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  1. I was wondering if someone is willing to trade me a blue moon ice cream? I want to use it for a Titania interaction but since there are no vending machines in Agate Circus getting one is a bit tedious.
  2. Flygon crest: Bug moves are now stab, and double damage on not very effective moves (basically tinted lens) Archeops crest: Replace Defeatist with Rock Head Intelleon Crest: All moves deal damage based on the targets lower defense (moves will calculate damage off defense if defense is lower than special defense and vice versa) Spinda: gains the Simple ability Exploud Crest: All moves hit for neutral damage Alolan Raichu: Gains water Stab and gain swift swim ability (Just for fun) Regigas Crest: Slow Start takes 2 less turns and gain the Sheer Force ability
  3. How do I confirm my selection of challenge runs? And does the random seed randomizer randomize starters?
  4. Uhh are the espurrs supposed to only turn into male meowstic cuz my female espurr just evolved into the male version
  5. Own Tempo rockruff is available as a trade in the west gearen port at a lady near the buizel event.
  6. Welp..... too late for that
  7. I need help searching for Teddiursa. I have the right conditions to find it (clear weather and daytime) but the little dude appeared only twice for me (Once at starting location and the other at the alley below the Factory you enter at the beginning) and disappeared after that. Is this a glitch or is something not right? Is there another condition that I haven't met yet?
  8. Can catch a lvl. 70 empoleon at Evergreen Forest after finishing v10 and get kings crown
  9. How do you get Phanpy? Is it time based or am I just unlucky or is the encounter rate even smaller than the drifloon?
  10. Where is cleffa. I spent a lot of time but only find dedenne, and common encounters
  11. Where do I find karrablast. The guide says sheridan wetands but i have been searching for practically an hour but i still have not seen one.
  12. How do you get Turtonator or however you spell it? The guide just says valor mountain but that really does not help my search.
  13. well, oh, spent forever finding flora. well it was that easy i guess.
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