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6 Fledgling

About vava4429

  • Birthday 10/21/1999

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  1. Hey! I'm looking for both solrock and lunatone to complete my Pokedex so no need for ivs/evs etc. If you need any mons in particular for them, you can try asking and I'll see what I've got (mostly for shinies).
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 🙂🍰

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  4. Thank You !!! EDIT : It worked once but it just turned back to normal form now and when i'm trying to change form it puts "Shaymin's form was set to 0" even though i put it on 1.
  5. One thing I was wondering, do we know what type Adam uses ? (I guess it should be rock or ground)
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    If you want to have a shiny as a gift, you can visit this thread 🙂


  7. You'll see. But you shouldn't be disapointed cause it's really beautiful in my opinion
  8. The shiny is really nice. Maybe just keep the surprise. Or i can show you
  9. You know you could already get it if someone traded a dark material to you. That's what I did and i got my fav pokemon .
  10. Should be tomorrow if there is no problem.
  11. Maybe like Diancie which will be Hardy's mega that He will offer us.
  12. That would go a bit like Arclight in the idea so i don't think so.
  13. I think it will be m-tyranitar because i expect a trick room team and m-aerodactyl would be to fast
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