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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by highonpotenuse

  1. no preference are you still online im ready now.
  2. Well if u have a level one that has all the moves i need, namely covet, then i could use one of those, and just train it up myself.
  3. Yea, I was gonna just head to the circus and do it, but i cant remember which save i had my level 75 simipour with those moves. So after looking through all my pc boxes i must of misplaced it or something. I just didnt want to have to rebreed and train up the monkey. So i was just hoping someone had an extra one laying around i could have or just borrow. I dont want anyone to think Im being lazy, Im at the part of the game where you have to do a few battle in a row and its hard. So of the 22 saves i have i figure i have enough good pokes to make it past there if I combine them down to like 5 saves. So im busy doing that and gathering z crystals and mega stones and rebuilding. And i need choice items so just looking for a little help on a item stealer.
  4. Does anyone have a choice item hunter i could have? something with covet, fling, recycle, or something similar.
  5. Well i have no way of accurately stating how many hours per run i have. I tend to leave my game running alot. But if it were like 60 hours per run then around 1200 perhaps............omg. I guess thats not terrible over 3 years but my goodness.
  6. LOL i was just steaming, Ive beat episode 17 with three teams so far but man its gonna be tough road ahead to complete all my runs.
  7. Just do more runs. I have over 20. This game is just that good.
  8. All of this should be hidden. Spoilers much
  9. Im pretty hype but the only one for me is alohan Marowak. Flame charge op!
  10. Was taking a look at the obtainable list, and some new additions. How exciting! However, didnt see the Alolan variations on there. So I am curious to know if I just missed the sprites or since its the same species, would it already be as shown in the chart?
  11. If u havent main it past Radomus, then u have quite a ways to go before u ever make it to episode 17. 15 Ends at Ceil. So really the only thing you are waiting for is gen 7?
  12. Ludoculo @ damp rock Modest Swift Swim *Giga Drain *Icy Wind *Surf *Rain Dance Poliwrath@Sitrus Berry Adamant Swift Swim *Waterfall *Brick Break *Belly Drum *Rock Tomb (Ice punch is probaly better, what do you think?) Hitmonlee@Normal Gem Adamant Unburden *Fake Out *Close Combat *Meditate *Blaze Kick (Hitmonlee was originally on a sun team in a different run but I can run him here as a lead or late battle sweeper when the rain lets up) Noivern@Yache Berry(I need to get another life orb, but for now I guess this) Modest or Timid Infiltrator *Hurricane *Flamerthrower *Dragon Pulse *Dark Pulse Heliolisk@Life Orb Timid or Modest Dry Skin *Thunder *Dark Pulse *Surf *Grass Knot Blastoise@Damp Rock Modest Rain Dish *Dark Pulse *Surf *Rain Dance *Flash Cannon
  13. I have tons of teams ive pushed through this game. The only thing i suggest is natures, and just hit the ev resetter up after you return to a bebuilt reborn. I havent had to worry about ivs at all. Plus there is the one heart scale guy who resets the nature so it makes soft resetting for natures easy. Just by worrying about egg moves (since tms are non existent until episode 16 and even then meh) and natures, should pretty doable. For extra context ive done it with set battle style and no potions/revives or status healing items unless through holding. So i suggest not wasting your time iv breeding and ev training. TLDR naw you dont need to.
  14. Yea, it can be tedious, I had hitmonlee and hawlucha in two other runs with it. I just ended buying a ton of gems and only putting on the items for the major battles. As you said tho, sceptile is already insanely fast.
  15. 90 percent! This is gonna be so amazing!
  16. Also perhaps in a little investment towards scrafty. When catching scraggy, soft reset for dragon dance to save time on breeding, move tutor an ice punch, run hi jump kick, and crunch. Moxie is an amazing ability. Scrafty is also suprisingly tanky and after a dragon dance or two he can really face wreck entire teams. We have rock, steel, and dragon gyms still left along with water. 3 of those gyms would be terrified of a +2scrafty.
  17. Perhaps changing Sceptiles abilty to unburden and buying up a ton of type gems to activate might also be a choice for you. Although Sceptile is really fast as it is.
  18. Id love to help you out on the early game pokemon, but i havent played rejuvenation in a couple years. However, Im sure many other people on here would be able to help you out with this, though i would advise searching for or creating a topic specific to this need. I find it easiest to just type in early game pokemon in rejuventation or something similar on google.
  19. Im aware how u can have multiple same type pokemons, however i was answering from a basic point of view on how to build a balanced team for an in game run. Also, these were just my opinions.
  20. Well the first thing you need to think about is coverage, whether is be pokemon typing or move typing. Second is pokemon availability. After you have a general idea of who is available you can begin to construct a team. So begin with your starter, fire-grass-water. Suggestion wise, Froagie give excellent coverage options all throughout the game with his speed and ability. Charmander gets dragon rage, while totodile gets sheer force with decent coverage options. Grass wise, with some patience contrary snivy turns into a monster. After you get past the starter, try to always diversify your typing by not repeating a type if you can help it. I also suggest looking at the weakness of the individuals and try not to repeat a weakness more than 2 or 3 times across the team. ALWAYS have coverage for your weaknesses. I also suggest getting a good mix of special and physical attackers. For me personally, I try not to have 6 pokemon who could potentially sweep because it leaves you open to get swept yourself. Find a support pokemon than can allow you to set up one of your sweepers. For example, confuse ray, yawn, wish, trick room(if your sweeper is slow). Alot of times i try to make my tankiest poke more of a supporter as well. Lastly, having access to moves that gives you a 4x damage to common threats. For example, having a consistent rock, fighting, ice and grass user will go a long way with 4x coverage all over the place.
  21. Looking at your squad and potential substitute I dont see much of a challenge for you for the remaining gym leaders. Your have so many coverage options in the pc that until the elite four. If the elite is like any of the other games where you must use a singular squad of 6 to run through it, there might lie the trouble. But really thats anyone. That being said, If you find the game being too easy on the upcoming episode, perhaps a switch to set battle style may show more of a challenge if you arent already using it. Personally, I decided that I was just gonna do multiple runs with 6 man squads, with no pokemon appearing twice. to each his own. What i Love about Reborn is there are just so many options, and really has forced me into some deep thoughts around the 16th squad. With the absence of game breaking tms, and the time between episodes, I have put together some squads with pokemon I used to always hate. However reborn has changed my thought process to the point where I have found certain NU and even a couple PU pokemon getting the Job done. Soft resets and 2x speed have been a life saver. See you in the next episode.
  22. Well i was hoping someone with the skills in pokemon essentials would be able to create one and input into a save file for me. Its no worries. After as many teams as i have put together and created i was just trying to do something outside the box. No worries.
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