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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DragonRage

  1. Captain Saejik climbs into the Driver's position of the AT-TE (lending it and everyone inside his initiative if they want it), and fires up his comlink once more. "Enemy heavy asset in grid squares 28, 31, 127, 128, 350, and 351! I want the area levelled now! Get the bombers airborne!" Captain Saejik designates initiative slots 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for carpet bombing! A squadron of TIE Punishers launches from the ISD Renown, bomb bays laden with devastating proton bombs. "Allies, I require your assistance. If at all possible, we need to slow Magic down! I've called in an air strike, but she's moving too quickly to be caught in it. It won't take much to bring her within range!"
  2. "Come on, Mira, you can't let a hit like that bring you down. Give 'em what for!" Captain Saejik shouts, "Gabriel, keep the pressure up, we need to get as much damage in as possible before she realizes she's focusing too much on offense. Punch, good thinking going after the support structures. Keep at it!" He uses Lead From the Front, giving Gabriel, Mira, and Punch 20 temporary HP and +6 attack damage for 3 rounds! Temporary HP is lost before normal HP, and replaced if a higher amount of temporary HP is applied. Lead From the Front is on cooldown for 5 rounds. The AT-TE will arrive next round! Loadout https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y2p_ofBRFbFPFAFbpyB8TC1eEvUUjg84Pjvg_GpeejU/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Taking advantage of the temporary speed boost from Hope Charm, Lexiel summons a Soul Warden, and orders it to stand in the corner and try not to get stabbed by anything. The Soul Warden has 12 HP and an attack that deals 6 damage. Whenever the Soul Warden or another being, friendly or enemy, enters the battle, Lexiel and all of her allies and summons are healed 5 HP. Relevant Passives: Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n32cNcg9eEgyPGeQHO7bXH-1GVO8VS3CC1ZU3i60aiQ/edit?usp=sharing
  4. "I'd say 'wanna bet', but I'm a bit light on things to bet at the moment. So I'll just have to take a rain check on that one."
  5. Zoe considers that for a moment. "Pity you expended the Cursed Cannonball of Hemottep. It's always interesting to examine magic items, especially ones from other worlds. But I suppose an army of dragons is a pretty serious threat if your prep work to deal with the fire breath is on a time limit. Pretty lucky you hit the dragon in the heart, too. Smoothbores generally aren't that accurate, well, not unless I'm shooting them."
  6. "Impressive!" Zoe claps a few times, "I had no idea you could get fire damage out of a wooden ship that fast without dock time! You must be very proud of your carpenter," She looks down at the deck speculatively, "How did he get wood that's so resistant to fire? Where can I get some of that?"
  7. "Probably more interesting than what we did. All we got to do was fight some crazy people and giant four armed apes on an iceball in the middle of nowhere," Zoe sighs, "About the only fun we got to have was bombing our way through the entrance. Lay the tale on me, space captain."
  8. "A good warning shot from the Dawn's main battery usually got them cooperative," Zoe reminisces, "Merchantmen generally don't feel too confident about their chances against the big guns once they know said guns are operational. Lots of pirates would buy old cruisers with spiked main battery guns, and then try to bluff it out, and once the traders and especially the military convoy escorts figured that out, they stopped responding to just a polite request. Rather inconvenient, but some blanks across the bow made for a decent motivator." A loud thud sounds behind the two, and Zoe turns around to behold a giant crate with a sticky note attached to the side. "Military surplus QT communication suite," She reads off, "Suitable for all voidcraft at interstellar distances of 'yes', and inter-dimensional distances of 'probably but we're not guaranteeing it'. One for the sailing ship Enterprise and one delivered to the Hyperion corvette My First Ship IV. Additional units available on request. Wouldja look at that, Sam came through! Communication links obtained and established! Just gotta put this somewhere out of the weather and get the electronics set up."
  9. "Hahaha, yes, a joke, that is what that was," Zoe coughs awkwardly, "Eh, I've committed piracy a few times over the years. Wouldn't call myself a professional, but sometimes the jackass on the receiving end of that freighter full of rare earths just wouldn't appreciate it like I do..."
  10. "Can't complain about working with someone with a code," Zoe grins a bit too widely, "If you didn't we'd have to add some, and I only know esolangs so that would be pretty rough."
  11. "Not if that ship's my Dawn," Zoe pokes Jack in the shoulder, "But otherwise... I appreciate it."
  12. "Hah! I've been on an Enterprise before. Not the famous ones, but maybe this one'll be the first Enterprise I've visited to really make her mark," Zoe sighs, looking back over the ship again, "Makes me miss my old ship. The Red Dawn was my home for longer than anywhere else. But on her last mission she got blasted pretty good. Still holds atmosphere, but she'll never leave orbit again without extensive repairs... or a tug. Some seer I turned out to be, or maybe the other paths would've been worse. Hard to say. Had to rent her hull out as office space just to pay to keep her out of impound. But someday I'll get the funds to get her running again, get the crew back together... And the next time I ignore the voices in my head and do the right thing, I'm gonna make damn well sure someone's offered to pay for repairs first."
  13. "Hey, wassup?" Zoe Walker slides up to the Enterprise's rail next to Captain Jack, and gives him a two-fingered wave with her left hand. "Man, does this take me back. Haven't been on a ship like this in slagging ages! Bit small, but there's a certain charm in it, especially with the crew hopping. You know, Jack, I caught your name, but I don't ever think I caught what you call this little beauty." She gestures expansively over the deck and masts.
  14. Travis slides his tank in front of Cicivexa and Edmond, and accepts his humanity! He abruptly finds himself in his original form, along with his tank and T-Dolls. The Gravity Rahkshi concentrates on Gravity Hammer, keeping Cell pinned. Tsubasa uses Second Form: Eye of the Storm to gain 1 DR, and accepts her humanity! Medusa fires her eye lasers at everyone! But Gozer used Royal Guard to negate her attack! He delivers a crushing monologue, before leaping at the fire stone! "You fool! Dackly never existed! It was always me!" Medusa screams at the earth golem, as he grabs the Toa Stone. Green fire engulfs his form, blazing skyward as his body grows slightly larger. The dazzling flames begin to die down, revealing his new form. His rocky body has altered, mechanical segments intertwined with warm, flexible rock, as if the stone and earth is taking the place of the organic components beings of Bionicle usually possess. Coppery armor plates cover areas that would be vital on an organic creature, and snake up the back of his tail, which is now fluffy with bright, green flames. Feeling his strength begin to drain from him, Gozer casts about, and finds the Mask of Kindred in his hands. Placing it on his face, he feels his power, new and old, stabilize. "What?!" Medusa is flabbergasted, "Impossible! Only a sentient being can become a Toa! You're not alive enough! You're just an empty shell!" Cell uses Wave of Denial on himself, Tsubasa, Gozer, and Cap from his prone position, protecting them from non-AOE attacks! Cell has blocked the Gravity Hammer! But it'll hit him again once Wave of Denial goes down unless the Rahkshi's focus is disrupted... Hikari uses Dispersal Slash on Medusa, stabbing her with the Starstorm Spear for 26 damage! Then she Drains Medusa for 10 damage, and heals herself for 5! Medusa's parry is disabled by Gozer's psychological attacks... Medusa doubles over in agony, clutching her head! She rips the Mask of Truth off, and it creaks in her grip! The Mask of Truth vanishes before she can crush it... She screams with one mouth! She screams with two mouths! Dackly, her cyclopean face screwed up with concentration and pain, is climbing out of the goddess' chest! "You're not real!" Medusa screams desperately, "You're a lie! Die! Die! Go away!" But her flailing at the problem only succeeds in throwing Dackly to the ground next to Gozer and Cap. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you and then you'll be gone forever!" Medusa grabs Loyal Gozer and rips away a handful of dark energy, which flows through her form! Medusa recovers HP and reduces her cooldowns. Loyal Gozer is looking a bit peaky... The Regeneration Rahkshi attempts to whack Cicivexa with his staff... but hits Travis instead, doing nothing useful. Medusa grabs the Regeneration Rahkshi next, and rips energy out of it too! The Regeneration Rahkshi is looking a bit exhausted... Gozer and Cap used a First Strike action... Cicivexa uses Manaward to defend himself, and rejects his humanity! The Lalafell grows taller and broader than any Lalafell ever has before (still a bit short for a human), and his body bulks up with rugged mechanical components, corded muscle, and sturdy, white armor over vital areas! Loyal Gozer attempts to throw a rock at Cicivexa! But Travis takes the hit instead! Travis takes 22 damage! Cicivexa takes 12 damage from poison... Medusa is having a bit of a nervous breakdown, and can't predict anything... Dackly brings with her the Blue Arts that Medusa learned while training with the Makuta! Some of them are a bit less awesome without the power and lack of restraint of a dark goddess behind them though... Status: Initiative:
  15. "Let's get EXTRA FUNKY! I smell your dark funk, girl, but my funk is stronger!" The Necrodancer squares off with Freya, sensing her dark power! The undead dancing mage pulls some hip-swinging Disco moves, causing Freya to lose 20% of her groove! The Necro Force Dances! Ginyu continues working the platters, blaring their theme song! Recoome is distracted by a voice in his head... Guldo advances on Thunderlord, tapping menacingly, occasionally teleporting (or appearing to) to surround her in a wall of staccato impacts! Thunderlord loses 20% of her groove! Burter and Jeice square off with Danielle and Aquila! In the spirit of fair play, as their opponents are preparing to dance, they do not attack the pair's groove. "What the heck?" Danielle stares at the Necro Force and the Necrodancer in utter confusion. Scout Skipper attempts to clip to the front of the Deadite Chorus Line to seize control of it. But Scout Skipper can't lead a chorus line while someone else's theme song is playing... Aquila makes a passionate challenge, and Burter and Jeice accept! Seeing him being ganged up on, Danielle steps up next to him. "Two on one? Let's make it a two on two. I'm not a bad dancer myself!" Alan is very confused. Freya is very confused. Stretch uses his Wild Slingshot trump to get extra funky! As Recoome was distracted, there's nobody to counter his sick moves! The Deadite Chorus Line loses 50% of their funk! "My conscience? Man, I thought you were dead!" Recoome responds, holding his ready pose and apparently completely forgetting what he was supposed to be doing, "Especially after I turned into a zombie and started turning other people into more zombies by eating them and dancing at them. I'm doing great! Being a zombie is a lot of fun. You don't have to work out to keep your gains, just eat people and make more zombies!" Sha'Tith tunes his Ukulele! Sha'Tith has set up "Island Beats" potential... The Deadite Chorus line dances to Ginyu Force Rules! All non-Deadite dancers lose 5% groove... Init: Status:
  16. "We're going to need armored support for this one," Saejik sends up to the Renown, "Send down an AT-TE." The AT-TE will arrive in 2 rounds! Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y2p_ofBRFbFPFAFbpyB8TC1eEvUUjg84Pjvg_GpeejU/edit?usp=sharing
  17. "Of course she has an army," Saejik sighs, "And of course she doesn't want to do things the peaceful way. Well, I have a few ways to possibly even the odds here, but not while this shield is up. Rather inconsiderate of the enemy to have it. Very inconvenient."
  18. "That would run counter to our objectives, I'm afraid," Saejik stares at the mound with no small amount of trepidation, though he keeps most of his feelings off his face, "I don't suppose you've decided to do the reasonable thing and discuss the terms of your surrender and how we're going to shut down this... thing you've created?"
  19. Captain Saejik takes the Life Shard! "Be wary," The Captain cautions the group, as his Stormtroopers fan out a bit. "Unknown terrain our enemies have had a great deal of time to prepare and study, plenty of cover, unstable footing, highly variable ground cover..." He sighs, looking at his surroundings with distaste and suspicion. "This is the perfect set-up for an ambush... or anti-personnel mines. Spread out, so one mine can't take us all out, keep an eye on your surroundings, and if you worship any deities, pray enemy action is all that's waiting for us."
  20. Edmond goes at full throttle, becoming the fastest thing on the battlefield! He YEETs Tsubasa directly onto the Kini-Nui... And she sticks the landing! "N-Nani?" Medusa flinches, shocked! "My calculations were off? Inconceivable!" Travis uses Drive Me Closer on the Gravity Rahkshi, dealing 8 damage and increasing the power of the next attack to strike it! "N-Nani?" Medusa flinches, shocked, "He shouldn't have the mental capacity to act outside my predictions!" The Gravity Rahkshi spins its staff, energy crackling over the weapon, points the end at Cell, and then slams the ground with it. The force of gravity under Cell abruptly, immensely increases, sending the strange being slamming into the ground with crushing force! Tsubasa places the Toa Stones on the altar, and a huge pillar of light blazes up into the heavens! A great sense of potential and power fills the air... And then everyone's metal bits. Something that feels distinctly like a switch in the neutral position wells up in the back of each of your minds, but it can't stay that way. Towards the familiar or towards the new, the choice will have to be made. "I suppose earlier unexpected outcomes threw that one off. That one doesn't count!" Medusa protests, averting her gaze from the blazing pillar erupting from the shrine. "Curse your luminescent actions! You'll pay for this!" Medusa gestures, and Starstorm Spears shower down upon Travis, Tsubasa, Hikari, Cell, and Cicivexa, dealing 8 damage to each! The spear bounces off Travis' tank... But digs into the others, who suddenly find themselves wielding a Starstorm Spear instead of their normal weapon. Starstorm Spears deal 1d6 + strength damage and must be used if equipped. At least they come in their own special equip slot. Cell is pinned by the Gravity Hammer, and cannot move! Hikari activates Blood Barrier! "N-Nani? A defensive move?" Medusa flinches, shocked! "This changes everything..." The Fast Healing Rahkshi smacks Cell with his staff while the strange creature is down, dealing 15 damage. "I'll enjoy watching you all burn!" Medusa's eyes glow brightly as she starts charging a powerful attack! Gozer and Cap use Spray, scattering stone caltrops under Medusa, the Gravity Rahkshi, and Loyal Gozer! "Fools! I know all your moves!" Medusa easily avoids the caltrops, "You're too predictable, automaton!" The others step on them though... Cicivexa is undefended and still suffering from the effects of his past traumatic experiences, but resolves to take his best shot anyways. He casts Blizaga on Medusa, but she blocks it with a sword made out of purest shadow! "Hah! Too easy! You're predictable!" One of Medusa's hair snakes lashes out, finding a safe path through Cicivexa's spell to bite him! Cicivexa is poisoned! And then Cicivexa casts swiftcasts Flare, dealing 17 damage to Medusa, 12 damage to Loyal Gozer and the Fast Healing Rahkshi, and 38 damage to the Gravity Rahkshi! Loyal Gozer seems unphased, but the Rahkshi are lightly scorched. "AAAAUGHHH! My face!" Medusa screams as the fire burns her harshly, "Not as planned, not as planned!" Unfortunately, being forced to use the Starstorm Spear as a focus and his uncomfortable mental state have weakened his spells greatly... Medusa is charging a very powerful attack... Loyal Gozer raises his hands above his head and slams them down, shaking the ground and forcing the party to scramble to stay standing! Their initiatives are reduced! This action appears to have taken a lot out of Loyal Gozer... Cicivexa is hurt by the poison. The Gravity Rahkshi is concentrating hard. Medusa is too busy extinguishing her face to make any predictions! Status: Initiative:
  21. Lexiel casts Hope Charm on herself, giving her next action First Strike! Relevant Passives: Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n32cNcg9eEgyPGeQHO7bXH-1GVO8VS3CC1ZU3i60aiQ/edit?usp=sharing
  22. The group arrives at the Great Shrine of Kini-Nui to plant the Toa Stones. But before you can approach the shrine, from the other side of the clearing, among the trees, a bubble of darkness appears, growing larger... and larger... From the writhing shadows, steps two disturbingly flexible, armored, hunchbacked figures, only vaguely humanoid, with snake-like heads and vicious spines on their backs. One armored in blue and silver and the other in black and brown, wielding gleaming silver staffs with intimidating dexterity, they open their back armor as one to allow the disgusting worms inside to screech at the party, a shrill, spine-tingling sound. As they do so, a great creature made of reddish-tan rock stomps out of the shadows, grinding noises accompanying its every step, several feet taller than the first two. A pair of glowing green eyes glare down at the party from deep pits in a craggy face. It slams a fist into an open palm with a report like thunder. And then the darkness falls into the earth, revealing... Medusa's face. Though her chin rests on the ground, even Travis atop his tank has too look up a bit to see her lips, twisted into a savage grin. "Hahahaha! The LOOKS on your tiny FACES! Well worth crawling through the trees to ambush you like this!" The ground shakes as her head rises, planting one foot on the ground and then the other as she stands to tower over the canopy, her purple chiton and grey-tinged flesh looking utterly alien in a world of biomechanical beings. She gestures with an immense hand, nails like claws, and dozens of spears made of pure, silver starlight manifest around her, razor-edged points aimed directly at the party. The snakes in her hair hiss balefully, eyes glowing with pitch-black radiance that makes the party's eyes itch. Hahli and Nuparu, no fools they, immediately turn around and run. Medusa snaps her fingers, and they freeze in place, lightning playing over their forms. "No running. Blue Art - Stasis. Stay... and meet my new friends! So much better than my old friends! This," She points to the blue and silver creature, "Is one of the Sons of Makuta, the Rahkshi of Gravity. He's objectively more attractive than any of you. Not that it's a hard bar to surpass, but I still feel it bears mentioning. This," She points to the black and brown creature, "Is another of the Rahkshi. He does regeneration. Literally unkillable. Quite entertaining at parties. I'm a big fan of his serial dismemberment trick. And this," She points to the rock creature that would look huge if it wasn't next to her, "Is Loyal Gozer. He didn't ABANDON ME! He stuck with me LIKE A TRUE FRIEND WOULD! And soon, as is fitting for such a LOYAL FRIEND, he'll be the ONLY GOZER! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She pauses a moment to take a deep breath in, "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" Status: Initiative: Medusa's Expectations:
  23. Alexandria exits the meeting place at her usual speed of 'I hope you aren't in a hurry' and heads back to the place the party agreed to meet. Time to share the news of our diplomatic success.
  24. "I see. It's the classic Orzhov trick. Make a deal that seems more favorable than it is, wait for your mark to realize this and try to escape or be forced to default, invoke the penalty clause, and fleece them for everything they have," Lexiel sighs, "You could have at least been creative," She rolls her neck, and feeds mana into her focusing gauntlet, lighting up the Izzet sigil on the side as she prepares her spells, "You're supporting a bringer of mass destruction, you're a con woman, and you're a liar; you said you had no intention to hurt people and that you already had in the same statement. Let's just skip the part where you try to feed us more lies and get to the part where things get done. You can revoke your connection to the Demon Lord willingly, or we will revoke it for you."
  25. Rachel continues to sing as she ACTIVATES HER JUMP PACK, ATTEMPTING TO LEAP OUT OF THE WAY OF THE INCOMING ATTACK. "For still our ancient foe does seek to bring us woe! His craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate, amongst us seems not his equal!" Loadout https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l2jxcNJV1QmvzgjgyfeoAxvdZB1ECuXVlP2zszg1YJg/edit?usp=sharing
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