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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DragonRage

  1. Interesting. Rachel rejoins the group. It’s probably time to move on, once everyone returns from what they’re currently doing.
  2. "That would make... a lot of sense," Iowa reasons, "Ships aren't supposed to fight on land. I can clearly do it if I have to, but... not for long I guess. Oh, the horizon's not supposed to be moving." She sits down heavily on the ground. "That's a bit better."
  3. Rachel decides to have a look around in the Libriarby. Perhaps she might be able to find more information about this underground world, or this version of Holy Terra.
  4. Perlita's spell helps... somewhat, in that it gets Iowa to a healthier color, but she's still having trouble keeping her balance, both hands clamped over her stomach as her rigging vanishes, "I... don't think that got everything. I feel... seasick? On dry land? That doesn't... seem right."
  5. Aquila slammed the undead cosplayer into the ground, using it's own weight against it to knock the wind out of them and giving time for him to mount their chest. The berserk knight all but tore the helmet from the head of the plague marine, chucking it to the side before his fist came down the hand raised feebly to defend it's owner doing little more than providing some padding before a second blow struck the side of their face. Strike after strike rained down from Aquila, body trembling with fury at the deadite in front of him until their body finally went limp under the savage beating it was handed. That still doesn't stop Aquila though, several more blows ringing out before he finally stops, blood dripping from his hands as he rises from his grim work. He pants for a few moments, the exertion of it all catching up with him before he stumbles off to find some cloth to wipe himself off with. For a moment, everyone pauses to catch their breath, while Danielle gives Aquila a speculative look. Then Spider-Man speaks up. "Man. I really hope those weren't possessed people or something. Doesn't look like it, since they didn't leave a body behind, but... That would just make this whole awful freaking day complete." "They're not possessed," Danielle confirms, "Well, not these ones. I can tell if something.... has a soul. If they did at any point, they didn't then. Whether they were killed before becoming those things, or it conjured them out of thin air I couldn't say. I'll let you know if there's any of these things you might want to be careful with so no one dies." Spider-Man considers this briefly, and then sighs in relief. "That's one load off. Sort of. But... We're going to need to secure a base of operations, a place we can fortify to keep these people safe while we look for more survivors," The superhero states, looking around, "It looks like we've cleared out this section of the mall, so... Macy's, Taco Bell, or the Apple Store. Once we've set up there (Achoo!) we can plan our next move." ---------------------------------------------- Shooting 'Supaidaman' doesn't seem to do anything to disrupt the sequence. But when Scout shoots himself he vanishes, and so does 'Supaidaman'. Scout reappears without the strange apparition next to Alan's van... ---------------------------------------------- "Well, shit," The archeress drawls at the sight, "Where's Thor when you need him?" She reaches out to the tablet, and swipes through the security feeds, "That ain't good. Looks like they've gotten quite a few people. The rest are trapped in... looks like Sporting Goods R Us, the food court, frilly clothes row, and is that Doc Ock in the Laser Tag arena? And a buncha weirdos working with Spider-Man and some survivors near the Apple Store." "Language," The blonde reprimands absently, "Yeah, that's a real mess. Jocasta, are you sure we should be...? We're still reservists, and... That's a lot of zombies..." "I at least shouldn't be in any danger," The android, presumably Jocasta, states, "You two would... probably be best suited to liasing with the police and serving as overwatch. Hawkeye does her best work at a distance anyways." "Hey, who's that?" The blonde asks, pointing to the strange, heavily armed man who just appeared next to Alan's van. "He doesn't look like a zombie. Friend of yours?"
  6. The inside of the temple is covered in coral and worn, stylized carvings of beings of Bionicle, strange creatures, matoran, and taller beings. However, what really draws the attention are the Toa Stone and silver Mask of Power sitting near the entrance, just waiting to be picked up. Two more masks sit nearby, outside the temple. One is rusted, pitted, and scarred with corrosion, giving off an unsettling aura. The other appears to have been dented and cracked by a massive fist. Gozer and Cell find the Water Stone, the Kanohi Pakari, a Broken Kanohi, and an Infected Kanohi
  7. Mirri decides it's time to look for work. No matter the place, if there's two people in it, someone's going to want someone else dead, in jail, or deprived of wrongfully acquired property. But first... "It's been too long since I gave my kit a once-over." Mirri looks for somewhere out of the way where she can make sure her gear is still functioning well.
  8. "So... If our group were to defeat the shaman without deploying the bioweapon, then you would have more further use for it," Alexandria deduces, "This feat is likely within our capabilities."
  9. Sister Rachel eats the burger, and contemplates where we might need to go from here. Hopefully, the group will be able to reach Asgore soon, despite the recent setbacks of somehow travelling back to the beginning of the journey again. At least nobody's heads have exploded yet.
  10. Rachel looks down at the burger with a bit of reluctance, "If we can't pay... I don't know that it would be right to accept this."
  11. "I think he is likely far more capable than he appears... or realizes," Rachel states succinctly and a bit cryptically.
  12. Suddenly realizing she hasn't eaten in a while, Rachel ducks into the restaurant and has a look around.
  13. Rachel sighs at Doggo's words, "Would that I didn't have to be good at fighting. But the Emperor teaches that those who cannot fight evil... shall inevitably be destroyed by it. I shall remember your words. "It is... reassuring to know that we did not travel through the warp without defense. Different world, different rules. It seems I have yet to remind myself of this often enough."
  14. "T-time travel?" The blood drains from Sister Rachel's face as she grabs her Incinerator flamer. Not pointing it at anyone, just clutching at the weapon for comfort, "Did... Did we just travel through the warp without a Gellar Field? Oh Emperor preserve us... Even a calm warp would... The odds of success are poor at best..."
  15. "I... don't like the looks of this," Rachel's hands creep towards her pistols as she cautiously steps back next to Arminius and Sans, "I recognize that the magics here aren't inherently evil, or as inherently dangerous as those I am most familiar with. But... That Flowey creature is of a very dangerous mindset. I would prefer not to need to undo your work of returning Chara to physical form, as I assume you had a good reason for wanting to do so."
  16. Rachel takes a deep breath, and lets it out. "Know your place, heretic. Your comfort and entertainment are not our concerns."
  17. Rachel cracks her neck, pulls a strip of bandages out of her pack, and unrolls it in a rapid, menacing motion. "Hold him still, Toriel. I believe I have found a way to administer a measure of justice to this creature without violating my oath."
  18. "I feel a sudden urge to, before we visit the king, blindfold that doll so it cannot witness what occurs," Rachel asserts, "Before, I did not trust it because I thought it a daemon. Now, I do not trust it because it is a craven, bloodthirsty thing with no conception of mercy."
  19. "One down," Rachel holsters her Inferno Pistols, and surveys the remaining dog creatures. They... seem to be under control for the moment, so she decides to not mess up what's working.
  20. "Ha! Got one!" And with... acceptable collateral damage. "Emperor, guide my shots." Rachel attempts to counterattack and disarm Doggo again, hoping to neutralize this threat entirely. He's certainly acting like he needs those knives in order to use his attack.
  21. The Child is moving. Based on what happened last time, moving is clearly not advisable. The knife-wielding creature will attack whoever moves. However... When the knife-wielding creature attacks with its knives, its movements become predictable. Sister Rachel draws her Inferno Pistols, points them at the Doggo, and waits. When he raises his knives to swing, she'll attempt to blast them into slag with the melta beams. Being microwave lasers, they can be very precise. And if she misses and hits his hands, well, it won't kill him and he has demonstrated intent to at least seriously injure Rachel and her allies. "I wish I'd been issued riot suppression gear," Rachel mutters as she prepares to take the shot, "It's so much easier to disarm someone with a stubber loaded with beanbags."
  22. "The previous canine creature did not seem like a particularly reasonable individual," Rachel points out, "We may have to fend these creatures off somehow." Without slaying them. Hm. Sister Rachel activates Triage to get a bonus action for healing, and applies Feel No Pain to Ignia, reasoning that her attack will make her a priority target. Ignia gains two stacks of Guts and a mildly traumatic experience with needles! Then she turns to the Child, and uses Chirurgeon's Treatment to treat the Child's stun. She automatically reaches for her needles again, but she's seen enough action to recognize when an ailment isn't physical. "Hey, get your head in the game," She lightly taps the Child on the forehead with an armored finger, "I can tell you were expecting something different to happen. Whatever the reason for that, we can discuss it when the danger is passed. For now, you need to be able to defend yourself. Get up, get moving, and may the Emperor be with you."
  23. "Let them track us if they wish," Rachel scoffs, "They will not stop us."
  24. Rachel keeps walking, expecting that as usual the rest of the group will catch up when they're ready.
  25. "I don't think I'd trust the cooking of something that likely can't taste anyways," Rachel muses, already walking onward.
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