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18 Fledgling

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    Somewhere in the Omniverse
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    Swords, Pokemon, swords, burning things, swords, video games, SCIENCE!, swords, role playing games, and swords.

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  1. Cicivexa fires his spell, Tsubasa takes her mighty cut... Icarax is still standing, if barely, sparks flying as his Starlight Spear grinds against Tsubasa's blade, too late to stop it from cutting deep into his shoulder. Then Gozer thrusts his own Starlight Spear. Icarax's weapon flies up... And comes down, spearing him through the foot. He looks down at his foot, up at Gozer in utter disbelief. Meanwhile a storm of explosions, flames, and bullets force the Rahi Nui's arms apart. Wasting no time, Bazelgeuse body-slams the trespasser-possessed creature, smashing it into paste in a titanic explosion. Driven by canny instinct to not try to eat the tainted amalgamation, Bazelgeuse takes off, flying away to parts unknown. The Makuta busts out laughing at Icarax's plight. He can barely focus enough to bring shadow manacles around the rebellious makuta's wrists and ankles. "I can't believe that happened! Oh, I will treasure this memory for ages to come." "I can't believe I stabbed myself... I'm better than this..." Icarax murmurs to himself in shock, "I am better than this, right?" "No, you aren't," The Makuta gestures again, and a square frame shapes itself from a nearby rock, "But you'll have plenty of time to regret what you've done in here. Killing is so... final, don't you think? I do dislike wasting a possible asset, so in you go." With a flick of his wrist, Icarax is thrust into the frame, and stays there, a chained painting making two-dimensional but still definitely alive and mobile struggles against his bonds. "Do try to regret what you've done, Icarax," He sighs, "Omnicide serves no one's interests. Least of all yours, if you'd stopped to think about it for a moment. "Now then," He turns to the party, and with a gesture, a circular portal, crackling with dark, ruddy energy that drifts like ink suspended in water appears, "This should, if my calculations are correct, take you back to your castle. And I know my calculations are correct that it is well past time you returned there."
  2. Travis fires his main cannon! Icarax deflects the shell with his sword! ...Straight into the Rahi Nui's side, causing it to take 57 damage. Icarax takes a swing at the Makuta, but Tsubasa blocks it, taking 19 damage. The Makuta fills Tsubasa with righteous fury! The Rahi Nui roars into the sky. ...In the distance, another roar answers. The Rahi Nui seems surprised that any creature would dare challenge it... Cell counterattacks the Rahi Nui for 46 damage, and surrounds himself, Tsubasa, and Edmond with his Aura of Laceration! Tsubasa shoulder checks Icarax, which doesn't seem to phase him, and then slashes at him with her sword! Icarax goes for the parry, but his sword is out of position from parrying the tank shell! Icarax screams as Tsubasa's light-infused sword cuts deep into his armor, dealing 188 damage! Dark energy streams from the rents in his armor, and the Makuta chuckles in schadenfreude. "Oh, it is entertaining to see that happen to someone else." Icarax responds to this by throwing another cut at Tsubasa, dealing 22 damage, as he curses her under his breath, and himself for underestimating her. Hikari slashes the Rahi Nui for 24 damage. Icarax forfeits this action since he used his parry! Cicivexa uses Flare 1, dealing 38 fire damage to Icarax, the Rahi Nui, and the Makuta. "Are you blind or just a terrible shot?" The Makuta asks indignantly. The Rahi Nui lowers its head at Cell. Edmond uses Quick Tune-UP on Tsubasa! Tsubasa is no longer mechanical... Edmond Stress Tests the Rahi Nui for 20 damage! Edmond loses 6 total HP to his assorted effects. Dackly offers Icarax a spear! "Yes, thank you, the extra reach will be useful against that blasted light sword," Icarax growls, tossing his blade aside and taking up the Starlight Spear. Gozer takes the chance to bounce a silver bullet off the Rahi Nui, doing almost nothing... From the sky, an unpleasantly familiar screech comes in a streak of sulfurous, furious orange, and explosions wrack the Rahi Nui! Wings buzzing, the possessed monster rears up, roaring as it chambers a devastating punch! TURF WAR: BAZELGEUSE VS RAHI NUI! Use explosive attacks, buffs, and debuffs to influence the Turf War against the trespasser-possessed Rahi Nui! Status Initiative
  3. Lexiel thinks it over for a moment, before presenting her contract to Ako instead, "If you think it would be best, and you are willing, then so be it. I would be honored to have you fight by my side in the battles to come."
  4. "Very powerful and an enemy of the demons you say? I may have a proposition for you," Lexiel offers the Great Boss Sparrow. She raises her right hand, arcane sigils hovering around it, and conjures a glowing, translucent scroll embossed with Izzet and Boros guild symbols, unfurling it dramatically, "I have the ability to make contracts with persons of extreme personal potency, allowing them to be summoned as aetheric constructs even on other worlds. It would put you at absolutely no personal danger, you would be aware of what actions your aetheric counterpart has done, and I do not believe one has ever acted in a way that would be counter to the original's goals or desires. It would also allow you to take the fight to these things that have assaulted your home and world even in place where you, personally, cannot go. And it would give me a mighty ally to call upon in the service of this mission, of course."
  5. "Strong odds the demon in the inn was one of his goons," Lexiel confirms, "If she wasn't working directly for him, she was sure advancing his plans anyway."
  6. Travis fires his machine guns, hitting Icarax six times, the Rahi Nui three times, and the Trespasser Tyrannosaurus once! The Trespasser Tyrannosaurus takes 6 damage! The Rahi Nui takes 18 damage! The bullets bounce harmlessly off Icarax! Icarax lashes out with his sword at The Makuta! Tsubasa intercepts the attack with Sky-Splitting Flash. Tsubasa takes 27 damage from the sword cut as it batters through her defenses and slices into her forearm! The Makuta activates his Mask of Shadows, shrouding Tsubasa in a veil of darkness! Tsubasa will easily dodge the next attack aimed at her this round, and actions she makes this round cannot be countered or parried! The Rahi Nui charges! But Cell redirects its charge into a tree... Tsubasa concentrates on the Kanohi Vahi! The ancient and unimaginably powerful forces of the mask flow through her without disruption, shaped by her desire to help her allies. The party's timestream is warped! The party is no longer Silenced! Travis is no longer suffering from Reality Acid! Tsubasa has unlocked an action using the Great Mask of Time: The Kanohi Vahi: This orange-red mask covers the lower half of your face with wide-spread wings of metal. It hums with ancient power and promise. Better not break it... Special Property: Don't Overthink It - When using the Vahi, actions associated with it have a cooldown equal to the user's intelligence - 2. For every round of cooldown that the Vahi's actions have, there's a 10% chance for the user to lose control after using an action with the Vahi. The user gets a +20% chance to lose control unless they have an Empty Mind technique or similar skill. In this case, a Bad Thing happens (decided by the GM). Special Property: Elemental Mask - The Vahi can grant access to item-locked tricks and actions that involve time manipulation and may only be used while it is worn. In exchange for requiring the Vahi to be worn (which does nothing on its own), and being restricted to time-based effects, these tricks and actions are slightly more powerful than usual. Timeline Shift (Trick, Item-Locked): The power of the Great Mask of Time allows you to erase the ailments your allies suffer from out of existence entirely, altering past events to prevent them from having happened. Any effects that already happened remain as a sort of cosmic detritus. Try not to think about it too hard. -Level 1: The ally suffering from the most debuffs is cleansed of all debuffs. Then all allies suffering from debuffs of the same name are also cleansed of those debuffs. It's almost like they never happened at all. This action can only be used while wearing the Kanohi Vahi. Icarax, frustrated by Tsubasa, thrusts his sword at her! Thanks to the Makuta's darkness shroud, Tsubasa easily dodges it! Hikari makes a very angry slash at the Trespasser Tyrannosaurus, dealing 60 damage! Icarax, now more than slightly ABSOLUTELY LIVID, attempts to stab Tsubasa again! The tip of his sword bites deep, dealing 10 damage! Tsubasa is bleeding heavily! Cicivexa uses Thundaga on the Rahi Nui, dealing 3 damage and inflicting Thunderstruck for three rounds! The Rahi Nui roars in surprise as an elemental energy it doesn't have any defenses against arcs across its skin! The Rahi Nui's furious roar echoes across the battlefield! Cell flinches! Dackly flinches! Edmond flinches! Cicivexa gets a free attack from Thunderstruck next round! An answering roar echoes faintly across the skies... Edmond has flinched! Edmond has two actions... Edmond's single use of Stress Test drops the Trespasser Tyrannosaurus like a rock! Edmond loses 6 HP... Dackly has turned the Trespasser Tyrannosaurus into a Plushie Tyrannosaurus! It has a big head, and little arms. Its red and blue feathers are quite fetching. The Possessed Rahi Nui attempts to warp the battlefield further! ...But the web site where the warp terrain encounter table is hosted has gone down, so nothing happens. Tsubasa bleed 7 HP! Status: Initiative:
  7. "A special grove? Wonder what's there," Lexiel follows along behind Ako and Spicy HG, "Green magic isn't anywhere close to my specialty, but it's interesting to study even if I can't use it."
  8. Travis opens fire with his machine guns for 8 attacks of 6 damage each, looping around the initiative order until all are expended. Each hit lowers the target’s damage output by 2 for 1 round. The bullets seem to bounce off Icarax. The Rahi Nui stings Travis, inflicting Reality Acid and dealing 3 damage! Better clean that up fast… Icarax throws a cut at the Makuta, dealing 11 damage! Gozer intercepts it with Royal Guard! The Makuta activates his Kanohi Mask of Shadows, filling Hikari with righteous fury and giving her +12 damage for 3 rounds! Cell uses Ice Grenade targeting the Rahi Nui and Icarax! They lose 5 init and act last this round! (Or next round if they act before Cell). It doesn’t seem to affect Icarax… The Rahi Nui turns towards Cell and lowers its bull-like head, snorting viciously. Tsubasa uses Sky-Splitting Flash to intercept the next three attacks aimed at Cicivexa or the Makuta! Icarax attempts to shoulder-check the Makuta, but Tsubasa intercepts the blow! C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Icarax loses his next action! Hikari uses Dispersial Slash to deal 59 damage to the Rahi Nui! She activates her Blood Barrier to soak the next two attacks aimed at her! Icarax’s combo has been disrupted! Cicivexa casts Toa Freeze on Icarax, the Rahi Nui, and the TST, dealing 1 ice damage to each and granting him Umbra for 4 rounds. All three must make a DC 20 con save or suffer Bind for 2 rounds, cutting off actions that require proximity. Icarax ignores the effect! The Rahi Nui eats the ice damage and gets marginally more swole! The Trespasser Spawn Tyrannosaurus is frozen solid! And also softened! The paradox deals 10 psychic damage to it! Edmond asks the Makuta what his name is, and uses Bird’s Eye View to decrease incoming damage on Hikari and Dackly + Gozer by 30%! Edmond doesn't regenerate, because he's at full HP! The Makuta seems to be ignoring his question... Dackly uses Soften to inflict 4 stacks of Soften on the TST, reducing its damage output by 4%. Gozer uses Royal Guard, predicting that Icarax will attack the Makuta! A warping pulse emanates from the Trespasser-possessed Rahi Nui! Suddenly, whenever a member of the party breathes out, the air exiting their bodies emanates several feet to their left, bypassing their vocal cords! The party has been Silenced! Status: Init
  9. The Stormtrooper looks over the Idea Disc briefly, before clipping it to his belt for further examination later, safely away from the Captain. "I see," Saejik nods, "I do hope your containment protocols are sufficient to the task. I'd hate to have to have all our work here undone."
  10. "There's an obvious one," With the fighting over, Saejik steps up, "What do you intend to do with this... Thing?" He glares down at the battered Deity of Greed like it's some unmentionable thing scraped off his boot.
  11. "It's likely she's holding out because her explanation is either unbelievable, or does in fact run contrary to our interests. She's banking on us not being prepared for another battle so soon, and her jamming device preventing any outside forces from interfering. And yet, the presence of such measures suggests that she is not confident an altercation would go in her favor, does it not? If we needed any further persuasion, refraining from worshipping the Trespasser does not in my eye have any correlation to how dangerous the creatures are. Correct me, my comrades, if in your experience this is a flawed assumption?" Saejik's Stormtroopers none-too-subtly position themselves between the elderly officer and the new arrivals as he rests his right hand on his blaster's handle, "So... Do we want to fight this woman now? Or fight the inevitable results of her failure to contain whatever she plans to make of this creature later?"
  12. "Objections, I can think of a few. Starting with us not being finished killing that thing," Saejik stands tall, hands clasped behind his back as he turns to face the new arrivals, "It's with the world-eating vermin. It needs to be terminated. It certainly isn't safe if we let someone else run off with it."
  13. "Are we being jammed?" Saejik gives his commlink a solid whack, before clipping it to his belt sharply when this fails to make it work better, "Come on, Lyra, get up," He shakes the girl's shoulder, "I don't think we're quite done here."
  14. 5 mana bonds? Excellent. "These creatures violate the laws of this world," Lexiel invokes, "May we who bring justice upon them be empowered! Let the sphinxes' gaze pass on the righteous with favor!" Lexiel casts Sphinx's Revelation! Mitsurugi is healed for 3d4 + 6 HP, and reduces her longest active cooldown by 3 rounds as an ethereal sphinx made of shimmering blue and white mana manifests briefly, hovering behind her. The magical construct nods down at the goddess, sending a wave of warm, restorative energy and cool, comforting logic flowing through her mind. Spark Trooper is on cooldown for 3 more rounds Wall of Denial is on cooldown for 2 more rounds. Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n32cNcg9eEgyPGeQHO7bXH-1GVO8VS3CC1ZU3i60aiQ/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Captain Saejik calls down an Ion Cannon strike on CFW Magic! The ISD Renown fires a volley of blue energy bolts from its broadside ion batteries! They will arrive in 2 rounds, stunning the initial target. If the initial target is mechanical, they also receive the Ion Disruption debuff, causing them to act as if their attacks had been Basic Blocked for the next 3 rounds. The closest mechanical enemy to the initial target in the initiative order also recieves the Ion Disruption debuff, whether or not it was applied to the initial target. Saejik will send a Stormtrooper with a commlink to connect him to Lyra, "Keep your head in the game, agent!" He's not 100% sure what Lyra's rank or job description is, but she sure acts like an irregular agent, "Don't let them get to you! They're trying to compromise your judgement!" Lyra looses all temporary HP and then gains 14 temporary HP from Battlefield Triage, and if she has a status ailment when it fires up to 2 are removed. The Turbolaser barrage burns through the atmosphere in a hail of green streaks. It will strike CFW Magic in one round. The distinctive screech of Twin Ion Engines can be heard as the TIE Punisher crews line up for their bombing run. Initiative values 0-6 will be bombed in one round. Lead from the Front will cool down in 4 rounds. Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y2p_ofBRFbFPFAFbpyB8TC1eEvUUjg84Pjvg_GpeejU/edit?usp=sharing
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