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Everything posted by ElfCollaborator

  1. Sachi keeps an eye out as the others do their thing, shield and spear at the ready. This whole business really didn't sit well with her, but, well, it was supposedly for a good cause. She really missed the days when the hardest thing she needed to do was fight the Vertex, she did.
  2. Bartek follows cautiously, seeming rather concerned about this whole thing. They already got caught out once; he'd prefer not to be caught again. "Bartek think that we should be more careful about this and talk a little longer. Plan a little."
  3. Sachi breathes in deeply, setting forwards to the front of the team, shield still held up to fend off any projectiles. This wasn't going to plan. Everything was trapped, and in all likelihood they probably knew they were here already. Sachi exhaled deeply. For all the training she'd been given and all the experience she'd had fighting Vertex, she wasn't exactly trained to do a stealth mission, all things considered. "Y-you all okay?"
  4. "Careful, careful! Don't stand too close, i-it might be trapped again!" Sachi motions for Isobel to get closer to her, standing a little away from the elevator. She has her shield placed at a angle to block anything falling on them, just in case.
  5. Sachi looks around instinctively, knowing full well the cameras are off, before pulling out her Terminal and transforming into her Hero form, shield and spear and all. "R-right!" She takes point, holding her shield up in front of her as she stands before LOTUS, before slowly and carefully walking down the stairs, shield held angled downwards.
  6. Sachi stands around awkwardly in an ill-fitting delivery uniform. Still, she pokes Wyvis, whispering. "Sshh....you're supposed to be y-yelling at me, remember?"
  7. Sachi, for her part, is rather lost during all this. She was no planner, after all. That had been her sister's job; and after her, her allies. Sachi was simply a blunt instrument to be wielded; a shield for her allies. She was rather concerned that the plan didn't involve anything familiar to her or that could play to her rather limited strengths; that is, the battlefield, or the middle of a pitched fight. Not stealth. If Mio were here, she'd have chomped at the bit. This would probably have been nothing for her. But she wasn't. All they had was Sachi.
  8. ".....all I found out was that they let in a deliveryman who brings in Chinese food."
  9. Sachi quietly and surreptitiously takes a picture of the note with her smartphone, to keep that in mind for later.
  10. Bartek looks around suspiciously at the 'bees', placing himself between them and the party. He was grateful for the save, but he was still a little jumpy from the confrontation with Ansuz.
  11. Sachi, having no acting experience whatsoever, timidly looks away from the kissing.
  12. Sachi, for her part of observation.....actually doesn't do much. Back in her world, infiltration wasn't necessary; they were always forewarned of Vertex attacks and the Vertex weren't exactly hiding anything when they crashed into the Jukai and started attempting to kill everything ever. For her part, she just tries to scout out the area, look for escape routes and/or weak spots in the enemy's defense, like she'd seen people do in movies. She'd be hardly suspected of anything, too; being that she looked young for her age anyway, she'd be more likely to look like a tourist or a student in the area.
  13. Bartek maintains the barrier as he covers the team's escape, moving backwards and keeping his eye on the mage on the other side.
  14. "No, listen. If lab expect us to come, then whole lab is death trap made for us already. If whole lab is death trap, staying here is bad. Enemy knows area. We leave area, we gain advantage outside. Laser down straight corridor, hard to dodge. Laser in open, less hard. Outside, team can evacuate too. Either way, is bad idea to stay inside."
  15. "Sometimes, knowing when to fold cards is good thing. Also, Bartek point thing out; if we got trapped, what about Merlin?"
  16. Bartek, Team Those Guys Bartek pulls himself to his feet in short order. He grunts a little; he was unscathed, but he'd felt the force even through the improvised armour he'd created. Bartek wasn't a small man, by any means; his frame was small for a Kemmerich, but larger than most men. Nonetheless, he manages to pull himself up, ushering his allies ahead of him. "We leave now, friends! Bartek will cover escape!" Running behind everyone else, Bartek places his hands up to generate another shield. He knew he couldn't hold up for long; three shots, maybe. Of course, he didn't need to hold for long, just enough to get his friends out of here. "With heart of iron, body of oak and will of steel, come to Bartek, impenetrable walls of Jericho!"
  17. "Better greeting, friend! Still needs more assertiveness! When we get out, Bartek teach you real greeting, passed down in family for generations!"
  18. Bartek, Team Those Guys "That was bad greeting, friend. Bartek not appreciating giant laser. Is like setting rabid dog on thief." Bartek turns to his allies, his voice lowered now. "I will cover you as long as possible. Maybe team should get Gypsy out. Laser is not good for health. Bartek knows, he has been struck before." Placing his hands up in a shielding gesture, he begins to cast a spell. If he did this right, this would place a spinning barrier between them and their opponent, buying them time while the wall kept out attacks. "Behold the unbreakable walls, the bulwarks of heaven and towers of hell! The Great Wall, Bartek rebuilds!" Bartek uses his Spark to create a temporary barrier to absorb attacks while the team decides what to do next.
  19. "No, no. Not good greeting. Bartek thinks, you need more assertiveness. More oomph, like they say in city. Is good for intimidation if you not have strong bones like Bartek. Is help very much in life, when you give good greeting."
  20. Bartek, Those Guys "This reminds Bartek of days in factory. Tiny corridors for not tiny man. Is not good on the joints." The hulking mountain man takes the lead. This wasn't the first dangerous situation he'd been in, not in the slightest. Granted, most such situations didn't involve the possibility of being exploded by magic or metal- except that one time, bless their poor souls-, but he'd taken it in stride. He looked behind him, gazing down upon his smaller compatriots- even Sense, a tall man in his own right, was dwarfed by Bartek's sheer physicality. Such stature and mass had been passed down in the Kemmerich family for generations. Bartek turns around to his smaller compatriots. Most of them were young, Bellona and Gypsy being the exception. Still, Bartek was Bartek, and that meant he'd protect them. Not that he minded. "Stay behind Bartek, friends. And remember two things Mother always tell me. One, try not give up. Two, give good greeting!" Satisfied with imparting his wisdom upon the group, he concentrates on creating a barrier to absorb incoming attacks for the whole party.
  21. I should be mostly done, except for fixing Bartek's appearance and his motivation, which I'll need my earlier question answered to do.
  22. Wait, so how are mecha made in TTG? I might have an idea for replacing that chestplate for Oskar.
  23. i'm 8 and what is this Translation: Sheet coming as soon as I can get access to my laptop. SHEET WIP
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