with ease. "I am Idunn Thormundsdottir, daughter of Sigrun, daughter of Kriemhild. And who insulted her, may I ask?"
  13. A tall, imposing and busty woman strides confidently over towards the group, a black coat draped over her shoulders held together by a gold chain across the collar, the sleeves flapping in the wind as she hefts two camping backpacks with one hand and a large luggage case with the other. Her blonde hair and lavender eyes immediately make her stand out, probably because she's already about seven foot tall with the build of an athlete and having a head of golden hair tends to make you even more obvious in a crowd. As she approaches, she seems to be taller than even Rocky, which seems almost impossible. She takes one look at the group, before confidently striding towards Chloe instead. She looks down, tilting her head. "Are you okay? You seem upset. Are these people bothering you?"
  14. "Y-yeah, maybe I s-should take the shield. It'd make my job easier....I-I suppose....." Sachi doesn't object at all, but she seems rather antsy.
  15. Sachi looks at the wall, frowning. Here they were, near wherever they were supposed to go and now they had the cold and no visible way out to deal with. "I.....don't s-suppose any of you can p-punch through that wall?"
  16. Bartek looks uncomfortable about this course of plan. He exhales deeply, nodding. "Bartek will take point. If we get ambush, I have shield."
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