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Everything posted by DragonRage

  1. FYI, this system doesn't distinguish between close and ranged combat. Also, you still have too many skills on Visrii. A level 1 skill costs 2 action points, and leveling a skill up costs 1. We each get 10 action points. You have 4 level 3 skills, which requires 16 action points. I get that you want your character to be awesome. If you look at my first entry in this forum, you can see that my first draft of Alexandria is stupidly, hilariously overpowered. It's actually kind of funny in hindsight. But you're going to have to choose some skills to drop levels from. Also, with the listed weights of his gear, he's going to take -4 on pretty much all damage rolls and checks because he's got a 1 strength and a 5 weight item. Carry weight stat =/= dump stat unless you're travelling very light. Also, I heard we need people who can cure wounds. If you could see that healing skill of his being a targeted effect instead of caster only, that would really help us all. Ugh, giving Alexandria the 'repair effects only' flaw may have been a mistake. It fits the flavor perfectly and excuses a fair bit of strong abilities, but healing restrictions are always a pain to work around. It was bad enough playing a mummy in a D&D game that one time, and the cleric could learn spells to heal undead. I sure hope we have a mechanic in the party who can patch me up after encounters, because if I take enough damage I'll have trouble doing it myself.
  2. How about these tweaks then? Alexadria's plasma cannon damage becomes a straight, universal AOE, sort of generally melting whatever you point it at. Its damage (at level 2) increases to 3d12+int. The charge time and cooling time are unchanged. She loses her Targeting Laser action. Her HL Generator bauble now provides both immunity to and inability to apply hacking-based status without a hardline connection using a Faraday cage effect. Her Attract Attention action now automatically draws fire. Her HL Barrier ability now provides (at level 3) a [res] buff equal to 3 times her level while active. At its current level, it can cover 1 additional person at a time, letting them benefit from the [res] buff, and once per round negates the non-damage effects of an action that strikes it. Wait, Visrii (a character I saw somebody else submit) has 4 level 3 actions? That costs 16 AP. Where's he getting it all? Don't level 10 characters start with 10 AP? Also, that staff seems a bit too good. It could probably use a drawback, or lower starting damage. 3d6 + stat is a lot of damage per action for something you can spam. And FYI the GM doesn't like skills that are capable of friendly fire. I already got one nixed.
  3. Oh. Ok then. In that case I will go back to the revised Alexandria build. My mistake. I did not see that. Are there any further problems with it, or can I go ahead and add it to the Google Docs character database?
  4. After a great deal of thought and attempted balancing, it occurred to me that as much as I like the OCs I submitted before, all my rebalancing was doing was taking them closer and closer to being Reinhardt, from Overwatch. If I'm going to make a Reinhardt expy with most of his abilities, why not just cut out the middleman and play as Reinhardt? He's a fun character, it doesn't feel like pulling teeth to power him down to level one, and I was mechanically going to be playing as him anyways. Sorry for the repeated posting. I think this actually is my final character draft. Should I do something with the previous posts to signify them as no longer relevant?
  5. Okay. I used too much stats. I thought I might have, but it's good to know for certain. I had no idea how the encumbrance system worked... I think I do now. I will post a revised version, altered for balance. I dropped the hammer and armor stats to more reasonable current levels and improvement rates, nixed the regenerating shield entirely, somewhat nerfed the plasma cannon damage, and quantified a lot of the things that were vague before. Also, Alexandria needs intelligence a lot more now, to in addition to the obvious need for strength, resilience, and constitution. My experience with D&D suggests that badly needing four stats at once is a great way to limit an otherwise powerful character. I also reworked the action distribution, because I think I misunderstood how basic attacks work. Now for the million-dollar question. What about Holly Berry? I don't think anyone even noticed she existed amidst the flak and legitimate (and much-needed) criticism for my other entry. Still, there were a few things funky about her that I now can recognize, so I'll post a revised version here.
  6. No, you're misreading it. The rocket hammer as currently written does 1d6 damage for each point of constitution Alexandria has, plus her strength bonus. This means that it currently does 4d6+4 damage. It is intended to be balanced by being a strictly melee weapon on a very slow character, but if that doesn't provide a significant penalty in this system I will come up with an additional downside. She can't permanantly die without some extremely thorough measures, this is true, but there is little functional difference between a few weeks in the shop and actual death when something's trying to eat the party's faces right this second. Actually, every single one of her perks is either mostly downside or has little direct effect on combat, intended to buy off her high statted equipment. All her starting gear is bound. It's literally incorporated into her body. She can't take it off any more than we can take off our arms and legs. This is why they don't have required stats. Body parts don't have minimum requirements. The reason they all improve is that they can't be replaced or supplemented. Everyone else has two armor slots. She has the ability to apply her constitution and intelligence as damage reduction. And a 'perk' that draws fire like nobody's business. Again, this is all subject to change. The rocket hammer probably is too strong, if 1d12 + stat is the mark of a high powered weapon. But I'd like to hear the GM's input before I change it, so I know whether to nerf numbers, add more downsides, or both. Hm. Needing a turn to recover after swinging might be a step in the right direction. As I said, I am still learning the system, and welcome all helpful advice.
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